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 Game Title    : Age of Empires III Definitive Edition

 Game Version  : 100.12.30181.0 (Steam/WS)

 Game Sponsor  : PF

 Process Name  : AoE3DE_s.exe/AoE3DE.exe

 Relevant Info : 64bits/RTS

 Script Version: 1.8

 CE Version    : 7.0

 Release date  : 10-Jun-2021

 Author        : Recifense


 19-Oct-2020: First Release (s1.0)

 23-Oct-2020: Release for version 100.12.3552.0 (S1.1)

 08-Dec-2020: Release for version 100.12.9476.0 (S1.2)

 03-Feb-2021: Release for version 100.12.14825.0 (S1.3)

 18-Mar-2021: Release for version 100.12.20322.0 (S1.4)

 14-Apr-2021: Release for version 100.12.23551.0 (S1.5)

 13-May-2021: Release for version 100.12.27330.0 (S1.6)

 16-May-2021: Fix for quick construction (S1.7)

 10-Jun-2021: Release for version 100.12.30181.0 (S1.8)


 - Minimum Resources       [1]

 - Quick Construction      [2]

 - God Mode                [3]

 - Quick unit Production   [4]

 - Instant Research        [5]

 - Some Pointers


[1] Minimum Resources = 4700 (HPO);

[2] It starts at  98% (HPO);

[3] For Buildings and Units (HPO);

[4] It starts at  98% (HPO);

[5] It starts at 100% (HPO);

HPO = Human Player Only



1) Run CE70 or greater;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "AoE3DE.exe/AoE3DE_s.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

6) Now activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

7) Play On;



- See each entry

^ = CTRL

0,1,etc are from numeric key pad



When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.



Tested on Win 10 64bits



While testing CE7.2.


Have fun and Cheers!




Thanks a lot! :) Noticed an interesting quirk with the god mode - buildings and ships can become virtually transparent when coming under fire with it enabled. (Or after a while after "taking damage".) Doesn't affect the function, but it looks kinda weird. I take it that's due to how the game is designed, though?

Recifense Cheers

I did not notice that side-effect. I will check that in the update I start working with. Thank you for reporting back.

Martin Putt

Hi Recifense. There's been an update for AOE 3 Definitive Edition stopping the engine from working.


there was an update for this game, i was wondering if you might be able to update the WS version. thanks

Recifense Cheers

The tables for version 100.12.3552.0 work fine with the version 100.12.6169.0 (Steam/WS). What problems are you facing?


my mistake i realized i had downloaded the earlier table and unable to activate the main script.