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Game Title    : Imperator Rome

Game Version  : 2.0.3 (8417)

Game Sponsor  : MB (Game) + PF (DLCs)

Process Name  : imperator.exe

Relevant Info : 64bits/RTS

Script Version: 2.7 (AOB)

CE Version    : 7.4

Release date  : 18-Jul-2023

Author        : Recifense


28-Apr-2019: Preliminary Release (s1.0)

29-Apr-2019: Preliminary Release (s1.1)

30-Apr-2019: Final Release (gv1.0.0)(s1.2-AOB)

02-May-2019: Release for version 1.0.1 (s1.3)

27-Jun-2019: Release for version 1.1.0 (s1.4)

26-Sep-2019: Release for version 1.2.0 (s2.0) + New features

04-Dec-2019: Release for version 1.3.1 (s2.1) + New feature

19-Dec-2019: Release for version 1.3.2 (s2.2)

01-Apr-2020: Release for version 1.4.0 (s2.3)

12-Aug-2020: Release for version 1.5.0 (s2.4)

20-Aug-2020: Release for version 1.5.2 (s2.5) (Epirus DLC)

18-Feb-2021: Release for version 2.0.1 (s2.6)

18-Jul-2023: Release for version 2.0.3 (s2.7)


- Minimum Treasury               [1]

- Movement in 1 day              [3]

- Troop Production in 1 Day      [4]

- Construction in 1 Day          [5]

- God Mode                       [6] (added more scenarios)(s1.1)

- No unrest (on selecting city)  [7] (s1.1)

- Characters minimum Loyalty (80)[8] (s1.1)

- Characters full Health         [9] (s1.1)

- Troop minimum morale (sel army)[A] (s1.1)

- Recover Troop Size (sel army)  [B] (s1.1)

- God Mode for Garrison (Cities) [C] (s1.1)

- Quick Siege Phase (x5)         [D] (s1.1)

- Maximum War Exhaustion (1.0)   [E] (s1.2)

- Max Aggressive Expansion (1.0) [F] (s1.2)

- Minimum Military Tradition     [G] (s2.0)(new)

- Minimum Research Progress      [H] (s2.0)(new)

- Characters Minimum Statesmanship [I] (s2.1)(new)

- Some Pointers                  [J]


[1] For Human Player Only (67000);

[3] Human player's armies/fleet will move to adjacent city in 1 day;

[4] For Human Player Only;

[5] For Human Player Only;

[6] For Human Player's troops Only (Siege/Battle);

[7] Unrest will be 0 for selected human player's city;

[8] Human Player's Characters will not have loyalty under minimum (80);

[9] Human Player's Characters will have full health;

[A] Human player's troops' morale will be at least 3;

[B] Human player's troops' Size will be 1000;

[C] Human player's garrison will not decrease;

[D] Human player's siege phase/occupation will advance 5 days a day;

[E] For Human Player Only;

[F] For Human Player Only;

[G] For Human Player Only (200);

[H] For Human Player Only (99.80);

[I] Human Player's Characters will not have Statesmanship under minimum (70);

[J] Used at the table;



1) Run CE70;

2) Run Game;

3) Load the game process "imperator.exe" in CE;

4) Load this table and activate the main script;

5) Now Activate the script of each cheat you want to use;

6) Game On;



- Not defined



When you can,save the game before starting using table/cheat. So you can always come back in case you don't like the result.



Tested on Win 10 64bits



- Many thanks to MB for providing the game.






Hi Recifense, could you please provide an update for v2.0.4? Cheers


I am also seeing that the character editor is using a different window for some cases so the current script does not work when you hover over characters most of the time. Would appreciate an update. Thank you!




Any chance of getting a table for the version 2.0.4 beta? I don't think paradox is going to update this game again, but the beta is out and mostly stable.


Hi Recifense, thanks for all the table! I would also love to see the table for IR updated for version 2.0.4, thanks!


Hi Recifense, if it's not too much to ask, it would be great to see a 2.04 version table, since the 2.04 beta seems to be the final state of the game.


If I can be so bold as to kindly make the same requests as those before me, 2.0.4 is the final version of the game it seems. I would appreciate a final update.


It seems we won't get a 2.0.4 after all..

Recifense Cheers

So you guys are refering to a beta version. I usually don't work with it. But I will have a look.


Have been waiting for this, Thanks very much for your hard work!

Edward Ravenbear

Has anyone tested to see if this one works with the update?


thanks, can you please add manpower?

George Zachos

Marius update is out. Thank you.


Thanks for the update, keep up the good work :)


I can not for the life of me figure out how to reliably use the character editor, the one that says last character under cursor. I can only get it to randomly populate with values. could anyone be so kind as to explain exactly how this feature works?


Character editor seems to only work with characters that you can see via the province screen: the character tooltip of the governor when you click on a province will update the script, but the character tooltip on any other screen (i.e. characters, commanders etc.) will not update the script, so it appears to only update governors. They look very different so I *think* this difference is what decides if it works or not.