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Now the commission works is done now, I supposed to do next commission work.  

But I think I spent too much time on commission work over the past few months.
(Sorry for who waiting their commission turns)

So next month, I plan to do a Patreon project.

The theme of the project will be based on relatively recent works I've never drawn

I'm considering 'mystery flesh pit' as theme of next patreon project



Mystery flesh pit? As in, Flesh Pit National Park? Good golly, this is gonna be something - I approve :P


Will you be continuing the four Patreon projects you proposed last year (Regina/Raptor, Blue Mary/Dog, Amazon/Fallen, Assassin/Bug) at a future date?


Do you know enough about this "Flesh pit" thing to guess what kinda porn we're looking at here? Will it just be another form of monsters capturing and impregnating women? If so this sounds pretty interesting.


What a strange thing to base hentai on but I'm very excited if it's similar to your previous work.


Should be. Flesh Pit National Park is like some alternate history thing where the US discovered a meat-thing underground in Texas, a giant sort-of-eldritch entity full of creatures that are part of a completely different ecosystem from the surface. The story behind the place is that a company found it whilst drilling for oil and turned the place into a tourist resort and it eventually became a full National Park, with hikers and the like going to visit it til there was a major accident in the early 2000s that had the park sealed off because, well, it turns out it's actually asleep and they damn nearly woke it up.


If I had to guess, a work with them would probably be a hiker getting lost and then found by some of the creatures in the Park, which means you could be looking at anything from this list (https://i.redd.it/f6kg1frd8o951.jpg), but the story could be them getting lost in the hot baths (there's some goop secreted there that is regenerative and healing, but also an aphrodisiac) where it might end up being monsters or tentacles.


There's a ton of info on the blog if you want to know more about MFP: https://www.mysteryfleshpitnationalpark.com/ - check it out: it makes for some cool reading! :D


Mystery Fleshpit sounds fun!


I'd love to see more tentacle hentai by you! You pretty much make the best tentacle and monster hentai so whatever you pick is probably going to be good.