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Oh we are getting closer and closer!

450 renders now, I even redid a scene with Katie so that ate into some of the time, but well worth it, as you can see above. There are 20 animations done and a couple others setup and ready to go. Those I will render out during the work week.

Also, speaking of Katie renders, I'll be starting the custom renders for the month tonight. Hope to get that to you guys soon.

As for the script side of things I got a good chunk done last weekend and started off pretty good today as well. I will admit that is probably the part I struggle with most. I end up writing something then thinking it over then re-writing it over and over. But, its coming along nicely and hope to get more big chunks done tomorrow and Monday. When custom renders go at 4k it is nice to sit down with the script for a good hour and just write.

I also had someone help me out to do some nice imagery for the main patreon overview page to spice it up. It was always pretty dull before. So, made that more attractive for that whole marketing thing I am terrible at.

So, another thing. Speaking of marketing I have had some patreons ask me to help out specific other devs in the sense of cross promotion. I personally have never really had issue with this as long as the dev was nice, hard working, and putting out a fun project. It is not something I have ever done, though. I have given shoutouts before, but I never expected anything in return. I know it is a good way to market myself but at the same time I remember the days when some devs basically survived doing that without doing work. That was what turned me off it in the first place. But, seeing guys like hopes and such starting to do it, but being selective about the process is making me question if I just have a poor bias against using them.

That one I would love feedback on. Do you think its overall a good thing? A bad thing? And why?

Thanks guys,

And as always stay awesome!




Julian Harper

There was a lovely crossover with My Sister, My Roommate and Where the Heart Is, where the main characters appeared in the other game in a scene. It was a small scene but it fit perfectly in both games and was very cool if you played both of them. I'm all for them, but it has to be done in such a way that it fits the game being played.


I think in the end it comes down to what you're comfortable with. You have good instincts and know what a good thing is and what a bad thing is. Overall, if the dev has a good game, a nice attitude, positive followers who are happy to support them It's a thought you can entertain, but if you don't feel comfortable doing it, people should also respect that as there is risk no matter what doing something like this. Any intelligent person shouldn't be upset if you were to choose not to do a cross promotion.


Oh it wouldnt be in the game itself. Sorry for the confusion. But more a post on patreon or added to a dev update or some such.


I'm fine with shoutouts/cross promotions. When I see a dev I respect recommending a game, I'm more inclined to check it out. Since you already have an audience and a reputation in the community I wouldn't say that you need to worry about 'surviving' off cross promotion. If you want recommendations you can HMU, or any number of other people in the DC.


If you like another Dev work , my thought is that would be really nice from you to make a shout out. It can help both the other developer to be known and your followers to see and maybe try some other nice games...I like to see other developers make this kind of cross promotion ...


There's nothing wrong to be selective in doing the cross promotion. I mean you're just being cautious there so people not sub on dev that don't their job. Also it's a good thing to do as people can know about your game more.

Deluca Joey

Good . possible you select what game its better for cross


This sounds like a copout, but it is up to you. Get a feel for any devs who want this (or who you want to do this with). It's always tricky, especially when you have such a high quality game yourself. But ultimately, doing cross promotions is usually a net positive.


It is a two edge sword. If you have played their game and liked it. Then recommend them, It is a way for me to discover new quality games. And it would get your name out for someone to try your game.

Leslie Campbell

I do not see a problem with doing it, iI do agree with what others are saying about at least getting a feel for the devs and games.


Do what you've already been doing with guys like Hopes, Motkeyz....psycho....Dom....etc. Maybe throw Az a bone too. :D


Depends on who you give a shootout. A lazy dev no, but someone like OneManVN who is working on 2 games, learning Octane to improve, it could be worth it.


I dont mind shoutouts at all. Ive found so many patreons i support now because of them

Mike S

As long as you like the other dev and their game I am quite sure we will too so just do what you feel like :D


I am with Xor and Random Hero, Philly. I don't necessarily see a problem with it but I agree it should be people you feel comfortable with, who you trust, and who puts out quality work. Doing a shout out for someone not putting heir all into will also get a bad rep for you to suggest it. Like we all were discussing the other night, it's all fun and games until someone gets their feelings hurt and then it's your name in the thick of it too. But I trust your judgement and will follow along with whatever you decide brother.


Man, if you didn't do shoutouts of people you respected, I would never have found the gems that make up the best of my collection! *cough* stoper *cough* So keep at it!


Yes, it's right to be careful who you promote or do shout out to, since as much as it can help you it can also damage your rep. There are some small devs who deserve every help they can get as they push and work towards the goal while learning and improving with each update and then there are some bigger dev's who are never on time and just leech money while doing nothing, and I don't mean few days or weeks on delay but months.

Matthew Thomas

I would say do it, but only if you actually believe in the project.