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She is such an amazing demon hunter but she is not inmune to sweat, specially wearing those cool but specially warm socks. Those socks are really special to her but they are designed to be used on cold weather, that´s why they always make her feet too sweaty, and at the end of the day after hard battles Mitsuri enjoys take off her sandals and air her sweaty feet. She loves to sit, rest and slowly pulls off her wet socks, she gets curious and takes a little sniff on her sock, this completely overwhelms her, she enjoys her foot scent a lot and her comrades too. Being around when she airs her sweaty feet is the best moment and place you can be




Amazing work!


Omggg soo stinkyyy 👣👃😩❤️

Feet lover

Can you do talia al ghul?


as the love hasira She definitely deserves some love from her fellow slayers