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Yes, I have shown there faces but decided to do more shots of these three girls. They may be used for promotion or for parts of the new page, but wanted to share with you guys first. There are still a couple small tweaks I want to do but I feel they are in a good enough spot to show.

The one above is Gloria Conner. She may look small and fragile but nothing could be further from the truth.

Next we have Victoria Shields. Another, where looks can be deceptive. I will most likely flatten her tummy a little before I am done, but minor grip on my part.

Lastly, we have Katie Hamilton, our valiant Doctor, and a link to the past and better times.

Next on the block which I hope to have in a good place this weekend is a crazy punk rocker which should be a lot of fun. 

I wish I had the time to get all the characters done before DA was finished but the priority had to be getting DA completed and done properly. Speaking of which, this last week has been really heartfelt with the amount of people telling me how much they loved the game, it really took me by surprise just how much it meant to people. So, my promise to you guys is I will try my hardest to ensure the next game is just as good, if not better to give you another unique experience.

As always, stay awesome guys!


ps: the above 3 images are attached below as well.




very lovely! especially Victoria, thou I think that with her cheeks a little bigger she was more...special. they gave her more realistic looks and if there would be voting for her tummy - I'd vote against it =) they are beatiful thou either way, just saying my thoughts aloud =) thank you very much for DA and cant wait for this new game!