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An extremely rare photo of a submarine crew shooting a shoulder mounted, portable surface to air missile from the bridge of an underway submarine.

Photo credit and my personal thanks to @Saturnax1  follow him on twitter for more rare photos!  This is incredible. 




Make sure not to aim into that forrest of masts. That would be a bad day.


That picture really gives an awesome view of the scale of these submarines.. Also, question, does the distance from front of boat to sail matter? I’m assuming that it does to some degree I’m just curious as to how much, does it matter? Thanks


If a sub is on the surface firing a SAM, the sub is probably having a really bad day already.


I think it does matter, but I don't know enough about naval architecture or engineering to know why.


Hey thanks for the shout-out mate! Happy to be a part of this amazing community.


On top! https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3239/2652596713_b1751b4cb4_b.jpg


Soviets could help with that one considering they're the only one to develop the Typhoon with the missile compartment in front of the sail lol


So, after looking up some stuff and reading some interesting articles about submarine design I think I found an answer. "suggest that a large sail suffers less interference drag when placed on the fore part of the main body, ahead of the maximum thickness(of hull)". Reference Hoerner, S. F., Fluid Dynamic Drag, Self Published, 1965. I haven't really found anything else on the subject and my eyes are bleeding from looking at the engineering drawings....


Only the Russians would photograph this from a nearby aircraft.