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WOW. Okay, almost two years ago I started doing this. Today I reached one of those hallmark points of hitting 1000 patrons. I'm sure while I'm writing this it will go back to 999 but whatever that's okay :P

I want to thank everyone who has supported me, really, truly, thank you. I couldn't have made these games without your support. I look back on the first days of Depraved Awakening that I rendered on a machine that really wasn't geared for doing it. I actually had to delete files and add files because my hard drive was so small. And how that 1060 vid card didn't melt I have no idea but it powered through almost all of DA. With your help I was able to get the gear needed to do this properly. 

But it's not just that: all the people I have met while doing this is astonishing. The community has been great, people helping each other whenever they can. The support of simple encouragement or useful feedback has been amazing. It's really hard to put into words. I can just state that I have gained a ton of friends from doing this and that means the world.

Again, thank you! Thank you, so insanely much!

Now, to stop my rambling we should do something fun. How about some custom renders for everyone. I'm putting the whole lot up for a vote.

As always stay awesome!


EDIT: Bah! I forgot Gloria!!! Guess she is the next monthly render! I got to excited I'm sorry!



Fuck yeah my dude, congratulations!


I believe Ms. Vasquez, the unheralded star of (spoiler), deserves a star turn.


Kudos. Milestone reached. Onward and upward.


Congrats Philly !


Ha a thousand fools have fallen for your trap. Now to ensnare the next 1000. Excelsior


Congratulations !!


Congrats! 😊


Well deserved.


Grats, you deserve all the support you got by your work and communicating and willingness to help others as far as I am concerned. I think Sonja deserves some extra love since it seems she will not be a main in the game itself, maybe some special poses together with Stella.


My personal congratulations for you Philly !!! You deserve all your success!!!

Naughty James

Congrats and yea it a grind to get to the 1000 supporters but so worth it when you hit it but then again you do make a good game with a good game story, so yea you earn it, again congrats


Congrats glad to be apart of it and keep up the good work


Congrats. Your games are simply amazing !