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I can't believe we are to the point where we are hiring researchers and writers. Things are changing so fast this year. When everything seems to slowing down, we are growing like gangbusters and it 100% due to your Patreon support. 

There is absolutely ZERO chance we would be here without everyone one of you. Sincerely, thank you for your years of support.




Congratulations on growing the channel by providing such great content, shipmate.

Bob Smith

Can I work remote for you?


That's so awesome!!! Hey I would be a researcher for free while I get my international affairs degree here at UNR


Congratulations Aaron! I would love an opportunity to write for you, where can we see more info?


Here is the job posting. I am not looking for a Fan of the Channel (I love you all), I am looking for someone who can create the PowerPoints with strong sources and few/zero mistakes. If you are involved in the OSINT community and have real research experience and can make a powerpoint, I'm looking for you. https://www.upwork.com/ab/applicants/1632040694555807744/job-details




Sorry, I have never left a comment, in patreon.


Well, don't hit the return key.


Just, take a breath, and slow down your pace of speech.


I'll keep listening to you regardless.

Fred Hill Jr

Boy Aaron I’d love to do this. Sad I’ve been out of Air Force Intelligence for over 20 year and my power point is rusty. I’ll just watching and being a navy fan. I’m retired US Air Force. One question, I’ve missed, were you Boomer are Attack? Good lucky with your channel.


I'd think about it, but I would require an honest answer regarding my old position first. 😝


Hey Jive, is there any plans on making a brief on the Danish Iver Huitfeldt frigates in the near future?