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First of all, I want to with everyone one of you a happy new year! May this year be filled with prosperity, health and amazing memories for all of you! That being said, I would like to thank you for all the support you've given me, to both old and new patrons <3  it means a lot to me, especially since this financial help allowed me to cover a lot of necessary expenses the past few months! 

As you've given me so much, I want to make sure that you guys are receiving a good service <3! So please let me know your feedback in the comments; general opinions, advices, things I have to improve, etc. will be helpful! And I'll do everything in my possibilities to improve everything that needs to be improved throughout the year! 

This month might be slow due to me having to work on the comic for the Fan Annual, which I've taken as a personal challenge to improve making comics, but you all will be able to see the wips of it <3! but only the Grandpa Clocks will be able to have access to the finished pages early since it's a project!

Additionally! During the Monthly discussion on Discord I've been suggested to make a Q&A about and to my Original Characters, which will be done this month! You guys can ask any question you want and then I'll reply them via text. Those questions that really catch my attention will get a doodled answer! I'll be announcing the date for the Q&A pretty soon!

Thanks for reading <3!


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