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Michale, The Archangel POV

“Father, you called us?” Every Angel was present upon Father’s request. Rare of it that he was to call every single one of us away from our duties.

“Yes, Michael.” Father’s voice boomed around us, yet still remained the gentle and soothing sound that we all adored. “My children, I bring sad tidings. As you all know – “


“We – “



Crunch crunch.

Everyone looked confused, and I followed father’s gaze, landing on a face…I did not recognize. I did not recognize a twelve winged Angel standing in the back, and I know that Father did not create any new Angels recently!

And that Red Hair was not common amongst our numbers, I would certainly remember one such as him with that powerful Holy Energy swirling around!

Wait….is that Father’s spear on his back?

….is he even an Angel?

And what was that in his hands? Some kind of strange bag-like container and he was taking out some manner of foodstuffs that made a loud noise as he chewed on it.

“I – “


“Must you do that now?” Father looked at the stranger in….exasperation. Father wasn’t raising the alarms so he must know who this person is. “Why are you even here?”

“You’re omnipotent, you tell me, Gramps.”

T-the Audacity! “Father, allow me to –“

“It’s alright, Michael.” Father held his hand up to stop me. “Why – “


“Get out of here.” Father sighed, waiving his hand and the person – angel – outsider fell down from the Heavens “’And go back to your time period!”

Make me!” The stranger’s voice was barely audible, perhaps only those of my higher-winged kin and Father could gear.

“…Challenge accepted.” Father replied.

“Father….what’s going on?” I hesitantly asked.

“Don’t worry about it, just a little brat from the future. He’s no danger.” Father was seemingly dismissive despite the shocking revelation that was his words. “Prepare to Smite him, Michael.”

“F-father? But you said he was not a danger?”

“Don’t worry, he’ll survive.”

“…I will do as you command, Father.” I would always follow Father’s commands. I called upon the Heavenly System, and aimed its power at the stranger who was for all intents and purposes, falling like many of my brethren. I glanced back at father who created a projection of the stranger and he looked…calm as his descent brought him closer and closer to the earth.

“Smite.” Father’s single word caused the world to tremble. He did not need me to facilitate the action, but did so anyways.

A pillar of light descended from the highest Heaven, colliding with the stranger. All my brother’s and sisters stared at father’s projection of the stranger, the scene obscured by the collision of various energies.

Though the lack of vision lasted merely a moment until the figure was revealed once more. The same stranger looked wholly unharmed, continuing his descent. “Why don’t you put your back into it next time, Old man!” He shouted, with a rude gesture to accompany it.

I looked back at father, expecting retaliation or some sort of response, but instead….his face seemed to be twitching in annoyance, something I don’t think I’ve ever seen from father before.

“I will take the banner and smite him, father. Please, give the order.”

“No need.” Father quickly returned to his gentle appearance. He swiped at the projection to on the ground, a group of Trolls were sitting around a campfire. “That should be where he lands….let’s see.” Father paused, looking up. “Uriel, would you be so kind as to tell me if we still have one of Cupid’s Arrows in the armory?”

“Yes, Father. We still have a quiver of Cupid’s arrows available.” Uriel bowed his head.

Why would father use a weapon that can’t harm the intruder? Cupid’s arrow merely facilitates a desire between the ones struck and it’s not even permanent. They were locked away because most mortals mistake the initial feelings as lust over love and lose themselves to lust and depravity for the duration.

“Thank you, son.” Father hummed, gesturing with his hand, calling forth both Cupid’s Bow and a single arrow. “Watch carefully, children.” Father said, taking aim down to the mortal world below with the bow and arrow pulled back.

“Father, why are you aiming at the Trolls where the intruder is going to land?”

“I’m about to do what’s called a ‘pro gamer move’ in the future.”



Oh yes. This must happen. Please. Lmao it's a true troll move, we all know he'd use the spears power and the kaleidoscope to do this troll just for a dare, let alone the shits and giggles.