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IAI's new XLUUV Blue Whale has been operating in the Med. since May 2023. It's first publicly announce operation is ongoing right now with NATO forces.  This unmanned submersible has a low frequency towed array for long range detection of submarines, a surface search radar, electro-optical sensor on the mast, high data rate communication antennas, flank sonar arrays (not installed in this photo), and mine detection sonar.

This is a total intelligence gathering package, acoustic, visual, electro magnetic spectrum capable that has very long endurance (weeks) and completely autonomous with HMI (Human-Machine Interface) remote instruction available but not necessary. 

This is the most advanced XLUUV operational today. This is the new standard in XLUUVs. 



Neven Jereb

Go Israelys! To bad Ukrainians will be second, but theirs is going to be The lethal one..🦾