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“So….this is the mechanism designed to summon these….Servants?” Izzy looked around the Chaldea summoning chamber. The placed used to facilitating the summoning of Servants through the FATE system.

I was giving Izzy a tour of Chaldea. No one else minded, after all the help I’ve given, they were more than willing to let me give her a tour. Not to mention, they would be happy to be on good terms with another Goddess.

“Yup.” I followed her gaze as she inspected everything. “Among other things. Their system, while more beneficial in some aspects compared to the traditional Ritual used in the past, is also worse off in others. It can summon……other things by accident.”

“What do you mean ‘other things?” Izzy asked.

“For some reason, it seems intent on summoning Mapo Tofu and Black Keys.”

“What are –“

“A type of Holy Sword, dagger, thing. Hates things the church hates so it does a lot of damage to them. Think Holy Sword but less Star-wars.”

“Oh.” She just nodded. “And Mapo Tofu, really?”

I just shrugged. “I have no idea. Honestly, this whole facility is held together with duct tape and prayers. I’m scared that if I even look at the FATE system the wrong way, it’s going to explode.”

“…..and yet you use it to summon exalted figures through history.”

“Never said we were smart.”

“…….which I already knew.” She rolled her eyes with a small smile. “Would it be too much to ask if I could see it in action?”

“I already planned for a few uses, don’t worry.”

“Are you sure? I recall you saying that they had limited amounts of the resources required.”

“They planned on using it anyways, I’m just letting you do the whole ‘button press’ of it.”

“Oh, well then, I suppose I shall partake.” Izzy perked up. “How do I do this, exactly?”

“First, you need to take a very specific stance, then yell at the top of your lungs –“

“I will smack you.” She deadpanned.

“Fine, fine.” I huffed. “Just feed your Magical Energy into the device at the center here. Once it hits the threshold, the system facilitates the rest.”

She placed her hand on it then pause. “Perhaps I shouldn’t ask at this point, but is my identity as a Goddess an issue?”

I shrugged.

“What wonderful insights you provide.” She said dryly. “Very well, let’s continue.”

I felt the power from Izzy begin to flow into the device, FATE was powering up as the systems started activating.

“Oh, this is interesting. I can feel the fluctuations of space and time being bent.” Izzy exclaimed.

Huh, I guess she would be sensitive to that kind of thing.

The room lit up with Magical Energy, a pillar of light slammed into the ground as a new figure was coalesced.

Pink hair, Fox ears on her head twitching excitedly, a single tail swaying behind her. “Husband, I have arrived! Your Foxy Wife, Tamamo-no-Mae has come to –” The Servant paused, looking at us, but slowly turning her head to focus entirely on Izzy.

“…..daughter.” Izzy spoke up to break the awkward silence that ensued.



“…nope!” The Servant did an about-face, took a step forward, and dissipated back into motes of Magical Energy.

“….uh, did she just…..?” I found trouble saying the correct word.

“She did.” Izzy said blankly. “And she has Three seconds to get back here before I get upset.”

“Um, you know she can’t just –”


I blinked, apparently being ignored. “You could try summoning her back or –“


“Izzy, that isn’t going to work…”


Suddenly, the room exploded in Magical Energy again. “Wait, I’m here, I’m here!” The Pink-Haired Fox apparently decided the Grand Ritual that composes the summoning of Servants was irrelevant compared to Izzy giving her a count down.

“Yeah, okay.” I just decided not to question it, I think it was better for my sanity.



Please make this canon, also I kinda wish Wilhelm would bring at least one of his people with him to FGO, it'd make things more interesting imo.


I hope he summons Jeanne.

