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Thank you so much to everyone who turned up for our live stream chat with artist Kayla Raney tonight. We had a great audience for her as she shared her inspiration for Flawed cards Griffin IV and Knife Expert. The live stream recording will be up on YouTube soon!

We also revealed not one, but TWO new artworks live on stream with Kayla! She has created Backstab and Intelligence Operative for the Dark/Fire sample deck.

In the art for Backstab, we see Knife Expert standing over what seems to be the body of a Water faction soldier. They are pictured here in the snowy mountains of the Fire faction, seemingly on a mission together to infiltrate the Fire army. Until… BACKSTAB! Knife Expert stabs her partner in the back, revealing her true alliance! The bird’s-eye perspective on this card really tells a whole story as your eye follows the image. Kayla did an amazing job on this one, and we love to see her character back in action!

We also revealed a super-surprise second art, Intelligence Operative. Even the game designer didn’t see this one coming. (Seriously, check out the YouTube recording when it goes up!) Intelligence Operative makes her living in the Dark faction by selling information and dealing in secrets. I definitely wouldn’t want to get on her bad side!

Tell us what you guys think of the new art in the comments below. We’ve only got 2 arts left to spoil for the Dark/Fire sample deck. What do you think we’ve got up our sleeves next?!

~ Ken



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