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There’s a saying like idol, like fan..honestly ICs isn’t a perfect fandom either..we also have our share of drama and issues. We had issues with akgaes aka solo stans, trolls, fake ICs, and ppl who left the fandom due to real life or moving on to other idols or groups. We had issues with other fandoms outside YG as well. But for the most part we are truly a VERY CHILL FANDOM. WINNER has always be so friendly, accommodating, chill, wise, intelligent, and open minded and they expect the same from ICs too. When they also see some ICs lash out or engage in fan wars, they legit call us out and say don’t be like that. They rather see POSITIVE and CLASSY comments. If there is some kind of negative tweets or issues, don’t look at it or engage with it. Only look at GOOD THINGS, which is a common saying of Yoon. As Mino mentioned, Yoon has a bad habit of constantly reading comments good and the BAD..and he would really take in the BAD because he is the kind of person who wants to improve and know the other perspective and opinions of others. I mean it’s always a good trait to take bad comments or criticism and make it a positive or using it as fuel to improve/challenge yourself. But too much of it can stress you out and drain your energy. So Mino has a point, Yoon doesn’t need to read ALL THE COMMENTS. Also, he doesn’t have to carry all the responsibilities because he can rely on them when he’s tired/exhausted. Let his members also help him carry the weight sometimes. Luckily, Yoon has gotten better and started to relax more which is a relief for us ICs. Maybe because WINNER is so well established and well loved these past almost 10 years in SKOREA. The pressure and burden for them is not a huge issue for them. They can easily be booked in dramas, variety shows, heck they did WINNER BROTHERS on their own, and Mino/Yoon did their photography/art exhibition. While still releasing music and being successful. But yeah I’ve seen them grow up in real time.. I watched Yoon in SUPERSTARK in 2010 and Hoony in KPOPSTAR 2011-2012. Then WIN happened it and just seeing them just be successful, happy, still enjoying doing music together, and still making and keeping their promises to us ICs is just an incredible feeling. Honestly, WINNER x ICs is OTP.. the boys were right..we’ve been through soooo much together, but we became stronger and stronger with time. We’re FAMILY.. which makes me emotional because remember FAMILY in the HOLIDAY album? Even though it’s WINNER’s song for each other, they also said it’s to ICs as well. FAMILY. 🥺💙💙💙💙


Hello Gotkatzy thank you so much for the very detailed information about winner/individual member and the fandom. I may not have a long reply but I truly appreciate the effort 💙