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Here we go!

Chapter 2 is out! Again, a lot of work went into this one. Expect things to slow down a little in the story, because now it's time to learn about the characters that populate this world. There are a few branches in this one, but don't worry, choosing one will not lock you out from characters down the road but will certainly help you. I would suggest you try them all.

Going forward from chapter 3 and on I will also include update patches so that you do not need to download the full game. I had to restructure how the game was built on the file structure side so I was unable to do the patch build for this one, but its prepped and ready for that in the future.

Also note: there is a scene that may not be everyones cup of tea. It is not typical, and also hard to get. You can also skip it if you want.




Change Log


* 700+ Renders

* 28 animations

* 4 new licensed music tracks

Small patch to address typos included in 0.2.2




BTW guys i have had 2 reports of an exception error in the game. Dont panic. Just close the game and restart again from your last save before it happened. It seems to be isolated and i can not reproduce it but simple fix.

Rob The Weed Enthusiast

Great update cant wait for the next update still by far the best game I've found


Agree with Rob, one of the best looking games I've seen so far on Patreon.


I like your style, Crime Noir/Cyberpunk and Erotic story is the best combination. Don't know why others think that they should do comedy for adult game.


Well comedy works as well for peoples enjoyment. It is not a strength of mine so i tend to shy away from it. Though if i can have a funny moment here and there I do like to include it just to break things up a bit for the player. But I try to keep that humor very character based.


omfg the graphics are better than some triple AAA games. gj


Just became a patron. I dig the Cyberpunk style, and just the first 2 chapters, already have me hooked. Really impressive work--looking forward to more. Thanks!


Where is chapter 1?