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Tonight we revealed two new arts on our live stream, and a new Keep card! We also discussed some card balancing with Refugee and Regenerative Growth.

The first art is Ruffian, by a new Flawed artist Daniel Da Graca. We’re absolutely in love with this piece he’s created for us, and his artistic style feels right at home with all the other Flawed artwork we’ve collected so far. Cannot wait to see more work from Daniel.

Next is another new artist, Fernando Perez Ortiz and his rendition of Refugee. This is also our first Light artwork! We were excited to get Fernando on board, as his artistic style is unique compared to the other arts we have acquired so far. His work is sure to stand out amongst the crowd. Very excited to have Fernando on board!

Finally, we have our new Keep card which is being revealed exclusively for our Patreon supporters. As you may remember, the previous Keep card featured some lore from the earth faction showing Griffin IV pondering his decision to remove the sword X from the Great Oak’s roots. We decided to continue with this theme of using the Keep card as an opportunity to share flavor text and lore for the game.

With this card, we see Underwater Spearman guarding one of the portal entrances to the water faction’s shrine : the Unseen City. This hidden entrance is guarded from above, and swimmers trying to enter may meet a dire fate when encountering the guardian. Underwater Spearman and Drown have both been fan-favorite pieces of art since the moment we shared them. It only seemed fitting that these two pieces come together in our next Keep card. Going forward, you can expect to see a keep card to represent the other remaining for Flawed factions.

As always, a big thank you to our supporters here on Patreon. We are able to hire these talented artists because of our fans. This game continues to grow because of you!

More art to come, very soon. Stay tuned!!

~ Ken



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