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I also write for Warzone magazine.  Enjoy!


How The Experimental USS Narwhal Ended Up Being The Navy's Stealthiest Nuclear Submarine

The USS Narwhal, also known by its hull number SSN-671, was a totally unique and experimental nuclear-powered attack submarine and one of the most successful boats of her era. Her unique design made her the quietest attack submarine in the U.S.




Robert Sanges

I've learned more about US submarines from your channel than I did serving on them for 6 years (in engineering). Everything was on a "need to know" basis regardless of your clearance. I guess I didn't need to know much about our other boats. Related... I went to "prototype" training at the S8G reactor. I didn't know there was a predecessor.


Holy Natural Circulation Reactor Jive-man! I totally forgot about you writing for warzone! I am really going to enjoy this article!


Amazing article, captain! Kinda makes me sad to see Narwhal sitting there in the last photo. Kinda makes me feel similar to driving past an old house one used to live in for years in the past. The fact that her NC reactor design is still used today makes me think she won't end up as a museum. :(


What's with the hump in the back?


@Aaron, nice! Either I was reading your mind when making suggestions for the May sub brief, or it was an awesome coincidence. Either way thanks for sharing! -Dan




Great write up! Going to read all your other articles now too :)


Nice! That HI Sutton guy has quite a website.


Great article Jive. Quesrion... Bremerton WA.... What has been scrapped, what is in some sort of reserve ready or mothball state with USA subs. Seems like this boat and many others have life in them (for a variety of top/mid tier missions). And would be lower cost to retro fit than the wildly over budget .mil industrial complex nonsense new systems. As a big taxpayer, I am done with those who fritter our assets away, and come up with so many failed and unfocused systems. Those of .mil and contractors should be held accountable. They forget way too often who their bosses are and whose hard earned treasure they are tapping into. Also, I don’t see leaders in .mil taking on with public morons in Congress and WH. They just go along in the end in order to get their retirements. Heck, white coat megalomaniacs that are 75 years old had been sources to dictate the shut down and wealth destruction of everyone one of us. And much of this panic will end our liberty, based on intentional faulty data. mil and civilians in the defense ecosystem pale in comparison. They should be ethical, but as strong as a few of these white coats. IMHO. Anyway, love seeing the history lessons. Does give me faith in mankind there used to be a different set of folks getting things done. At least those who are interested learn the difference.


^^^ My reference analogy to white coat megalomaniacs refers to the current CCP Virus, and the response. I was not clear enough for some folks.