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Author's Note first.

Real quick, so just a heads up, I got out of a Urgent Care earlier today and i'm doped up on some pretty strong medicine right now due to some sudden issues and pain. Was super drowsy when I wrote this so I'll do another once over and see if i still like it later. 

I was originally going to get through everything in a single chapter, but I just can't do that right now, so it's part 1 of 2. Well, the chapter is still like two normal sized chapters in length.

Anyways, leave a comment, good or bad, I do enjoy feedback and I'm never against changing something if I agree with what's said.


Ddraig POV

I took to the skies, matching the Evil dragon as our eyes met. There was silence as he tried to understand what he was staring at.

It must have been unnerving, a mirror image of oneself. I could feely admit, I would go into a rage if someone tried to impersonate me like this.

But as the brat would say – Fuck him.

Youuuuu..” It’s voice hissed, like the serpentis truly was.

“The snake can speak after gorging itself on a tree for so long.” I decided to taunt it. The brat was understandably angry right now, I would keep the stupid thing away from his fight. “I remember how arrogant and haughty you used to be and now look at you, a mere attack dog.”

“YOU DAREEEE!” Nidhoggr Roared in fury, but still didn’t attack. Despite me calling him an idiot, Niddhoggr wasn’t completely stupid. The only thing to match its viciousness is its cowardice.

“The Dog just barks.”

Roooooarrrr!!!”  Níðhöggr seemed to have enough as it’s wings sliced through the air and it let out a world shattering roar, charging right at me.

And so, I stopped flapping my wings and fell.

His body went caroling through the air, as he expected and braced himself to impact with me. Instead, his body jerked unnaturally, and he went tumbling.

I took the opportunity to kick my wings again, shooing back at him, my claw digging into his scale.

Níðhöggr roared again, twisting its long neck to swing around and bit onto my fake body. It’s venom began invading through my broken scales.

Realizing I was at an disadvantage, I decided to push him away, tearing my body free.

I opened my jaw, intaking a large amount of air as I let loose my Venomous breath.

“Pitiful!” Níðhöggr roared as a shield enveloped him.

My corrosive blast landed on the Evil Dragon’s Magical protection, eating away at it, but not enough to full break through.

I had forgotten that he was adept in magic as well.

I realized I was more at a disadvantage than I thought in this form.

I was never very proficient in Magic, I always just developed my own abilities when I needed. And right now, I was without those as well…

Off the top of my head, I only had one advantage over this Evil Dragon when it was bother stronger and has access to its full arsenal.

“Who are you!” The Dragon charged at me again, and I let loose another Corrosive blast

“What’s wrong worm, that all you got!?” I bellowed out a laugh as I slammed my head into the shield. The Evil Dragon just looked at me like I was crazy as I kept throwing myself at him and he continued to make new shields.

Because, while I don’t have much available to me, I also don’t have a real body. This is just a Magical Construct, so I don’t feel any real pain, nor will I suffer any real consequences like this.

Finally, I whipped my tail, covered in spikes, at him, shattering the shield.

The Dragon roared, broken from its stupor and I took that as an opportunity to slam it into the ground with all my strength.

The ground sundered with the continued roars, both of us lashing out at one another. Each swipe of our claws upended the earth, each movement of our bodies

My Magical Body started cracking under the strain. Where blood should have been pouring out, instead, my power was waning. Unfortunately, I seemed to miscalculate how much stronger the real one was than me right now. Even with my reckless attacks, I wasn’t deliver any substantial blow.

Níðhöggr was able to twist and maneuver its body much more adept than I was.

“Enough!” It roared again as I tired to claw at its wing, only for it to smack me away with its tail. “Fake bastard, I’ll end this now!” Suddenly, a massive amount of miasma spilled out from every pore of its body, like a toxic cloud that radiated outward.

I felt a sense of danger.

Unexpectedly, the Evil Dragon opened its maw and sucked it all in, its belly inflated as it eyed me with a hint of madness.

I flapped my wings and shot off the ground into the sky knowing exactly what was coming. And my many – many years of survival made my instincts go into overdrive as I tucked in my wings and rolled to the side. My scales were torn apart from behind and my tail completely melted off as I barely dodged out o the way.

Out of the corner of my eye as I twisted my neck, I saw a concentrated beam of venom tear through the night sky, parting the clouds onto the horizon.

If I could feel true pain with this body, I’m sure it would be excruciating.

I unfurled my wings and jerked to the side, propelling myself as fast as I could as I collided with Níðhöggr once more.

“Your breath smells just as bad as always.” I taunted even as he claw tore out more of my scales.

“Who are you!?” Nidhoggr roared opening its mouth again, spewing out that vile breath.

I met it head on, while I wasn’t nearly as strong in that department, it was enough to offset it and get out of the way.

“Did the Tree taste good, or do you just like eating crap all day? It would fit your personality~”

“I’M GOING TO TEAR YOU APART AND DEVOUR YOU.” I grunted as his teeth dug into my neck, a shield around him so I couldn’t reciprocate.

Suddenly, he jerked away, pushing me off. “You……your body isn’t real!” He finally figured out.

Well, it was the reason I continued to taunt him, he did have Magic knowledge, he would have probably figured it out sooner if he was in a calmer state of mind.

“I guess the jig is up.”

“How dare you impersonate me!”

“I, Níðhöggr, like to eat crap!” I roared as loud as I could.

“There’s only one Dragon annoying as you.” The venom dripped from his words as he seethed in anger. “How dare you take my form, Ddraig Y Goch.”

“Believe me, it isn’t my ideal look either. Have you seen these ugly scales? And these hideous wings? I’ll never get a Mate looking like this…..but I’m sure you know all about that~”

“Did you finally escape your prison? Or did your ownerlet you out for good behavior? And you called me a Dog!?”

“You’re right!” I threw my head up again. “I Níðhöggr am the true Dog!”


“BASTARD!” The Evil Dragon apparently decided that enough was enough and gathered a significant amount of Miasma around him, and I could even see its Magical Energy fluctuate. Two massive Magic Circles appeared next to its shoulder, and ethereal mimicries of its head came out as they all open their massive jaws.

“Well shit….” Would sure love to have my abilities right now, hell I’d gladly take the reduction in my actual strength if I could just….do something beyond smacking him.

And suddenly, I came to a realization.

I am a Dragon.

The concept of Ddraig is hidden from the world as I took on the Concept of Níðhöggr, which is why I can’t use my true abilities, but I am still a Dragon!

I listed as the brat learned those Dragon Words, and he always leaned on my Dragon Aspect to use them. I knew their purpose, their feelings of use, and I shared the experience of learning them through the brat.

Not to mention their Magics were the reason I was free right now.

I took a large breath of my own. And as all three heads unleashed that same deadly burst of venom, I bellowed out for the world to hear. “YOL TOOR SHUL” Maybe it was due to being so adept at using my own Fire in life, but the world bent in a way that even the brat probably would be surprised about. The space between was now filled in flames.

Unfortunately, I felt something reverberate through my fake body. Like a significant amount of power was drained.

My flames warded off his breath, but I didn’t know how much longer I could do this without the spell failing.

“Strun Bah Qo.”

More Dragon words filled the air, a whisper compared to my shout from before, but it wasn’t strange considering they weren’t mine.

The clouds above us thickened considerably. Lightning crackled all around, thunder boomed so……invitingly.

That brat….

I looked down, the school itself barely a dot at this point.

Well, we are partners I suppose.

My gaze returned to Níðhöggr who finally dispersed my flames, looking utterly enraged.

I shot him a grin and flew upwards into the thunder clouds.

It was hard to hold back my cackles as he followed me inside.


Wilhelm POV

In any other circumstance, I would have been excited to see Ddraig take to the skies and fight another Dragon. An epic clash as two gigantic beasts fought for supremacy.

But at this particular moment, my attention and everythingelse was focused solely on a certain Fallen Angel.

Venelana was safe.

That was the most important thing. I healed her enough and I knew the others would take over from there. And they would be sure to protect her and the faces I didn’t really care about.

“Kokabiel….” I breathed out, reining in my growing temper. “Why?” I felt the…..need to know. Why was my Venelana hurt? Why was she almost killed?

“Why?” He grinned. “She asked the same thing, Y’know. It’s simple really, I wanted the War to start back up again, so I set up a little……play. I’m sure you of all people can appreciate a good production?” He taunted me. “Have some ‘Devils’ attack the Vatican, hours later, two Heirs to Devil nobility are found murdered with the Church’s super special sword impaled inside them. Of course, I also had dozens of other little incidents take place all over the place, but this is the main stage.”

“Well, this is not an ideal situation it turns out.” The Fallen Angel chuckled. “She wasn’t even supposed to be here. I didn’t plan for it, but then again, you can’t really plan for every variable. I wonder, is this fate or did someone move against me? Not that I knew she was important enough to you to come all this way. How unlucky am I that out of every Devil in existence, this is seemingly the one you actually care about?”

Taking a deep breath, my Aura Flared visibly around me, Reinforcement filled my body, and my limbs became coated in Divine Lightning.

The Fallen Angel stiffened. “Now why don’t we –“

I didn’t let him finish.

Lightning arced across the ground as I closed the distance, sliding infront of him. My hand lashed out, grabbing his face. I could see his eyes widen between my fingers, his hands jerked and Holy Power exploded out, but my Aura flared out to meet it as the two clashed.

He muffed something into my hand, but I continued to ignore it, I gathered all of my strength and slammed his head backwards into the ground. The lighting around my hand discharged, but it was met with a burst of Holy Light that met it head on.

The eruption of energy sent both hurling in all directions.

I swiped my hand to the side, clearing the kicked-up dust, and pushing away the dirt that was dislodged.

Kokabiel was a good few dozen yards away from him, wiping away blood that dripped from his nose.

“I just unleashed, at point blank, enough Holy Power to burn a thousand devils in a single burst. And you didn’t even flinch.” He stood back up straight, wings arcing back as he stared at me. “Even if you fought a God, you’re still a Devil and that should have done something.” There was a hint of growl added at the end.

“It tickled.” I said in the driest voice I could muster.

Kokabiel twitched, his hand jerked and a dozen Holy Spears filled my vision.

I didn’t even blink as my Swords flew out, swinging around me, shattering all of them before they could even touch my Aura.

“A little help would be appreciated~” Kokabiel glanced towards the Priest.

“Honestly, I think this whole plan is beyond salvaging, but I’m also very curious about a few things. I guess I can lend a hand, to satisfy my curiosity if nothing else.” He held up his hand, a Spell Circle formed, and almost immediately, it shattered.

“How interesting.”

I could only smile at the source of the voice.

I saw the priest looked surprised.

“You layered four spells, and hid them all beneath the Human Magic Circle. What are you hiding, hmm?” Scáthach took a few predatory steps forward, her Deadly Spear radiating bloodlust. “How about you play with me instead.”

And the Priest had no choice but to focus solely on the bloodlust and killing intent that was baring down right on him.

Kokabiel noticeably frowned. “I was always more of a General.” His wings behind him flapped once, propelling him into the air. “Formation Omega!” He declared as the Angels in the sky shifted.

They moved into smaller groups, and seemingly, combined their Holy Power into larger molds. The most simplistic method of attack for them was to shape it into a general pointy end and release it, yet it was also extremely effective.

As massive Holy Spears were created at this point. Their size wasn’t the only thing that change, their entire strength increased several fold, enough to threaten above their normal weight class.

But still, I glanced at them but didn’t even pay them any mind.

“Raikou.” I called out.

“Yes, Master.” She replied, a streak of Purple Lightning igniting across the bleak sky. I turned away from them, not even bothering anymore as I saw several of them get torn apart.

Jinn and Artoria should be able to protect and heal the others.

“Any more schemes?” I asked kokabiel. “Any more plans or plots you want to unveil? By all means, show me. I’ll wait right here.” I punctuated; arms wide open. “Show me everything you have so I can grind it all into dust. I’ll take any hope or chance of victory you still hold and strangle it right infront of you.” I couldn’t contain the growl that escaped with my words.

“…..Anyone ever tell you that you’re one scary kid? I guess you’re more a devil than I thought.” He quirked a smile.

“I’m usually far more reserved. It’s just, some jackass Fallen Angel thought it was a good idea to try and kill my woman.” My lighting re-coated my arm that I previously discharged, my wings emerged from my back. With a flap of them, I shot up into the sky, meeting him at eye level. “So I’m going to return everything you did a thousand fold. So please show me everything you got, I absolutely welcome it. I want to watch you slowly realize how much you really fucked up before I pluck every single one of your feathers then tear out your wings.”

Kokabiel sneered in response, Holy Power burst out of him, coating him protectively. “I’ve fought across more battlefields than the days you’ve been alive¸ child. You think me something you can break?” The Holy power condensed and sharpened into a sort of armor around him, giving him a very Holy appearance, even with the contradiction that was his black wings. Instead of a Light Spear appearing again, it took the form of a much more detailed sword, a claymore by the size of it, but not quite as thick. “I’ve met Gods in battle! I’ve slain your ancestors and I even rebelled against Father and my siblings! How dare you look down on me. I refuse to believe that my Holy Power is ineffective.”

It wasn’t that it was ineffective, so he was technically right in that aspect. He merely had no context for how my Aura operated.

“Holy Power, huh?” I took a deep breath, mentally looking into my Ring. It didn’t back away from my touch as I grabbed hold, bring it out once more for the world to see. I took satisfaction at Kokabiel’s widening eyes as he realized what I was holding. “Then let’s make that the first thread of hope I sever.”

I gripped the Sacred Spear in my hands as a large influx of power suddenly exploded out from around me.

“True Longinus, Balance Breaker!”

The Holy Power enveloped me again.

A Halo appeared above my head and Twelve Wings appeared behind my back, replacing my Devil Wings.

I became the brightest glow under the moon as I even outshined Kokabiel.

Holy Spear of the Pure White Night.”

Kokabiel’s expression twisted into a mixture of rage and confusion. “Impossible.” He hissed upon seeing my new form. “You should have turned into dust in an instant!” His words laden with disbelief.

I didn’t deign to answer him.

I pulled the spear back, as if ready to thrust, and he immediately knew what I was about to do.

An absurd amount of Holy Power gathered around his hands as he pushed it outwards, just as I thrust the spear.

My Spear extended, blindingly in speed, as it crossed the distance, a dozen shields between Kokabiel and I manifested. I would give him credit, each of the shields seemed to focus on a different method of application.

My Holy spear met his Holy Shield, and his shield shattered.

They acted like nothing more than Glass. Each one barely holding a split second before my Spear pierced right through them, one by one, not stopping in the slightest.

“HAAAH!” Kokabiel let out a roar as it collided with his last shield, he held his hand up as the Holy Power Shield distorted to keep my spear at bay.

It began cracking and crumbling before finally shattering as well, the Fallen Angel getting blown back at the release of power.

He quickly reorientated himself, opting to head to the ground to steady himself properly.

I appeared right above him, slamming my Spear down overhead.

Kokabiel grit his teeth, bringing his sword up to block as he arms shook under the blow.

“WHY CAN YOU USE THAT?!?” Kokabiel screamed, buckling under the pressure. “FATHER WOULDN’T LET A FILTHY DEVIL WIELD HIS SPEAR!”

The irony of what he said wasn’t lost on me.

However, I was too pissed off to give a shit right now.

I flicked the butt of the spear upwards, breaking his guard as I spun the spear, swiping it at him. He ducked and moved to the side, his stomach getting cut in the process, bleed began seeping from him.

He groaned, clutching the wound with a burst of holy power as it sealed itself.

“Is that it?” I looked down at him as he rose back to his feet. I held my hand aloft, pointing to the sky. I was….preoccupied, but I was fairly sure I heard a shout being used. I would care about that later, but a quick glance told me that Ddraig was probably having a little trouble. “Strun Bah Qo.” I whispered, ushering in a Storm for Ddraig to use to his advantage before turning back to the Angel. “Your Dragon has apparently met its match.”

Another glance to the side saw Scáthach fighting her own opponent. “Your ‘partner’ –“ I emphasized the ambiguity of their relationship. “—is also entertained and matched. Your Legions…..” My spear flicked upwards, pointing to the sky as Purple Lightning tore through a handful of Fallen Angels. “Are being decimated. What else do you have, Angel of the Stars.”

“A mere….Child.” Kokabiel trembled, his face contorting in rage. “A Child is insulting me like this!”

“Good, get mad.” I hissed back. “Maybe you might come close to the anger I’m feeling right now.” A swipe of my spear unleashed a condensed projection of light.

The inherent ability to all Angels, as I may as well be one right now.

Kokabiel roared to life once more, slashing his sword, meeting my attack with his own Holy Slash.

The two attacks met and created a vortex of Holy Power that whipped around in every direction.

“Enough….ENOUGH!” Kokabiel let out a roar as his whole body glowed several degrees brighter. “I will not be played around with by a child who wasn’t even seen three decades! I don’t care what tricks you’ve used to use that spear, nor avoid my Holy Power, but I have just the answer! One last hurrah like the good old days!” He dismissed his sword and held his hands to the sky. “Aoiveae Dobix”

As soon as the words left his mouth, something….shifted.

I would almost attribute it to a Godly Authority as it felt vaguely familiar, and perhaps not even incorrect. Angels could be seen as sort of Demi-Gods with their own ‘authorities’ that God gave them.

Aoiveae Bobix

It meant – Star Fall in Enochian.

Looking up, the stars in the sky disappeared, displaced from their normal positions as they began streaking across the sky.

Kokabiel threw up a large mouthful of blood as he staggered backwards. “Hahaha, haven’t used that since dad was still kickin. If dear old Dad was still alive, he’d never let one of us Fallen tap into Heaven’s system, even as haphazardly as I Just did.”

The Stars in the sky sped up, comets shooting across the horizon, but I had a foreboding feeling about it.

“There’s a reason Heaven is still feared…..” Kokabiel grit his teeth, blood still flowing freely as he clearly had trouble standing after what he just did. “Disappear along with this city.”

Before I could respond, something else pricked me.

The Spear, I felt the presence within stirring, and what came out was a sigh.

The presence poked at me, and I could feel the intent it had. I felt myself wanting to scowl, but I relented and let it wraparound me.

“Kokabiel” The Presence simmered around me, still much too weak to properly manifest, but at a better point than the last time we spoke. “You have corrupted your purpose.” It enveloped my words.

The Fallen Angel blinked, before sneering again. “You dare tell me about my purpose, Child? Should you be more worried about what’s going to happen in a few moments? That spell was one I used in the Great War back when I was plugged into Heaven’s System.”

I held the spear up as a gentle, but weighty, light seeped out.

Kokabiel, through some haggard breaths looked…..confused again as he stared at me.

Your Light was meant to be a beacon of hope for all who looked to the stars in the dark of night. You have abused and misused your gift.”

“Who….” His eyes widened as he started to come under a realization.

“For your blasphemy, I declare you – A̴̛͙͍̼̞̖̙͍̅̽̂͒́̉̇͛͠ñ̸̝̝͉̟̳̺͖̒͜a̷̧̲͇̟̣̞͍͖͈̰̘̻̪͎͂͐̈́̐͑͘th̵̲̖̺̠̹̖̫̝̹̱̹͖͠ĕ̸͍͓̙̼̤̀͋̀͝m̷̮̞̖̳͚͖͗̈́́̆̉̈́́̒ä̷̛̖̟̗̖́̎̉͐͐̔̑̂͠͠

An invisible power rippled out in all directions.

The Presence within the spear strained itself, I could feel the spear itself shake and grind against what he just invoked. The word itself not like the ones he spoke previously, but it still held substantial weight and meaning to it. It still contained a hint of his Authority.

Kokabiel visibly shuddered. He looked down at himself, his hands shaking and he coughed, covering his mouth. It wasn’t blood that seeped out, but wisps of Holy Power.

The Stars that swirled about in the Sky, about to rain down from above, were dismissed.

The Fallen Angel himself, jerked violently, veins were pulsing from under his skin. Holy Power was pouring from every pore of his body. He started writing on the ground, a look of pure agony on him, but he couldn’t even voice a sound.

His overall power started to dim.

He wasn’t ever the most powerful foe I had met, but his presence began shrinking.

The Presence within he spear retreated backwards as if going back to slumber.

You….” Kokabiel finally managed to grit out with a noticeable amount of disbelief in his tone. “What did you do to me!?”

I stabbed the spear into the ground, walking towards him. “It’s not about what I did, it’s about that I’m going to do.”

I swung my leg up, slamming it down on his back, his face being forced into the ground, cracking the earth. And he was much weaker right now, I could gear him groan at the nonchalant blow.

He may have been merciful, but I wouldn’t be.

“I made a promise.” I whispered, just enough for him to hear as I reached for and grabbed hold of one of his wings and began to pull.

And for the first time ever, I heard an Angel scream.


James French

Holy shit (pun intended)

Jason Wu

It is interesting since Wilhelm isn't connected to the Devil Faction, the True Longinus isn't theirs to bargain for peace with Heaven