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Fluffy tails in my lap, they always brought a smile to my face. Even as I sat here doing paperwork of all things, I couldn’t help but grin like an idiot as I ran my hand through the soft fur.

“Okay, I have another one.” Yasaka spoke up. “What do you do if Lady Amaterasu greets you?” She asked, writing some things on her own documents.

She had been giving me an impromptu lesson on etiquette.

I cleared my throat. “Sup bitch.” I said with a straight face.

Yasaka turned to me, giving the drying look she could possibly give before one of her tails left my grasp, swaying back to her side. “That’s another one you lose.”

I was down to three now.

“What did I say wrong?” I gave her a ‘shocked’ look.

She tilt her head towards me, eyes drooping. A look that said ‘are you serious?’. She held it for only a moment before breaking out into giggles. “Please don’t say that to her.” Yasaka dropped her face into her palms.

“It’s the greeting of my people. To not use it would be culturally insensitive to – “

“I’m well aware that the term was popularized on the internet.” She deadpanned.

“Hey, when I was younger, I was a shut in.” I said defensively. “Most of my social interaction was through my computer.” Kind of sad I burned it along with the house…. “Well, besides when I had club stuff.” I do kind of miss the theatre. I should make some time to go see some of the big productions around the world.

“Don’t meme at my Goddess.” One of the tails in my grasp was pulled up before lightly whacking me on the cheek. “She probably won’t even realize what you’re doing…….yeah that could turn out terrible than if she was offended at your tone or vernacular.”

“I have to remind myself that not all Gods here are like Izzy.” I nodded. I was kidding – obviously. She knew that, of course. I would never jeopardize Yasaka’s relationship with her Patron like that. “It’s kind of funny?”


“That Izzy – the Mother of Japan, Mother of the current reining Gods – is more ‘culturally aware’ than her children?”

Yasaka blinked before chortling. “When you put it that way.”

I quickly scribbled what I needed to, the slapped this last few pages onto a stack I had already completed. “Done!” I threw my hands up.

“Already? What’s your secret?”

“I just drew dicks on all of them.” I said proudly.

She narrowed her eyes, reaching over and grabbing a random document. She scanned it before puffing with, her tail began to bombard me with fluffy attacks to my face. “You brat!” She huffed cutely. “I don’t know why I believed that even for a second.”

I of course had a laugh at her expense.

“Now to kick back and relax.” I leaned back in my chair, arms behind my head for added effect.

“Now you’re just rubbing it in.”

“Yup.” I grinned.

“Well, I see how it is.” She sniffed, retracting her tails. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt your ‘relaxation’, so I’ll just keep out of your way then.”

“I just realized I can never win because you can just do that every time.” I snorted. “I take it back, gimme that fluffy tail.” I reached over taking it back.

The Fox Youkai giggled with a smug look on her face.

“Have I ever said I adore how much you play with my tails?” She shifted into a warm smile. “You know, they are intimate parts for us Kitsune. Outside of Kunou, you’re the only one allowed to do this~”

“Would it be weird if I asked to brush them sometime?” I asked.

She blinked and actually blushed a little. “……That’s even more of an intimate gesture. It’s usually only done by parents to their children or…..mates.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to overstep. Just forg – “ While we were certainly in a relationship at this point, I didn't know how far of a step forward that meant to her. The idea of a 'mate' is something a bit more than what we probably had right now. Despite everything we had between us, some things still couldn't be rushed. It's not like I was ready to get down on a knee and propose. Who knows if this was something in that same vein?

“Hush.” She pushed a finger to my lips. “I just wanted you to understand the significance. That doesn’t mean I’m against you doing it. If anything….I would very much enjoy having you do it.” The usual flirty and mischievous Yasaka sported a noticeable red hue on her cheeks as she said that.

“Oh…I’d love to, if you….wouldn’t be against it…” And now I could feel my cheeks heating up. Just got done fucking Scáthach, yet now I’m sitting her blushing. However, I feel like I got a little bit closer to Yasaka now.

“Well this became awkward.” Yasaka quickly shifted from the bashfulness. “Now to change the subject. Have you considered the letter from Lady Gremory yet?”

I let out a groan, letting my head fall to the table.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.”

“I’ve given it….some thought.” I admitted. “Perhaps not as much as I should. And I just keep finding excuses to put it off.”

“I don’t want to pressure you about it. But I also know it’s going to eat at you until you finally decide.” She lightly poked my shoulder.

“I know.” I groaned. “Hell, my Semblance – the aspect of myself manifested from having my Aura unlocked. It’s an expression of my desire to avoid confrontation with things I don’t like.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. “How fucking ridiculous.”

“We all deal with things in different ways.” She scooted over, pressing against me. “I’m not judging or condemning you. I just want you to deal with it in a healthy way.”

“Alright.” I let out a sigh. “I’ll reply and……..set up a time and place to meet her.” I resolved myself to this course of action. While I don’t have the same anger I had originally…..I do still have some resentment. Whether I’m unfairly projecting it onto the other people of that family, I don’t know. However, I never cared to find out at this point. I would have been fine to just forget about it, but it seems like I need to finally deal with it head on.

I willingly went to fight a god, and now I’m hesitating over meeting my…..grandmother.

“I already had a few things planned in the next few days, along with the meeting with you and Amaterasu, so it’ll be after that.”

“As long as you no longer keep it bottled up.” Yasaka smiled. “And you should tell the others.”

“Yeah.” I pursed my lips, letting out another sigh. “I feel like Artoria would probably get upset with herself if she finds out I kept my troubles to myself. Some weird logic that she should have also not brought anyone else into her own matters and dealt with them personally.”

“Good, that’s settled. What are you plans, exactly?” she asked curiously. “Going to do anything fun?”

“Well…..I wanted to go visit Izzy, maybe right after this. I think it’s been long enough to not be awkward after…” I trailed off.

“You beat up her son?”

“Yes, that.” I deadpanned. “Thankfully, she didn’t seem completely angry, but just mildly upset. Though…..” I paused, biting my lip.

“What? Did something happen?”

“I don’t know.” I said quietly. “I was a bit surprised…” I glanced at her as she looked at me expecting an explanation. “She sorta kissed me on the cheek…..”

“Oh, is that it?”

“What do you mean, ‘is that it’?”

“Oh sweetie.” She kissed my cheek herself with a giggle. “You’re so cute when you’re clueless like that. Don’t dwell on it if you don’t want to.” She said simply. “Now, what are your plans, I’m curious.”

“I mean, they’re not really anything intricate. I wanted to see Izzy, make sure to clear any air, to properly apologize for what I did. Then I was going to stop over to Remnant, check up on some people. I have a few friends there I hadn’t seen and I kinda miss them.”

“How long will you be there?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “But I can time it well enough that I’m not gone more than a day from this world’s perspective. Hell, I might swing by a few places on my way back just to check up on things. It’ll only take a few hours from my perspective even.”

“Hmm, that’s convenient.” She nodded in approval. “Atleast you won’t feel rushed into anything then. Maybe I should have a book written up on etiquette for you to study while your away?”

“Oh my, look at the time.” I abruptly stood up. “I should really get going.”

“You silly man.” She laughed. “Come here. If you’re heading out, I want my goodbye kiss.” She didn’t wait before pulling me in. That familiar flavor I associated with her quickly filled my mouth.

There was a part of me that didn’t want to leave, but that was pretty normal with any of my girls. “So, I was wanting to offer to unlock your Aura.” I spoke after breaking the kiss.

“You spring that up on me right as you’re leaving.” She said dryly.

“Well, obviously I’m not going to do it now.” I rolled my eyes. “But I wanted you to think about it. And, I wanted Jinn’s opinion before I tried it on you, if you accepted that is. It’s never been done on a Youkai, so I don’t’ know what would happen.”

“From what I understand, there shouldn’t really be any issues. So I don’t exactly have a reason to not accept it. Getting stronger is always a plus. I’ve felt that I’ve hit a plateau in recent years with my own training to the point where I haven’t been taking it that seriously.”

“An all around physical boost, as well as a nice protective shield that can take a good amount of damage. Not to mention gaining a Semblance.”

“Alright, alright. I’m convinced.” She kissed my forehead. “I’ll bring it up with Jinn next I see her. You go make sure Izanami isn’t upset. Takamagahara above, we don’t need that when Lady Amaterasu comes.  down. And you’ll be happy to know that Susanoo returned home, so you don’t have to be wary of him either.”

“I ever tell you how amazing you are?” I wrapped her up.

“Hmm, yes. But you should do it more often.” She gave that mischievous smile of hers.


[You look like you’re walking to your funeral] Ddraig commented

“Well…..I kinda messed up and I know she was upset.” I let out a sigh.

[It all worked out.]

“I still beat up her son. Well, I think she didn’t care as much about that as the act of doing it. I basically went behind her back and took matters into my own hands.” I wasn’t oblivious to the potential lines I crossed.

[Hmm, think she forgave you then?]

“No idea. But that’s what I got the flowers for.” I held up the bouquet that I picked up before coming over. “Apparently Lilies are supposed to be interpreted as an ‘Apology’ flower in some aspects.”

I walked up to her house, and I was a little surprised when the door didn’t swing open upon my arrival. Instead, I had to knocked on it a couple times and wait there for a few moments.

It’s possible she isn’t home –

And right on cue, the door swung open. Izzy stood there in the threshold, arms crossed, staring at me. “Wilhelm.” She said evenly.

She was amicable last time, even if she was upset, probably because she was in ‘mother’ mode with Susanoo around. I don’t have the benefit of that anymore.

“Izzy – “ I paused looking at her expression. “Izanami.” I corrected.

She frowned at that. “Since when do you call me that?” She snorted, stepping out of the way. “Well, are you going to come in?”

I perked up a little as she gestured inside. I guess it was still good that I could still call her that. Maybe I was imagining how upset she actually was? Regardless, she was owed an apology and I would give it to her.

She slammed the door behind us as I walked inside. She eyed me and the flowers in my hands. “I’ll go get a vase.” She still didn’t say much as she went the kitchen. I only heard a few cupboards open and closing, some things being moved around and the water running before she came back out. She unceremoniously grabbed them, but it was almost gentle as she carefully placed them inside the vase. Honestly, I think she quirked a smile as she arranged them in a way that pleased her. “Now, are you going to speak, or just keep standing there in silence?” She looked up at me.

“I’m sorry.” I finally blurted out.

“Oh, and what are you sorry about?” She crossed her arms again, staring at me expectantly.

I opened my mouth and closed it again. I wanted to make sure I properly voiced my thoughts.

“Are you perhaps apologizing for beating up my son?” She raised an eyebrow.

“No.” I shook my head. “Honestly, I don’t think you even care about that part. He’s a God, he was healed in no time after the fight. The only thing that was harmed was his ego.”

“Wilhelm, this isn’t a good apology.” She said dryly.

“I’m not done.” I said awkwardly. “I’m not apologizing for that. I’m apologizing for taking it upon myself to try and ‘fix it’. For shoving my nose where it didn’t belong. I had no business taking matters into my own hands, yet I did so anyways. But most of all, I’m sorry for putting you in that position. Between me and your son.”

“I forgive you.”

I blinked, staring at her. “Just like that?”

“Did you expect me to kick you out or get angry?” Izzy huffed. “You acknowledged what you did was wrong. You gave me a genuine apology. I won’t hold onto any sort of grudge or anger since nothing unfortunate happened.” She stated. “I forgive you, Wilhelm.”

“Oh….I didn’t expect it to be that….easy.”

“You came back.” She muttered. “That means more to me than you can understand.”

Ah….I can see how that’s a tender spot for her. “I’m sorry.” I repeated.

“I know. And I’m glad you’re back.” She smiled gently. “And thank you for the flowers. I don’t believe anyone has ever given me flowers before.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “My mom jokingly told me when I was young. If I ever upset a girl I care about, I should bring her flowers when I apologize.”

“Your mother was a smart woman.” Izzy praised. “I suspect you brought her many flowers when you were younger.”

“The first time I got in trouble after hearing that. I ran outside and found a Dandelion a few houses down. I was so excited that I ran back and didn’t even realize the little bits already scattered as I gave it to her. She looked so confused when I handed her basically a stem with a shit-eating-grin on my face.”

“And it seems your foolishness hasn’t changed much, only the scale.”

“Yeah, I deserve that one.” I couldn’t really argue with that. “So, bringing your children back up. Apparently, Amaterasu is going to make an appearance before Yasaka for the first time in forever. And my presence was ‘requested’.” I made sure to add that last bit in air quotes.

“Wilhelm…..don’t beat up my daughter.”

“Do you really have to ask me that?’

“Do I need to bring up Susanoo?’

“It was one time.”

“Yes, it was only one time you beat up my son.”

We shared a look before both laughing at the absurdity of it all.

“I promise, I’ll try my darndest to not do anything.” I said with all honesty.

“Good. Don’t even bring me up if you can help it. Though, I suspect it’ll be mentioned regardless, since it’s easy to guess why she’s descended in the first place.” Izzy sighed. “Just…….tread carefully.”

“Yeah, I got it. Yasaka’s Patron Goddess, your Daughter. Lots of intertangled relationships all about. I’m content to sit back and let Yasaka do the talking.” I knew this already, but I wanted her to know too. I felt like she at least deserved to know that I would be talking to her daughter.

“Thank you for telling me. There isn’t much I can do with that information, but I am appreciative of it nonetheless. Now, tell me what you’ve been up to. You look exhausted, have you been causing more problems?” She inquired.

“It wasn’t me this time.” I let out a sigh. “So, you hear anything about the Pendragon family?”

“That Western Family, no. But now that you mention it, I assume something occurred?” She tilt her head.

Well, it’s interesting that even Izzy hasn’t heard any news about it. “Artoria wanted to…..pay them a visit. Show them the error of their ways after she heard some unsavory details.”

“Oh, yes. I can imagine how that went. Most families like that have quite a few skeletons in their closets.”

“Tell me about it. Fucking kids in cages.” We somehow took the conversation to the couch without even noticing., I leaned my head on her shoulder as I let out a yawn and continued. “I may as well start from the beginning.”


Small Interlude: Azazel POV

“I don’t understand why you wont let me go.”

“Dammit Vali, I told you already. Do the words ‘Political Shitstorm’ mean nothing to you?” I sighed for the tenth time in the past 10 minutes.

“Nope.” He said shamelessly. “Why do I gotta worry about all that crap? I just wanna go fight the red bastard.”

“Besides our relationship.” I snorted. “You’re a prominent member of the Grigori, so your actions reflect on us. How the hell do you think they’d take it if you waltz on over and pick a fight with someone who went toe to toe with Susanoo?”

“Don’t know, don’t care.” He shrugged. “I’m White, he’s Red, it shouldn’t matter about all that crap.”

“Dammit Vali.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “You don’t even know if it was the Boosted Gear.”

“It was red, and on his arm. Even Albion said it looked like the Boosted Gear.”

“Do you have any idea how many ‘Red Gauntlet’ Sacred Gears there are?”

“Like two? Boosted Gear and Twice Critical. So I got a 50/50 chance at the very least. And even if I’m wrong, he’s pretty strong, so it’d be a good fight.”

“Nope.” I shook my head. “You’re dead wrong there, kiddo.”

“What? The hell I am.”

“Let me put it this way, what exactly is a ‘Twice Critical?”

“Uh, that shitty Sacred Gear that mimics Ddraig’s Boosting ability?”

“And where do you think that comes from? The Boosted Gear houses Ddraig’s soul. What powers the Twice Critical?”

Vali blinked, looking thoughtful.

“I’ll give you a hint. What do you think happened to the Heavenly Dragon’s bodies?”

“Wait, seriously?”

“Yup. Pops took their bodies and experimented with them early on. Tried to make something useful out of them.”

“Now Albion’s throwing a fit. He wants to know if there are any Sacred Gears with his ability floating around like the Twice Critical……well, now he’s saying it’s not fair that only Twice Critical is know and not a variation of his ability.”

Those two dragons, always so competitive.

“There aren’t any based on Albion’s Divine Dividing ability. First, Dear old Dad went through most of your stuff trying to perfect the transfer and make sure it ‘stuck’ onto a physical form. Yours was much harder to managed due to the nature of ‘dividing’ something ELSE as opposed to Ddraig’s ability to double the owner’s own power. By the time he managed to get some headway, there wasn’t much left of you to work with.”

Vali groaned, holding his head. “Albion’s now gloating that he was ‘too strong’ to be copied like Ddraig.”

Of course that’s his takeaway.


“Anyways. So, Dad had pretty much all of Ddraig to work with, so he just made like a couple hundred Twice Critical.” I shrugged. “I got a store room in my lab with a couple dozen of them. I spent a few years picking them apart, finding any differences. There are some stronger than others. I think there’s one in particular that’s the cream of the crop, but I don’t know where that one is. Otherwise, the others are just mediocre tools not even qualified to be mentioned with other Sacred Gears.”

I clapped my hands. “So, no need to go over there.”

“I still wanna go.”

“Dammit Vali, I said no!”

“Fuck you, I’m going.”

“I'll ground you.”

“Pfft, try it, bitch.”

“I’ll go tell Lavinia you’re causing trouble.”

“……fuck you.” Vali spat out, seething, but he wouldn’t push it again. There were many things Vali could handle, Lavinia scolding him was not one of them. He’d never admit it, but she was basically his older sister. “I can’t even go find Bikou for a fight cause that old monkey called him back for some shit. The fuck am I supposed to do now?”

“I’ll tell you what, why don’t I go over there and meet with Yasaka? I might be able to get a few answers if I approach with something good. Maybe then we can figure this out, and if he’s the wielder of the Boosted Gear, maybe we can set up a fight or something?” He wouldn’t drop it, even if he relented for now. May as well make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble when it finally happens.

“Really?” He eyed me skeptically.

“Vali, would I lie to you?”

“Without a second fucking thought.”

“Hurtful.” I clutched my heart.

I admit, I do want to see about getting my hands on those Sacred Gears she has. She denied me last time, but after the attack they suffered, they’re probably hurting for resources.

Well, I doubt she can deny my ‘generosity’ this time~


Omake – You have a certain Type.

Wilhelm POV

“What are you insinuating?” I looked at Artoria.

“I am insinuating nothing. I am merely pointing out the fact. It is nothing to be ashamed of, Wilhelm.” Artoria replied. “From what I have come to understand, many people have a ‘type’. Yours just happens to coincide with……mature women.”

“I don’t have a type.” I denied. “It’s just a coincidence. Besides, are you calling you calling yours a ‘mature woman’?” I smirked towards her.

“My aging may have stopped at this physical state, but make no doubt, Wilhelm. I am many years older than you even if we do not take into account the year I was born until now.” She retorted.

“I should seduce Rin, just to prove you wrong.”

“Please don’t attempt to seduce Rin. As amusing as it would be to see you fail, it would just cause problems.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to ruin –“ I paused. “What do you mean, ‘fail’?” I quirked an eyebrow. “I could seduce her if I wanted to.”

“Oh, Wilhelm.” Artoria chuckled, reaching over and gently patting my cheek. “Is this the ‘selective blindless’ ive heard about in men?”

“What’s that supposed to mean!?”

“It means…..have you not seen Rin more interested in the women you bring home as opposed to you?”


Artoria shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, we have arrived.”

“This conversation isn’t over.” I grumbled. “I don’t have a ‘type’. I simply happened upon some wonderful women who happened to be more….mature.” I let out a breath, as we walked up to the front door. “So just…..knock and introduce ourselves?”

“I believe that is the best course of action.” Artoria nodded.

Though….we didn’t really need to knock as we just walked straight through he bounded fields.

Before I could even touch the door, it swung open revealing the occupants inside.

“Saber!?” Several voices blurted out, then turned to a young woman who looked exactly like Artoria behind them.

“W-what!?” The ‘Saber’ they referred to blurt out in confusion.

“May we come in?” I asked.

“Well this is awkward.” I said idly as we had been staring at each other for like ten minutes now.

“Who are you?” I recognized the voice and face of the one who spoke up. The mirror image of a younger Rin Tohsaka.

“Well, I should introduce myself I guess.” I cleared my throat. “Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg. Grandson of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, Wizard Marshall of the Mages Association.”

“Z-Zelretch!?” Rin exclaimed.

“Um…..who’s Zelretch?” The young man that sat between Rin and the alternative version of Artoria questioned with a confused look on his face.

“Shirou, you idiot! He’s one of the only Magicians in existence! We went over this last week!” She smacked his shoulder.

Shirou Emiya, one of the differences in my main World-line. He doesn’t exist there, however, I do know quite a bit about him.

“Eh, not that big of a deal.” I said evenly. “And I guess I don’t have to introduce my companion….considering.”

“It is polite to do so anyways.” Artoria spoke up. “I am Artoria Pendragon, it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

“You are me.” The Artoria opposite of us spoke up. “How is this possible?”

“Okay for convenience sake, how about – “ Put my hand on Artoria’s head. “My Artoria is just – Artoria, yours is Saber?” I offered.

“Makes it easier.” Rin grumbled. “But I’m with Saber, how? There shouldn’t be another Grail to summon a servant!”

“Grandson of Zelretch. Do you think I wouldn’t know the same Magic? I don’t come from this World-Line, neither does my Artoria.”

“It’s true.” She confirmed. “I had my own Grail War, similar to your own. Though, the noticeable exception would be the young man infront of me. Would you perhaps introduce yourself?” Artoria asked.

“Oh.” He perked up. “Um….Shirou Emiya…..guess it’s nice to meet you again?” He gave a good natured smile.

Artoria smiled towards him. “Yes, likewise.”

“And…Saber meet Artoria?” I grinned.

Artoria turned to me with a little swat at my shoulder. “Apologies, he thinks he is humorous at times.”

“So….are you two like…together?” Rin asked. “Oh, and I’m Rin Tohsaka, by the way.”

“Yes.” Artoria didn’t deny it. “And we are aware of who you are. Our Rin is a part of our lives, she is even my master.”

“Oh?” Rin turned to Shirou. “Atleast I didn’t get my Servant stolen in a different timeline.”

“Hey, I said I’m sorry!” Shirou instantly apologized.

“Excuse me.” Saber interrupted. “Did you say you both are….together?”

“I did.” Artoria confirmed again. “Wilhelm and I have been dating for awhile now.” She reached out of her own volition, taking my hand.

“Oh.” Saber blinked. “you too….” She said quietly.

“Wait are you and….” I gestured towards Shirou.

“Y-yes.” Saber was a bit more…. unfamiliar with those kinds of feelings as she immediately went red.

“Huh.” Well, good for her. Even if she isn’t my Artoria, I’m glad she’s happy. “Hey kid.” I turned to Shirou. “Want some advice on how to ‘handle’ her?” I wiggled my eyebrow.

Both Artorias made the same noise of embarrassment.


“Uh, sure?” Shirou accepted, probably not understanding what I was implying.

“Shirou!” Saber made an almost exact reaction that my Artoria did.

“Oh my god, this is great.” Rin just had the biggest smile on her face. “You know, you both have almost the same hair color too. Weird coincidence.”

I blinked at that, looking at Shirou’s hair, then pulling a strand of mine down to compare. “Huh.” I turned to Artoria. “What a strange coincidence.”

Artoria narrowed her eyes. “Are you insinuating something?”

“Oh no, I’m merely…..pointing out the fact….” The corners of my lips curled up. “A young man with bright red hair…”

“That is a happenstance and nothing more.”

“Hmm.” I turned back to shirou. “Hey, Shirou. You wouldn’t happen to have a fascination with swords, would you?” I already knew the answer to that question.

“Uh, yeah? I like swords, what about it?”

I turned back to Artoria.

“T-that proves nothing.” She stuttered. “It’s not the same, he just – “

“He has an endless field of swords in his soul.” I interjected, much to the surprised exclamations to the hosts.

“…..” Artoria could muster an argument.

“My, I think someone has a Type.” I said with as smug a tone as I could muster.


Alrighty, a few chapters in Remnant, then back to DxD for Momma Gremory. I realize that Venelana was hyped up a bit, i never intended that and I always planned on doing it 'later' into the DxD from the point it was first brought up. For me personally, I like to have plot threads on the horizon for things to look forward to even when some chapters are just like Slice of life stuff. 


James French

I love these fun chaps, can’t wait to see a certain lonely lady get the surprise of her life when a ‘god’ drops by. And as always thanks again for the chaps!


Amazing omake wishing for a part 2 and more