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Good news everyone!

So, as you all probably know, my release schedule had been a bit wonky for a few months now. There had been several factors that contributed to that. For those who have been here a long time, you probably remember the daily releases. As much as I would have liked to keep doing that, it couldn't continue. For the simple fact that chapters theses days are significantly longer than the chapters I was putting out back then. And back then, chapters were easier to write due to not being so entangled with more characters and plots. Now, with that being said, here's the good news. Starting next month, i'm cutting back on my work hours so I can get back to a more standardized schedule. And that's thanks to you all supporting me like this.

So, thank you.

I'll be trying my best to keep giving content that you all enjoy. And if my time allows it, I may start on a second story, of which I have several ideas bouncing around. We'll see how things develop once I have more time on my hands.



Thanks author by the way unohana for waifu she Will get along with scatach


That's fine don't worry but if you were to do a second book what would it be about?


Just FYI. You are the most consistent author I follow. So I wouldn't worry too much. But thanks for the announcement.


Please use the extra hours to sleep, better a consistent 2 chapters a week than a burnout.


This. You are the only author I have been able to reliably trust. I'm happy you are receiving the support you need to write more, but please always remember to take care of yourself as well

striker James

Thank you for all you do


I am glad there is enough support for you to cut back on work hours and make money doing something you enjoy 😊


I was honestly pet peeved by the wonky chapter schedule for months. But I kept coming back due to quality of story and your writing. I am glad that everything is working well out for you.


Ty for the maj but take care of you, a healtly author is a good author.


Ty, regarding the second series... as long as you don't become another Jordinio, I'll be happy. The guy writes some interesting stories... but just refuses to finish em haha


As always I praise you my lord *bows to your greatness*

James French

I will never stop loving your writing man, and btw is there a channel in disc for ideas on the second story? 👀