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Every day the Oberon SSK Sub Brief grows.  Some of you have shared photos and stories of your family member's service.  That is really exciting for me to hear your personal stories.

Because we are dealing with 27 Cold War submarines in the brief, I am going to make it in 2 parts that will come out this month. First will be the 13 Royal Navy Oberon subs and all their exploits.  That should be out by Friday, August 7th.

Afterward, I will turn my attention to the 4 countries that operated the other 12, and that will be out by the end of the month.

There is still time to add your photos or experiences to the Sub Brief.  Message me on Twitter @jivturky is the best way as I always check those messages.  You can also email me at hirejive@gmail.com which is my business email and your satisfaction is my business. :-)

You can even just say 'hi' if you want.

OK, I am getting back to work,





Jive: For the second part I would do a brief re-cap of the history of the class instead of just jumping into the service histories of the foreign Oberons for continuity's sake. Also make sure to proof-listen to your narration to avoid detail errors. Do the narration in chunks if necessary to help with editing.


Sounds like a plan! This just dawned on me, the Oberon's and the US Guppy Conversion's remind me a lot of each other in the way they look. I wonder if there is some influence there?