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 Game Title    : Crusader Kings II

 Game Version  : 3.2.1 (AZCE)

 Game Sponsor  : saucefar (gift) + Megatek (DLC) + darkedone02 (DLC) + PF (DLC)

 Proces Name   : CK2game.exe

 Script Version:  8.16

 CE Version    : 6.7

 Release date  : 04-Jun-2019

 Author        : Recifense


 18-Oct-2014: Release for version 2.2.0 (Steam)

 19-Nov-2014: Release for version 2.2.1-DPOO (Steam)(s5.1)

 17-Dec-2014: Release for version 2.3.0-BTOF (Steam)

 18-Dec-2014: Fixed a bug related to UPGRADE cheat (s5.2)

 19-Dec-2014: Added Change Culture and Religion (s6.0)

 21-Dec-2014: Fix in changing Culture/Religion of Vassal's counties (s6.1)

 23-Dec-2014: Added pointer to indexed PERK (s7.0)

 28-Dec-2014: New approach for perks (s7.1)

 15-Jan-2015: Release for version 2.3.2-MMUR (Steam)

 09-Mar-2015: Release for version 2.3.3-DAQH (Steam)

 15-Apr-2015: Release for version 2.3.4-FMNO (Steam)

 10-Jun-2015: Release for version 2.3.5-AKIG (Steam)

 13-Jun-2015: Release for version 2.3.6-JWMQ (Steam)

 20-Jul-2015: Release for version 2.4.1-ZXPB (Steam) + New features

 21-Jul-2015: Release for version 2.4.2-AJJW (Steam)

 02-Aug-2015: New approach for Tech Level/Rebels GM Issue (s8.1)

 13-Aug-2015: Release for version 2.4.3-WIUP (Steam)

 22-Aug-2015: Release for version 2.4.4-FUYZ (Steam)

 16-Oct-2015: Release for version 2.4.5-NFUF (Steam)

 03-Feb-2016: Release for version 2.5.1-OBWK (Steam)

 05-Feb-2016: Release for version (Steam)

 04-Mar-2016: Release for version 2.5.2-YZAZ (Steam)

 30-May-2016: Release for version (Steam)

 05-Jun-2016: Release for version (Steam)

 27-Aug-2016: Release for version 2.6.1-UUYR (Steam)

 30-Aug-2016: Release for version (Steam)

 07-Sep-2016: Included Hospitals in Construction/Upgrade (by BringChaos) (s8.2)

 13-Oct-2016: Release for version 2.6.2-TPOW (Steam)(CE6.6)

 24-Nov-2016: Release for version 2.6.3-VNFM (Steam)(CE6.6)

 11-Mar-2017: Release for version 2.7-WHGQ (Steam)(CE6.6)

 12-Mar-2017: Fix for MBLD, AGE (s8.4)

 12-Mar-2017: Fix for when the player is a vassal (s8.5)

 12-Mar-2017: Special Units

 16-Mar-2017: Release for version (Steam)(CE6.6)

 22-Mar-2017: Release for version (Steam)(CE6.5)

 24-Apr-2017: Release for version 2.7.1-BPAH

 07-Jul-2017: Release for version 2.7.2-KMAG (beta)

 16-Aug-2017: Release for version 2.7.2-GMTV (official)

 17-Nov-2017: Release for version 2.8.0-PLQA

 05-Dec-2017: Release for version 2.8.1-WTTG (+fix for Vassal's Construction)

 18-Dec-2017: Release for version

 15-May-2018: Release for version 2.8.2-WVUU

 12-Jun-2018: Release for version 2.8.3-WVUU (CE68)

 28-Jun-2018: Release for version (CE67)

 06-Sep-2018: Release for version

 15-Nov-2018: Release for version 3.0-PXTU

 06-Dec-2018: Release for version 3.0.1-CDYZ

 12-Dec-2018: Fix for upgradings (s8.10)

 18-Jan-2019: Release for version (s8.11)

 02-Apr-2019: Release for version 3.1.0-KKAD (s8.12)

 06-May-2019: Added 2 options for "Great Work" + new approach for Vassals (s8.13)

 16-May-2019: Release for version 3.1.1-WQTI (s8.14)

 28-May-2019: Release for version 3.2.0-KLLL (s8.15)

 04-Jun-2019: Release for version 3.2.1-AZCE (s8.16)


 - Minimum Gold            [1]

 - Upgrade in 2 Days       [2] (changed)

 - Construction in 1 Day   [2]

 - Movement in 1 Day       [2]

 - God Mode                [3]

 - Morale                  [3]

 - Damage (x16)            [3]

 - Siege                   [4]

 - Super Ruler             [1](*)

   - Diplomacy   (base) >= 70

   - Martial     (base) >= 70

   - Stewardship (base) >= 70

   - Intrigue    (base) >= 70

   - Learning    (base) >= 70

   - Fertility           = 1

   - Health              = 9.9

   - Prestige           >= 100

   - Piety              >= 100

 - Revolt Risk             [5]

 - Technology Level    (user defined => max = 8) [7] (**)

 - Decadence               [8]

 - Upgrade in 1 Day for Player's Vassals

 - Construction in 1 Day for Player's Vassals

 - Change Culture  of a County [9]

 - Change Religion of a County [A]

 - Ajust Pointer to Perk[X]    [B]

 - Minimum Army Troop Size     (86) (new v8.0)

 - Minimum Holding Troop Size (166) (new v8.0)

 - Pointers 


[1] Activated when in main screen (Minimum value = 68000);

[2] Activated between turns;

[3] Activated during Normal Battle or Assault

[4] Activated as soon as you select a province during a siege (by you)

[5] Activated when looking at a province's capital

[7] Activated on the Technology Screen; (demesne: only the current province is affected/ Realm: all player's provinces are affected)

[8] Decadence will not increase;

[9] Activated when selecting a County of the human player;

[A] Activated when selecting a County of the human player;

[B] Activated when selecting a Character and also for human player;

(*) Once activated there is no more coming back. Turn it ON, check the ruler. And then turn it OFF to avoid problem when the ruler changes age.;

(**) Change the value to 1, then 2, and so on (in this way you will see what tech is available for each level)


[NOTE] If you don't want to use the Super Ruler cheat, now you can change the values yourselves.


[Changing the Age of a Character]

- One year = 365 days * 24 hours =>     8760 hours

- Suppose Current is 15-Sep-1066 => 53144328

- For 50 years = 50 * 8760       =>   438000 hours

- Born date = Cur. date - 438080 => 52706328 






Any way you could add death date as a pointer to selected character info? I would really love to revive my favorite character :) The only way I know how is to remove the death date but I am playing iron man so editing save file won't work

Recifense Cheers

There is an option there to change the born date of a selected character. But this have to be done before he/she dies. Look for "Born Date ==> (Please have a look at Table Extras)"


Hello. Thanks for all your work! This game just got patched to Can you look at this sometime please?


thanks a lot, that makes surviving Holy Fury much easier


Any chance you could add an instant build function for the great wonders that are part of the latest free update?


There was a small update on Steam a couple of days ago, and the game now seems to crash whenever the table is loaded.

Shorlas Magaskawee

I don't see a 3.3.0. Neither the 3.2.0 or the 3.2.1 work. Where am I supposed to get the 3.3.0 at?


Hi Reci I have version 3.3.3 and I downloaded your version 3.3.3 trainer for x64. Everything except tech level seems to be working. Tech level isn't even working for my capital. Can you help me out? :)