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Hi, hope everyone is doing great. I am working on the next Update for the Brawling Mod, a grappling throw interaction,

The idea behind this update was to add self-defense Interactions to the mod. I wanted it to be more like a defensive interaction to be performed after your sims are being harassed or bullied, but there isn't such a thing in the game. I mean, sure, there are mean interactions that could count as bullying, and there are also some mischief interactions that could also count. 

But I don't think that is enough for what I really wanted to make, it will need more looking into. and it would be harder to make it with just an update, so if I decided to continue with it, it would be way more fitting to turn it into its own mod.

The update will still have the same first-planned animations. (because I do really like how they turn out to be, and I am excited to share them with all of you)

Also, the interaction will still work somewhat as a self-defense interaction; if your sim received some negative buff from a mean interaction, they will get removed after performing this interaction.

Since the animation looks more advanced than the other interactions, I have decided to make it more skill-dependent.

So, for the interactions to appear, your sim should have at least three levels of fitness skill or higher; I did also add some details, as the higher your skill, the less likely you will get hit.

If your sims have a higher skill than 5, they will successfully throw the target, But if your sim has a lower fitness level than 5, it will not manage to parry all the punches. But they will still manage to throw the target.

(Ground Throw) With a High Fitness Skill:

(Ground Throw) With a Low Fitness Skill:

The update is nearly done. But there is still something that I think is missing.

I mean, I like the animations, and I do like the moves and the fight, but there's still something missing. I mean, not everyone will fight back and start throwing punches if they get pushed,

So, to keep it realistic; I am adding a new animation variant to the interaction (as in the picture below). The animation will start without the pre-fight, just a simple push and then grab and throw. 

Now, if you decide to perform this interaction against a sim with a low fitness skill (let's say lower than 4), they will get thrown immediately without managing to fight back. 

Mods Patch Updates:

I have checked and tested most of my mods, and they seem fine with the last patch; all of my mods don't use scripts or heavy codes that should easily break,

The last patches from Ea caused a lot of issues. I'll soon post a new update post for all my mods,

I should also mention that a weird bug caused Moodlets to disappear when you load the game. This will break some features with my mods, but nothing major. While I was working on fixing that, It got fixed with the last game patch, 1.105.345, so make sure to update your game to that.




I think that the creator should at least give us an update and let is know how things are progressing


Utopya puts a lot of effort into their work, therefore let's be understanding when the creator takes some time to refine it before sharing it further, as is the case with every genuine content producer.

Samuel de China

Hello, Utopya. Good day to you. I'm Samuel from China and I'm a fan of yours. May I ask if you work with translators? I translated your mod (Brawling mod 1.3) into Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. You can find it here: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/4596919/ These translations will attract Chinese fans to you, and also providing you with Chinese translations is why I subscribe to you on Patreon.I would like to thank you for your wonderful work, I have 23,000 followers on Chinese social media and I will recommend you to them as well.