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•1991 May 13 An Unauthorized launch sequence of a test missile began in port!  A Warrant Officer crewman attempted to disconnect the starting circuitry from inside the sub as the launcher was raised, outer door opened and locked.  The Warrant Officer was desperately  removing launch cards from the control cabinet.  The rocket motor ignited, and the exercise missile launched towards the base facilities.  Flying past warehouse depots and command buildings, the missile struck a power pole and broke apart across a parade ground killing a midshipman.

This and many more stories from the Cold War in the next Sub Brief.




Looks like a whoopsy there.


And I thought spilling orange juice over my laptop was an stupid.


Sad someone was killed; why did the rocket launch?


As if the Russian Military was not already stressed out from the fall of the soviet union.... Uh oh, we accidentally launched a missile at our self! lol What craziness, reality can often be more spectacular than fiction...


That's a shame; it can't be easy to do. The Max Schulman comedy "Rally Around the Flag, Boys!" climaxes with an accidental launch of a Nike SAM; the story describes in some detail how utterly improbable it is.


BTW found that : Accidents in nuclear ships - https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:28026137 61 reported nuclear ship events in considered. Of these 6 deals with U.S. ships, 54 with USSR ships and 1 with a French ship. The ships are in almost all cases nuclear submarines