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Okay lets keep this brief because I have work to do :P

First render count. Sitting at 360 now. This week was a bit slow on that front because I was setting up a few new environments which took a couple of my weekdays. Still, progress is good but I have a ton more to go.

As for animations again had some issues with a couple which required them to be re-run, but those are now done, and now sitting at 11 so far with plenty more on the way.

As for writing I got another big scene done today and my weekends are typically focused on that side of things. Hopefully I can get 2 or 3 more scenes done this weekend as well.

Next couple of weeks I plan on that render and animation count to sky rocket since the environments are good to go for the next while.

And yeah, this release will be on the large side.

As always stay awesome!





Can't wait Philly!


Rock-n-Roll Philly!!


sounds good


why is she beckoning us? Perhaps she has some cake. Excelsior


Watch out... it might be a trick. Maybe there is no cake!?