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This will be a quick one since we are in the middle of development but I'll give you an overview. First, there are now 260 images done and through post work and a lot more to go. I am currently working on a single scene right now which so far is over 75 renders, and I am not even half done it yet. 

There are also currently five animations done. Then four more are set up and ready to go which I will start tonight and be able to get one done each night during the work week. Then more to follow after that.

I am also going to work on making a couple changes on how things work concerning videos. Nothing drastic don't worry, it will just make things more attractive for the player.

I will also look at making it so the items in the glossary are collapsable but currently, it is not a high priority yet. It will be in the future when more glossary items are in place. Then it would just be a wall of text which I do not want.

As always stay awesome guys!




Naughty James

thanks for the update and how you been doing, I hope you doing good now that the weekend is ending and damn it with this daylight saving time, I missing a hour awke time and couple of coffee, lol


Philly always keep his nose the render stone as it were. Everytime he pops out of the cave he looks like tom hanks from castaway. No you stay awesome philly. Excelsior


Good thing Philly has more than a volleyball to play with in his cave.


Hmm... such a tease ! Temperature is rising, it's beginning to be hot here ! :P


I'm pretty excited I was able to deduce who this "mystery" woman was from the rough animation image. Thanks for confirming my suspicion with this image Philly.