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I promised you all a Patreon-exclusive Q&A video, so in the comments below, feel free to ask your questions! This can be about puzzling or anything else, and I'll pick a handful of them to answer for a video in the next few weeks. To keep it simple for me, please only ask one question per comment, but feel free to leave multiple comments if you have more than one question!



What do you think is the most challenging aspect of creating YouTube content?


Hi Karen! You said you will be creating another Q&A video (woohoo) so I hope it's okay to squeeze one more question in here! I don't know if it's even possible to see this on YouTube anymore, but in terms of stats, do you know what percentage of your viewership is female? Simply Nailogical did a video about her stats once and it was fascinating!


I already filmed the second Q&A video, but I just had a look, and in the past year, my YouTube audience was 67% female. Maybe I can dig deeper into it for a future video.