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 Game Title    : A Total War Saga - TROY

 Game Version  : (13189)

 Game Sponsor  : Free (EpicGames) + PF (DLCs)

 Process Name  : Troy.exe

 Relevant Info : 64bits/TBS/RTS

 Script Version: 2.7 AOB

 CE Version    : 7.0

 Release date  : 25-Apr-2021

 Author        : Recifense


 16-Aug-2020: First Release (Preliminary)(s0.7)

 17-Aug-2020: First Release (s1.0)

 18-Aug-2020: Release for version 1.0.1 + Recruitment (s1.1)

 23-Aug-2020: Fix for movement and actions (Agents level 27) (s1.2)

 25-Aug-2020: Fix for previous fix (sorry for that) (s1.3)

 27-Aug-2020: Release for version 1.0.2 (s1.4)

 10-Sep-2020: Release for version 1.1.0 (s1.5)

 16-Sep-2020: Release for version 1.1.0-9333 (s1.6)

 25-Sep-2020: Release for version 1.2.0-9687 (s2.0)(The Amazons)

 01-Nov-2020: Release for version 1.3.0-10477 (s2.1) (Blood & Glory)

 11-Nov-2020: Release for version 1.3.1-10572 (s2.2)

 30-Nov-2020: Release for version 1.4.0-11123 (s2.3)

 09-Dec-2020: Release for version 1.4.1-11188 (s2.4)

 30-Jan-2021: Release for version 1.5.0-12063 (s2.5) (Ajax & Diomedes)

 19-Feb-2021: Release for version 1.5.1-12319 (s2.6)

 25-Apr-2021: Release for version (s2.7)


 - Minimum Resources:           [1]

   - Food

   - Wood

   - Stone

   - Bronze

   - Gold

 - Minimum God Favour           [2]

 - Unlimited Move Points        [3]

 - Almost Full XP (Hero/Agent)  [4]

 - Recover Troop Size           [5]

 - Research in 1 Turn           [6]

 - Construction in 1 Turn       [7]

 - Minimum Pop Surplus          [8]

   - Included Amazons Encampment    (s2.0)(new)

 - Minimum Happiness            [9]

 - Max Level for Troops after a battle [A]

 - God Mode for Autobattle      [B]

 - Agent can Act again          [C}

 - Recruitment in 1 Turn        [D] (new)(s1.1)

 - No Stress in Battle          [E]

 - God Mode                     [F]

 - Unlimited Ammo               [G]

 - Quick Cooldown               [H]

 - Quick Rage up                [I]

 - Some Pointers


[1] Minimum Resources value is 70000 (HPO - Human Player Only);

[2] Minimum God Favour is 200 (HPO);(It depends on Minimum Resources)

[3] Your armies and heroes can move freely;

[4] Your Heroes/Agents will level up quickly;

[5] Your troops will recover size and heroes/Agents will recover health;

[6] Your research will complete in 1 turn;

[7] The construction in your provinces will complete in 1 turn;

[8] Every time you access your province the POP Surplus will be 30 at least;

[9] Your provinces happiness will be cheched to 70 during turn;

[A] Your Troops will get to max level after a battle;

[B] You don't need to manually fight all battles;

[C] Your Agents can act more then once during a turn;

[D] Your Armies can reach full capacity in 1 turn;

[E] Units always fresh during battle (HPO) (Included in GM);

[F] For your troops/heroes duirng RTS battles;

[G] Your troops' ammo will not decrease;

[H] Hability Cooldown will take 5 seconds (HPO);

[I] Rage will grow from 90 (HPO);



1) Run CE70 or greater;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "Troy.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

6) Game On;



- None defined



When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.



Tested on Win 10 64bits






"Game Sponsor : Free" lololol


Thank you for the table, will you be working on 1 turn recruit as well?


Beautiful! Hope you figure out some way to do fast recruitment.


Thank you Recifense for another great table. I believe update is needed although.


thanks for the update


Thank you for the update and the Recruitment in 1 Turn :)


I'm new to your patreon and I'm not sure if I should report bug here. Agent can act again is not functional with level 27 agents.


Recifense, the game is on 1.0.2 and the table no longer activates. when i right click on the activation thing it says "the aray byte named BREZ could not be found" if that helps


hope you can update it when you get the chance. thanks for making the table in the first place too


They updated again, 1.1.0 9333 now. I'm in the middle of a playthough with a single tiny army and let's just say that I'm about to eat a whole bunch of shit on the shores of the Aegean if I can't get god mode working again lol. Thanks for that table and thanks in advance for any updates.


Will you be updating to the latest version with the new DLC?