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So I planned to release this weekend but this week has been brutal. Both issues with a few animations and real-life work getting in the way. I noticed I had been rushing things the last couple days to meet an arbitrary deadline that I set myself, I had to step back and realize a few more days is not the end of the world, and to do things right. This is the final version after all, and I want to be sure DA goes out with a bang. I just needed a bit more time. I hope you guys are okay with this. Don't worry; all tiers will be able to get their hands on it before the month's end, it won't be a long delay. 

On the plus side, the "bonus" scene I am doing will only get bigger :P Trust me. You want that!

Thank you guys,




Have waited for release today, I wont lie, but for last 6 months learned to trust your judgment and you never disapointed. But I'd be OK with waiting for another week or even month to recieve the final which you see as a perfect one. Keep up the good work, you are the best out there.


Quality over quantity any day.