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So far so good on the DA front still looking at mid-August at least for release. This will be a big one already at 350 renders, and that number will only grow. Typically it would be much larger by this point, but I got started late on this one. Was never meant to be this large but I wanted to touch on everything.

The H-Scenes are all done except the one I am currently working on then the rest is all the story. I expect some of the shots to be pretty tough, but I'll manage.

As for the upcoming game I did two more characters this weekend. Going to have to take a break from that though to focus on DA for a little while. Still, I am pretty happy with the results and will post those shortly.

Another thing I want to address is for new members that join the discord. There usually is a bot that will detect your role and automatically assign it. This seems to be having issues so if you want roles send me a message here asking for it with your discord username and I will add you as soon as I can.

Thanks, guys!




Also, they tend to fail on the art direction. There appears to be a lot of work that goes into making those renders work.


Yes, Philly's characters and animations are one of the very best! That's why I was so surprised to discover that it was his very first game!


You guys are pros. You update us regularly, providing detailed explanations of what your schedules look like, and you end up delivering top notch products that have good stories and good renderings and animations. It's just well balanced. Thought I'd say it, considering I've had bad experiences recently with a couple of people here in Patreon that don't seem capable of delivering the goods.


Just a one man show right now :P I am glad you appreciate the work. On the front of being burned by other devs I will just let you know I feel guilty if my computer stops rendering for like an hour :P I will always try my best to be open and honest about what I am working on.