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Thank you so much for all of your well-wishes last weekend. I am feeling much better now and have been able to get back to filming and editing. I'm almost done with Part 3 of the Zodiac puzzle, so I thought I'd put up a preview of the beginning of the video for all of you since it's been a while since you got a video from me!

I promise the music gets less unsettling as the video goes on. I just wanted to convey just how difficult the edge was. Honestly, I'm still rearranging it even now 😭 I definitely underestimated just how difficult the sky was going to be.

As always, I'm not looking for feedback unless you see something catastrophic. I'm still working on the video and you may see some adjustments when the full thing goes up on Sunday. I also filmed a bonus video about the three puzzles I worked on while in Alaska, so that will be up on Sunday as well.

Thank you for your support and I'll see you again this weekend!



Unrelated, but is the Gradient Cascade puzzle going to be restocked? It seems to be out everywhere in Canada and I am so sad I did not order it sooner.


Didn’t mind the music certainly went with the drama of the puzzle. Love watching your videos.


I don't have any control of when retail stores stock it, but it's not limited edition, so they should be able to get more. I'd suggest reaching out to the stores so they know there are still customers for it.