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I met the gaze of the woman infront of me. I didn’t really intend to say the thing I just blurted out, but I know it’s a habit for me to make a joke when I feel awkward.

She was…not looking amazing. Her clothes had been torn up in several places to the point where I could see her undergarments. Possibly from cuts that healed since then? However, it doesn’t look like anything…..bad happened to her. There were no discernable bruises, or wounds I could see from a cursory glance.

It was the first time I’ve seen her in person and she was…..frankly beautiful.

“Of all people I expected to come, it wasn’t you.” She stood up, also giving me a once over.

“I was in the neighborhood.” I said dismissively.

“The Dimensional Gap?” She quirked an eyebrow, walking towards me. She held her arms out as I loosened my grip on Millicas to allow her to take him from me. She cradled him protectively, checking him for any injuries. “What’s wrong with him?” She immediately found my runic array on his chest.

She looked like she wanted to say much more, but held it back and prioritized her grandson. “They must have forced some cocktail of drugs into him. I don’t recognize much, but I could do a preliminary check and see that he wasn’t exactly in danger.”

“And what’s this on his chest?” She looked at me expecting an answer. “I don’t believe they did this.”

“That’s mine.” I confirmed, and I couldn’t really blame her for being thorough. “Since I didn’t recognize everything they pumped into him, I went with the safest method of…..detoxing the foreign drugs. Unfortunately, the safest just happens to be the slowest.”

“Mmm.” She looked me over, as if trying to find any trace of deceit. “And he isn’t in danger?”

“Not any immediate danger……” I looked thoughtful for a moment. “Give it a few weeks with this stuff inside him? It might start having visible side effects.” I shrugged as it didn’t really matter at this point and I was doing a lot of guesswork. It wasn’t really my area of expertise or anything. “Feel free to check yourself.” I waived my hand flippantly. “I can wake him up if you prefer.” I offered as well.

She glanced at me and back down at Millicas. “You can wake him up?”

“Most likely. I just thought it would be preferable if he slept through this. And…….” I pushed the door open wider. “I figured it was probably best he didn’t see what happened.”

Venelana tilted her head to better peak outside the door. There were bodies thrown about, limbs hacked off, and others impaled into the wall.

“I believe that is a wise decision.” She blinked a few times staring at the scene. Thankfully, she didn’t look disturbed, Moreso just surprised. “Good riddance.” She added, turning her nose up at the corpses.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly have any good will towards my kidnappers as well. Replace Millicas with Kunou, and I’d be out for all the blood I could get.

“Believing me so easily, I could be stringing you along…”

“I trust you.” She said with a rather casual tone. It honestly took me by surprise without how easily the words rolled off her tongue.

I didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Do you need any healing before we head out?” I offered, not wanting to simply open a portal. For now, I’d rather they not know I can bypass barriers of the quality that surrounds this place.

“I’m fine.” She replied with a simple smile. “I only received a few cuts when they tried to intimidate me and only the threat of procuring their own Bael Bloodline.” The sharp edge to her words made it clear how she really felt even if she wasn’t outwardly reacting.

That made my thoughts come to a grinding halt. “And you’re fine? Perhaps anyone you would like to have a personal talk with before we leave?” I….still didn’t know how to feel about this woman, yet I was disgusted by the implication.

“Oh no, they were too afraid to do anything, besides…” She glanced down at herself with her clothing a bit torn up here and there. “If it weren’t for them having Millicas, they would have found out quickly that I survived both the Great War and the Civil War.” She smiled innocently.

I did forget how old she actually was. She should be pretty strong herself, even if she isn’t in the public eye anymore. And the Power of Destruction to the dick is probably one of the biggest deterrents there is.

There was an awkward silence as we walked through the building, heading towards the exit. Credit where it’s due, they did a good job labeling and giving directions everywhere so no one got lost.

Really, the only issue was that we hadn’t run into any more people on this entire trek. And It wasn’t like this was a small facility, not to mention the commotion I caused and the inevitable tripping of defenses caused by my actions.

“Sir Wiggles.” I called out.

I could tell that Venelana was confused at my words, until my familiar came bolting down the hallway and jumped onto my head.

“Adorable.” Venelana seemed to genuinely smile.

“Nothing about me having a rabbit as a familiar?” I questioned.

“I learned when I was younger that it’s not the size, but how you use it.”

Once more, I just blinked, looking at her in surprise.

“What?” She asked.

“Just…..surprised by the joke.” I replied.

“I’m stressed beyond my limit, carrying my drugged-up grandson after being threated to become a broodmare for a faction of Devils that want to kick off another Great War, I’ll cope however I can.” She deadpanned, still not giving anything away on the surface.

“Fair.” I could only just nod.

Huh…..I do that in stressful situations too.

Well, I doubt it could become anymore awkward after that.

The remainder of the walk had been silent, though the closer we got to the entrance, the more I felt a feeling of discomfort. I think Venelana picked up on my unease, because she took adopted a pensive look as we neared the end.

I pushed the large metal doors open, and I wasn’t even surprised by what I saw

“Quite the little gathering.” I whistled, sweeping my gaze all around. There were probably….hundreds of Magicians encircling the entrance of the building.

“Haha, well, good company requires the best presentation.” A man stood infront. He had a shade of Silver Hair that I found annoying similar to a certain maid. And he carried a tone of perceived superiority right from the start.

“Euclid.” Venelana practically growled from behind me. “Everyone thought you were dead, I’m overcome with enthusiasm at the exaggeration of your untimely death. I do believe certain parties will be just ecstatic at this revelation.” The venom dripped off her words.

Ah, I knew he was familiar. He’s that maids’ brother. The idiot that those other devils talked about before I sieged this place. And it sounds like there’s a bit of a history there.

“Lady Gremory, were the accommodations not to your liking?” He chuckled at her expense. “I would be more than happy to discuss your next room. Perhaps in the stables where you can be among your peers.”

“I would be more than happy to shove my fist down your throat.” She snorted with disdain. “Why don’t you come and test me without my Grandson being held hostage?”

“Tempting, but we both know you’re not my match.” He didn’t react to her provocation. “Besides, it’s not like I would actually put my dear Nephew in danger. Even if he has that same red hair as the usurper, he’s still my sister’s son.”

I narrowed my eyes as I saw his hand twitch.

Immediately, my swords slammed down right behind Venelana, shattering several Ice Spears that manifested.

“So much for not harming your nephew.” I crossed my arms, meeting his eyes.

“He would have been unarmed, just enough to remove the filth from around him.” He smiled brightly, turning his focus fully on me. “And you must be Wilhelm.”


I saw his eye twitch slightly. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “Some of it rumors, and some of it was from the footage and accounts of my men as you made your way through several of our bases…”

“In the neighborhood?” Venelana repeated with a dry tone.

“Doesn’t ring a bell.” I smiled innocently.

“Hmm.” He didn’t react this time. “Have you considered which side you want to be on?” He waived his arms around. “I’ve been interested in you since the first time I heard that the usurper had a child he never spoke about. Lo and behold, that child was discovered fighting a God, A God. I was surprised to see you here, going after Lady Gremory. But it does present a wonderful opportunity.” He clapped his hands. “I don’t believe you’ve joined up with the usurpers, and you’ve handled yourself well in the eyes of the common rabble. Why, I believe you represent exactly what it means to be a devil.”

Was he trying to recruit me?

I guess I’ll play along. “And what exactly does being a Devil represent?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Some think it means to be Evil, manipulative, and dastardly in all measures. Well, I couldn’t agree more, but I’ve pondered it and think I’ve come to a slightly different conclusion. Devils, simply do whatever their whims carry them to do without any nonsense like morality. If you want a woman, you take her. IF you want to kill someone, you kill them. If you want something, you steal it.” He gestured towards Venelana and Millicas for added effect. “Devils are the most brutal species, simply because we do what we want, how we want, whenever we want.”

Bold of him to spout that nonsense when the majority of his current followers were in fact humans. However, they didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest…..

“And how do I fit into this world view?”

“How do you not? You fought a God, just because. You caused havoc, just because you felt like it. Perhaps you need a guiding hand on certain matters, but you’ve done simply wonderful thus far.” He had an almost gentle look about him. “You showed those Shinto Gods what a Devil truly is capable of.”

I turned to glance at Venelana who just silently gave me a look that screamed ‘I don’t know’ as I turned back to this crazy guy.

“You recognize that I fought a God, yet, you’re sitting here trying to put a gun to my head with your entourage.” I swept my arm around, gesturing towards the rows of Magicians behind him.

“Haha, well, don’t count me out. I’m pretty strong myself, a match if my sister if I do say so myself. And she’s Satan class as it is.” He didn’t look at all perturbed by my insinuation. “Not to mention I have, as you observed, my magicians with me. While not individually strong, surely someone of your magical ability knows that enough gathered together can do some amazing things.”

That’s not untrue. Gather enough Magicians together, and you’d have basically the equivalent of a Holy Grail in magical output.

“I believe I’ve overstayed my welcome at this point.” I raised my hand up but paused when he snapped his fingers.

Every single magician raised their staves, wands, or other magical foci towards us. “It’s rude for a guest to leave after the host provides such a warm reception.” His expression shifted to a little frown. “Especially after the mess you caused me. It’s going to take a long time to rebuild what you destroyed.”

I glanced back at Venelana and Millicas, then turned back, narrowing my eyes at him. “You think you can threaten me with them?”

“Maybe, or maybe not.” He shrugged. “Maybe I can seek you out to compare notes in Kyoto?” A knowing smirk appeared on his face. “I’ve heard some interesting things, especially about the Youkai’s leader, and even about her daughter.”

Well then, caution to the wind.

“You want to compare notes?” I grit my teeth at the thought of him threatening my daughter.

“I do think myself quite capable in Magic.” He fixed his collar, looking rather proud of himself. “Dare you compete with me? If you’re not up to it, then you can leave. Even after all the damage you caused, I’ll overlook it.” He added with a nonchalant shrug. “However, they’re going to be staying.” He raised he hand, pointing towards the two behind me. “I know what it’s like to be abandoned by family. But that brat is still my sister’s pride and joy, so I think I’ll be keeping him and raising him properly for now on, away from the usurper’s grasp. As for the Gremory Bitch, my men would use a good moral boost after losing so many of our number.”

Dude has some serious inferiority issues with my biological father. I could just tell by the tone he mentioned the ‘usurper’.

Regardless, he threatened my daughter.

I raised my hand, summoning my Staff of Magnus. “Alright then, let me show you, my strongest spell.”

The Runes filled the air around me. Talismans shot out to their positions as I had become more familiar with casting this spell at this point.

“If that’s how you want to play it, then so be it.” He raised he hand up and the Magicians all around him began to cast in tandem. “This is a spell of my own creation!” He declared, a maniacal grin on his face as several massive Spell Circles appeared overhead. “I call it Lucifer’s Descent.”

Out of the Magic Circles, a humanoid silhouette weaved out of Demonic Power burst out, shattering through space like glass as its form solidified. It looked like cliché devil, horns and all.

“Specifically created to battle armies.” He sounded proud as he looked overhead.

It was…..impressive. The solidify the shape and concepts into a coherent whole even with the inclusion of so many different magicians in the spell casting. And He obviously used his own Demonic Energy as the catalyst since the Magicians were the vast majority of human.

However, it lacked a certain weight to it. I had no doubt it had some impressive destructive power, maybe enough to even trade a few blows with Susanoo before being destroyed. But it was still far from my own strongest.

The Pentagram formed; my Runes lit up around their Primordial brethren. “Come.” I declared, and the large piece of rock we were standing on shook.

The Air around us shifted, massive roots burst out of the ground, completely enveloping the large structure behind us as they shot upwards, climbing higher and higher until it dwarfed even the massive construct that this Euclid created.

“Behold, the beginning of creation.” I held my arms out, my Staff glowing bright. “Blessings of the World Tree – Yggdrasil.”

My Tree exploded with life, fully bloomed and looming over everything high up into the colorful sky that was the Dimensional Gap.

Funnily enough, it wasn’t as large as it usually is. This realm was fighting against me, the concepts intertwined in my tree were the opposite of those that existed in the Dimensional Gap.

“Oh my…..” Venelana blurted out, gazing up towards the peak of my spell.

“You…..what is this?” Euclid looked shocked? Confused even, as I was using concepts that were mostly foreign to this place. “The Tree from the Norse region?”

“From one birthed nine.” I responded, the corners of my lips tugging upwards. My Sword of Destruction shot up, taking its place as it had several times already. “Let the fires of Muspelheim rage once more across all creation.” The god-burning flames enveloped my sword, transforming it into its pseudo-Phantasm form.

The Sword Enlarged, large enough to be wielded by a Giant.

“N-no! Send it in!” Euclid yelled as the Magicians channeled their magics and commanded the construct to move forward. I took a single step then tried to swiped its massive hand.

I raised my arm up high, then swung it down, putting a significant amount of power into this blow. Enough that I probably wouldn’t have enough of a follow up with the drain on the Magical Energy that went into the casting to support the entire Tree. “Twilight of the Gods – Laevatein.” The Massive fiery sword swung down, and the ground sundered in an explosion of heat and flames.

The construct was seared down the center, burning away as quickly as the Demonic Energy met the flames of my sword. The Magicians immediately fell into a panic, a good portion of them were eviscerated on the swing, and another good chunk scattered and tried to run away.

I didn’t follow up, waiting for the dust to settle, so to speak. I gestured with my hand, removing the shield I placed around us so the other two wouldn’t be affected to much.

The ground still rumbled, the floating chunks of rock falling off into the abyss, and molten slag drifting off into the distance.

My Sword returned to the sky, hovering over the area.

I took bated steps forward towards the target of my ire, having escaped death at the first attack.

He looked haggard, hand held out as he threw up several defensive spells. Half his body was completely scored, and part of his arm was missing. Even if my attack mostly aimed at the construct, he was caught up in the main attack and suffered heavily.

Could he have defended better? I would say so if he was boasting about being a Satan Class Devil, but for some reason he just seemed to have his head so far up his own ass. That or he wasn’t quite at the level he was boasting about.

“H-h-how…..” He stuttered, out, his throat seemingly burned heavily. “S-summon that thing…”

Yeah, the people in this world seem to emphasis pure strength in almost everything. Intertwining concepts closer to the surface isn’t something most people would bother with when you can just pump something up further.

Why create a spell that can apply some kind of conceptual destruction a mountain when you can just train up to punch said mountain out of existence?

A crude explanation, but for some reason it’s a logic that’s normalized here.

The true monsters are those who combine both.

But I digress.

“Shouldn’t have threatened my daughter.” I was about to command my sword once more, but another idea popped up into my head. Instead, I threw a handful of sealing Talismans at him, binding him up nice and tight before dragging him back to where Venelana stood.

She seemed to be in a stupor of some sort, still staring at the tree above us. It was only when I tossed him at her feet did she break from it.

“So, quick question.” I grabbed her attention. “This guy, you seem to know him?” I only knew some vague details.

“He is the brother of my daughter in law.” She confirmed.

“Hates your…..son with a passion I assume?”

“The intensity matches the sun.”

“Bit of a sis-con?”

“In the same way that the ocean is a bit wet.” She deadpanned.

Ah, good I wasn’t misinterpreting his words when speaking of his sister.

“So that just makes it even worse then.” I tapped my chin. “And I assume being handed over to the one he refers as the usurper would be – “

“A fate worse than death.” She beamed happily.

“Well, my day just got a lot better.” I perked up, opening a portal to my home. The Tree above us dissipated at a visible speed, returning to its base composition of Magical Energy and scattering to the void. “Shall we go?” I offered, retrieving all my effects as Sir Wiggles clamped down tightly on my head.

She took one last look around, still somewhat shocked at what she had just witnessed before turning back to me. “We shall.” She stepped through without a second thought.

I followed behind within the same breath, pulling the idiot along with me. I detested the idea of taking him into my home, but I had no where to store a living person.

My only consolation is that he must be in excruciating pain.

“Are we in Japan?” Venelana questioned.

“Kyoto.” I replied without much fuss. “The Sub Dimension that houses the Youkai under Yasaka. I opened a path, you can Teleport to the underworld now, should be much easier than trying to teleport out of the Dimensional Gap.”

A spell circle appeared under her feet and I raised an eyebrow at the speed in which she actualized it.

She quirked a smile when she noticed my expression. “You don’t survive the Great War without being able to run away on short notice.” A small laugh escaped her lips before she calmed down. “On behalf the Gremory Family, I sincerely thank you for what you’ve done.”

“I didn’t do it for the Gremory Family.” I snorted.

“I could guess as much.” She nodded. “However, I thank you regardless. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to my Grandson.”

“…..he’s my half-brother, y’know. It’s not like I’d want to see him in that kind of situation.” I let out a sigh, rubbing my eyes. I still don’t know how to feel about everything, but I couldn’t just leave him to that kind of fate. “Just…you should probably head back. Regardless of anything I feel, I doubt his parents want to be without him for any extra length of time.”

If there was anything I sympathize with them for, it would be their love for their son. I know how frantic I would be if it was Kunou in this situation. By no means do I have any desire to associate with them, but as a new parent, I couldn’t help but feel bad.

“Oh, and take this thing with you.” I kicked the idiot into her Teleportation Circle.

“Hmm.” She appeared to ponder something. “After I settle matters, will you allow me to return?” She asked.

“……you want to come back?”

“You said you got my letter, is it wrong that I want to speak to my other Grandson?” She had a warm smile on her face. “I have many things I want to say to you, thing I think you deserve to hear.”

“Whatever.” I shrugged. I already came this far, and I intended for this before the whole kidnapping thing. “I’ll leave a path for you to Teleport back. Anyone else and I’ll consider them an intruder.” I placed a hand on Millicas, removing the Runes. I’m sure they’d be able to handle something like this with their own resources.

The Teleportation circle under her lit up as I stepped back.

“I’ll settle some things and be back in a few hours.” She once more smiled towards me as the teleportation actualized. “I do need to give you your reward afterall, my Hero~” And with that, she disappeared with the idiot and my Half Brother.

Wonder what she meant by that?


Decided to rewrite some things, so I ended up staying up late anyways. Still don't know how i feel about this chapter, but I wanted to separate the talk they were going to have from the 'action', let things calm down then the conversation. Also, i insinuated things about Venelana before, and I believe they were rather obvious.


Jason Wu

That's true, the first generation would be full siblings and considering Devils value blood purity... sweet home Alabama

C Vidal

So he guna get the GILF LOL