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The development, construction and capability of China's quietest nuclear submarine.


Type 093 Viemo edit.mp4

This is "Type 093 Viemo edit.mp4" by Jive Turkey on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



This sub does have a few variants. I should update this video if we have a opening the production schedule.


A chinese source says that there was an outbreak of dysentery, after which the biological cleaning procedure/malfunction caused the deaths of the crew. The source mentions equipment from 718th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (Handan Purification Equipment Research Institute), which is used in the biological purification procedure. The coordinates of the accident: 35°38.962'N/121°19.562'E, which is in the yellow sea, close to the Qingdao base, which is the home of the PLAN northern fleet. They even have the name of the boat commander.


Type-093 is an attack sub, but most mainstream news sources about the 093, show a photo of the 094 SSBN which has the distinct "square hump back" for the silos. So it's an indication of how descerning the mainstream news sources are about the details.

Hierachy 1871

Isnt the YJ-18 really just a chinese version of the russian Kalibr asm? literally does the same thing


I heard from non moron mountain Intel sources, the diplomats prevent them from taking massive paint samples out for detail chemical reveal (re your discussion on the 1993 incident). Why was this important? Becusse there were various binary chemicals within the “paint”. When pulled back out of the paint, and combined would create the chemicals used in weapons. No weapons were expected in this shipment. The most important items, the chemical brew was on the boat stashed/blended within the “paint” cargo. Later on, sources say this was confirmed via human asset in Iran close to the program. They got their chemicals, we did not follow through to the end. Due to upper level morons.


Thank you, Doug. That makes a lot of sense. Those chemicals could be dangerous. great point!


BTW, love your channel, briefs, they whole package. Can tell you sweat the detail. Nothing is routine. :)


Great videos. Is this the most capable submarine the Chinese own?

Jan Negrey

To be fair. That would require 1. Proving that paints are contaminated. 2. Revealing that you know where those chemical weapons are. If this is true, you are often presented with a dilemma. If you reveal the information, you are very likely exposing the source. Not to mention, since 1991 main state that delivered Chemical weapons technology - especially binary Chemical weapons to Iran is North Korea. And while they use Chines transports from time to time, they a) sometimes use them without Chinese knowledge - which understandably gets on China's nerves. b) they don't need to deliver that much. North Korea was 3rd largest country in terms of capacity of Chemical weapons in the World. Being miles ahead of China, since 1957. Now they are second, after US has "disarmed" it's Chemical capabilities (funny thing how couple of years after that one guy broke in into military storage and took a ...load of pictures of weapons that were disposed of. Hmm. It's almost like US government sometimes lies too - Inconcievable, I know. US has spotless record following it's own laws not to mention International Law). And they wouldn't need to deliver a lot - fishing trawler could deliver enough to start a production. What Iran needed was know-how and people. It partially got both after Iraq-Iran War and didn't need that basic technology. (Actually first chemical plant in Iran IIRC came online in 92/93) So either we are talking VX gas, which Korea isn't keen on sharing. Or we are talking Sarin, which Iran, even if it had shortages, because the plant only started operation - Syria already did have it. It is easier to carry from Syria than China/NK. Do you have any information on the specific compound that it was alledged to be? That might shed some light. Generally US Intelligence aren't idiots, despite some rather spectacular screw-ups. They might have found out that China was delivering to Iran Chemical weapons that Iran could have gotten anyway, decided to inform someone, but when it came to potentially revealing the source, they might have "forgot" and leave the higher-ups on a thin Ice. Or 50 other things could have happened. Not to mention that unless the contaminated paint was a basically a compound in a paint-thinner, it's extraction would be almost as hard as producing Chemical Weapons. And if someone tried to use it without clearing it up - either say goodbye to your staff that is handling it, or you have to pour 20 times the amount to have it working. I simplified a bit, because WMD's are somewhat complicated, but the story of China delivering in 93 Chemical weapons to Iran (except for newer compounds, which they would be unlikely to share), seems more like a bait - at least in hindsight (US didn't know of Iranian plant until 95 IIRC) - than real help. Either to find out the source, or to provoke incident. for both you wouldn't technically even need real WMD's to be transported. But maybe. It reeks of trap. I would have to ask where did the info originated from (no-one would tell me the source - I don't blame them). Maybe North Korea? Maybe Iran? Assuming China isn't the root of evil, but one of many countries that deal with it, while incident helped them it wasn't necessarily good for them. I know it is weird, but try to think of possibility that both China and US were played. By 3rd party.


Sorry if this redundant Jive, is this quieter than the 093 diesel sub? If so I would think that is kinda impressive for the PLAN. Though I had to check the dates again to see which is newer, thus maybe benefiting from tech the other didn't have yet.


RIP to the CCP propaganda officer that Jive just obliderated.


Jan, the raw and binary ingredients were inside some of the many containers of paint. With the paint, separating them later. Just the way it was back then. Was not easy politically to confiscate the load, figure out were contraband was, then isolate it from the “paint” ingredients. Two accomplishments (likely planned) happened. Find out that there was a intel leak, yet knowing the risk was nil for US to find the load. See what extremes US was willing to go. Seizing a ship on the high seas at let let ChiComs know how US reacts. Win all the way around for these high crimes against humanity war solider crims ChiComs.

Sam Zhou

Quite ironic that I come to a foreign site for well collected and summarized information of my own country's weapons. XD Also, if you need help reading any Chinese sources, just send me a message.


idk it almost seems like the US was trying to make the yinhe into an excuse to declare war on iran or china since they accused it of trying to deliver chemical weapons to iran and then made it so the only port it can go to is iran


I'm reading SSN novel from Tom Clancy (the one about the submarine warfare with china), and those 3 Sub briefs really enlights the reading. Thanks again Captain (and the crew) for the amazing work on those Sub Briefs.


have you done a video on the type 39 song class SSK it yes I can't seem to find it.


I made a mistake in that video and pulled it down. I will do a new version in 2021.


A great video..


Isn't there another variant which has a more squarish hump? Do you have any more information on that one?


The title is SSN. I read it when I was in Sub School...