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 Game Title    : Crusader Kings II (x64)

 Game Version  : 3.3.3 (TOHY) x64

 Game Sponsor  : saucefar (gift) + Megatek (DLC) + darkedone02 (DLC) + PF (DLC)

 Process Name  : CK2game.exe

 Relevant Info : 64bits/TBS

 Script Version: 9.3 (x64)

 CE Version    : 7.0

 Release date  : 24-Jun-2020

 Author        : Recifense


 04-Jun-2019: Release for version 3.2.1-AZCE (s8.16) (Last 32bits release)

 23-Oct-2019: First Release for 64bits (v3.3.0)(s9.0)

 26-Oct-2019: Added Perk Information (s9.1)

 29-Oct-2019: Fix for Perk Information (s9.2)

 24-Jun-2020: Changed "No Revolt Risk" for region without a capital. (s9.3)


 - Minimum Gold              [1]

 - Upgrade in 1 Days         [2]

  - Include Vassals

 - Construction in 1 Day     [3]

  - Include Vassals

 - Movement in 1 Day         [4]

 - God Mode                  [5]

 - Morale                    [6]

 - Damage (x16)              [7](Warning)

 - Immediately Siege/Assault [8]

 - Super Ruler               [9](*)

   - Diplomacy   (base) >= 70

   - Martial     (base) >= 70

   - Stewardship (base) >= 70

   - Intrigue    (base) >= 70

   - Learning    (base) >= 70

   - Fertility           = 1

   - Health              = 9.9

   - Prestige           >= 100

   - Piety              >= 100

 - Revolt Risk             [A]

 - Technology Level        [B] (user defined => max = 8)(**)

 - Decadence at Minimum value      [C]

 - Change Culture  of a County     [D]

  - Include Vassals

 - Change Religion of a County     [E]

  - Include Vassals

 - Minimum Army Troop Size    (100)[F]

 - Minimum Holding Troop Size (200)[G]

 - Great Work Phase   in 1 Month   [H]

 - Great Work Feature in 1 Month   [I]

 - Perk Information                [J]

 - Pointers                        [K]


[1] Human player's wealth will not go under minimum value (7000);

[2] Human Player's buildings upgrades will take 1 day (his/her vassals can be included);

[3] Human Player's constructions will take 1 day (his/her vassals can be included);

[4] Human Player's Army/Fleet will move to neighbor area in 1 day;

[5] Human Player's troops will not decrease size during battles/assaults;

[6] Human Player's troops will not loose morale during battles/assaults;

[7] NON Human Player's troops will have their damage multiplied by 16 (warning: even in battles that does involve the Human Player);

[8] Sieges by Human Player will always have assault option enabled and, when Human Player is under siege, assault will never be enabled (this only affects sieges involving the Human Player);

[9] Human Player's many attributes will be increased ((*) it can be changed manually)

[A] When looking at Human Player's provinces, the Revolve Risk will be zeroed;

[B] Human Player's provinces will have a minimum technology level defined by the user (it works when day passes);

[C] Human Player's decadence will be kept at a minimum value (that depends on each faction/dinasty);

[D] Selected Human Player's Province will have its Culture changed to match with the Human Player's culture (his/her vassals' provinces can be included);

[E] Selected Human Player's Province will have its Religion changed to match with the Human Player's religion (his/her vassals' provinces can be included);

[F] Selected Human Player's Army will have its troops' size checked to a minimum value (100);

[G] Selected Human Player's Province holding Army will have its troops' size checked to a minimum value (200);

[H] Human Player's Great Work Phase    will finish in 1 month;

[I] Human Player's Great Work Featuree will finish in 1 month;

[J] identifies the name and ID of a given Perk Index;

[K] used at the table;

(**) Change the value to 1, then 2, and so on (in this way you will see what tech is available for each level. remember that your neighbors can inherit it as well)



1) Run CE70 or greater;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "CK2game.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

6) Game On;



- None defined;



When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.



Tested on Win 10 64bits


[Changing the Age of a Character]

- One year = 365 days * 24 hours =>     8760 hours

- Suppose Current is 15-Sep-1066 => 53144328

- For 50 years = 50 * 8760       =>   438000 hours

- Born date = Cur. date - 438080 => 52706328 






Reci, could you confirm if the table still works with (SOHY)?



Stijn Van Hove

Is it no longer possible to edit a character's traits?

Stijn Van Hove

Cool. Didn't mean to put you under stress or anything, was just curious if maybe it no longer worked in the new system. Glad to hear it's coming back. :)


The perk update part seems to crash the game after a few month ingame when i leave it activated (happened twice until now). Pausing the game, changing perks and then deactivating the perk scripts does not produce any crashes so far.


I don't exactly know which part crashes the game, but it is something under "Perk Information". I assume it might be "Enable Perk Update" but i am not totally sure. I activate that set it to 1 and then change perks of characters (other than my own played character most of the time). Maybe the game crashes if it tries to add or remove a perk from the character that is currently active in the table or something like that. If i am changing more than one character, there is also a risk of crash even while staying paused. If i deactivate everything under "perk information" after changing the first characters traits, then switch the character in game and start activating the table options again to change the next one, it is the safest way to avoid a crash.


Sorry for the late reply, i was away for work. I can only assume that it might happen, when the game changes one of the traits for the character, while the perk update option is active. I did change the traits but the game was running a while (a few month, sometimes 1 or 2 years) before it crashes. I simply forgot to turn the perk update off after messing with the perks. So there is no immediate crash after the change of a trait. I haven't tried activating the update without changing any traits until now.

Recifense Cheers

The option "Enable Perk Update ==> (0=>1)" turns Off by itself. You don't need to change it back to 0. Please clarify.


I am talking about the activation of the script, so the x, not the value field. I wish i would find something useful in the Crusader Kings 2 Logfiles but i don't. It just randomly crashes if the script is activated. So it looks something like this [x] Perk Information ... [x] Enable Perk Update ... Value=0 ... [x] For Last Selected Character Everything else is not activated. If i forget to turn these options of, the game crashes eventually after a while. If i only use that while paused and turn it off after the changes, the game does not crash. That is what i know. I tried it today with just activating the scripts without changing anything (including not changing the Update Value) but it still crashed after about a year. Also, just to mention it, i play without mods at the moment.


Hi Reci, I am having problem with the technology cheat. I have followed the instructions. I deleted and reinstalled CK2 so it's the latest version (3.3.3). I have no mods running, but I do have all DLC. I have Cheat Engine 7.1. I start the game then activate the trainer. Then I select the tech level and activate. Then I try to change the tech level. Then I let days pass. But despite doing that the tech level does not change. All other cheats seem to work properly, except this one. Can you help me?


same over here. it can be bypassed by manually changing the tech point and up the tech yourself for the province you want. the problem seems to be connected to the starting government type.

Recifense Cheers

Fixing what I said: After activating the cheat, let a day pass in the game and then check the values. Now what happens when you use the tech option?


unchanged. activating tech option still doesn't seem to work at least on nomads.


CKII Needs an update if possible. Thank you.