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hey Patrons! Is that time again :D! I have a few feedback questions for you:

- How have been your experience so far of being a patron?
- Is there something you'd like to see that I don't offer?
- Is there something you don't find useful and think it could be removed?
- Are you satisfied with the rewards received?

Feel free to leave your honest feedback in either Discord or the replies of this post.

Thank you so much for all the support all of you have given me so far <33 you are the best 💕



Being a Patron has been both enjoyable and inspiring. The only thing I do wish to ask about is the status of commissions and if there have been any updates and if a list of prices is available should they become available.


Oh! They're usually available on my twitter, but the early slots and such are for patrons of $10 and up


That’s great to hear. Unfortunately, I’ve deactivated my Twitter account six weeks ago. Should I have the funds and interest in a commission in the future, is the Patreon Inbox an option to communicate details and prices?