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At the beginning of the month, a joke was made about a possible tier, but since various patrons showed actual interest on it I've decided to make a poll for interest check.

The tier is the following:

World Conqueror - $50 per month

-All previous rewards

-One colored sketch request per month (one character, can be nsfw)

-Special role in the discord server (World Dominator) with access to ALL the channels in the server (With the exception of the administrative channel)

-Access to my nsfw content (Through discord)

-Access to my art archive (drawings that date back to 2013)

-Behind the scenes extras (Notebook doodles I don't post anywhere due to poor quality, unfixed versions of my sketches, trial and error concepts, written stuff I've never posted anywhere, etc)

The tier would be limited to just 3 people at the moment.

Would you be interested in pledging in this tier? Please vote below! 



I would love to! At the moment, I don’t have much commission money saved up, so I’d probably have to wait until the summer when I start working again. But it’s definitely a good tier idea!


100% already pledged you can't stop me.


I’d do it.