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You all voted on it, so today I'm sharing what I listen to while puzzling - all of the audiobooks, podcasts, and music I've been into lately. You can watch above or here at this direct link. Let me know in the Patreon comments if you have any more recommendations based on what I shared.

I also am so happy that the second episode of the 9000 Piece Minions Puzzle series is up now! I'm more than halfway through, and it's really coming together. You can watch that video right here:


Thank you so much for watching and supporting me!


What I Listen to While Puzzling



Flash Forward is another great podcast to listen to for imagining how future technologies and scenarios might evolve: https://www.flashforwardpod.com/


As a curator of libraries, I'm so happy that you're using libraries services ! Yes, people, get your library card, it's free !