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High res images of the initial character sketches for TBRAL, a comic I've been working on for a while about a tragedy on a snowy mountain. In order they are:

  • Mona
  • Deena
  • Yasmin
  • Silas
  • Tahir

As far as style goes, I didn't draw the characters quite as detailed in the finished pages for sake of time and medium--I line the pages in pencil traditionally at a decent size, but I just cant get the level of detail that I'm able to digitally (which is why I go back in photoshop and heavily edit the inks).

I put quite some time into characters that only show up for three pages. Silas you only see waist up, and Tahir is neither named nor seen close up. But I put in the effort in anyway!

These images were already posted on Twitter at low res, so I have made this post available to all tiers!



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