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Someone asked for pictures of his weapons, so here we are.

So, we have Mirage front and center. The sword that's basically a magical super computer and helps with his Magic.

Next is Ascalon, the Noble Phantasm that can be activated to block nearly any attack.

Then we have his Authority, the Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi. It allows him to cut through Magic and curses, control storms and temporarily seal away other Authorities.

Following that is Dawnbreaker, the sword he got from Meridia. It could be called 'Anti-Undead'. It can also release a wave of light similiar to other swords such as Excalibur.

After that we have The Sword of Destruction, the relic created by the Brother Gods in Remnant. Every Century it can be used three times to conceptually destroy a target. Otherwise, it's acting as a catalyst to facilitate Wilhelm's Power of Destruction and also nurture it. Think Thor's hammer from MCU.

The Staff is obviously the Staff of Magnus. Not much needs to be said there, Divine Staff that amplifies spells.

Then the Spear of Longinus. Again, nothing much needed said there.

Then we have Whisper, the sword that Scathach gave him after cutting down one of her spears. It has Runes carved throughout it that makes it useful for writing Runes by itself while it's flying around.

And of course, we have the Boosted Gear in it's Gauntlet form.




Thank you theese look good👍


Am I the only one that thinks when I see the dxd Boosted Gear without a wielder that it looks like the cross between a face hugger and a horseshoe crab?


speaking of magical super computers is he gonna go to nanoha


Mirage looks like a precursor to a lightsaber. Would be cool for him to show up in the Star Wars OT or prequels and show it off.