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Today's bonus time lapse is very exciting because it's the 3000 piece Metamorphose MC Escher puzzle! We've got camera angles, we've got five days of footage, we've got lizards. I think this one is especially satisfying to watch come together, so you can check it out here:


(As always, to avoid copyright, the music in the background is royalty-free music I found online, so feel free to watch on mute with your own music or podcasts playing.)

Also, hello to all of my new Patrons for the new month. I'm so happy to have you over here!




I’m so glad you decided to start a Patreon! I love your content and are by far my favorite creator. I love watching these time lapses and find them very soothing. I can’t wait to see more!


I actually accomplished this on the past and still have it together today :)