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Now, we are getting close! I have a couple scenes left to render and left to write. It's that time where things are all starting to fall into place.

As for the render count I did make a mistake on the last dev update. I had included the redone images but forgot to remove the old ones from my collection so I accidentally had those there. Not a huge deal but wanted to make that clear. Speaking of redo's, again I am redoing another scene. Last time I promise lol.

But we are over 550 renders now, I suspect to be in the mid 600's upon release. As for animations, that count is now at 25. There are 2 more that I need to setup for sure and may add a couple extras as time allows.

Hopefully I can get everything ready for proof sometimes late this week and beta testing by next weekend. Unlike what I typically do which is flat out render and render till release I feel confident this time that won't be the case, so hopefully late next weekend I will actually start development on the chapter 6. 

This release certainly took a bit longer for its size and I do apologize. I think it was just me slowing down a bit, before I took my vacation. That is where most of my redone stuff is from. It's kinda amazing what a week off does to get back in the groove :)

Now, for while you wait, there is another dev out there named Perverteer who just recently finished his first game, Sistery Lust. He has been working on it for quite some time and has certainly built up a nice little fanbase. He is a really nice guy and is stepping out to some new territory in his next game. You can check out his patreon here.

As always guys, stay awesome!





Great news Philly!

Robert Arctor

Don't make promises you can't keep 😉


So chapter 5 should be around the 2 week of December?


Should be somewhere in that timeframe. Once it goes to proof that does need time though.