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“What do you mean ‘adopted you’?” Scáthach questioned, Raikou listened with rapt attention.

“Just exactly as it sounds.” I replied. “Apparently, she adopts all the Campione and takes them as her Step-Children. For some reason, they don’t really remember her all that much due to the process. She was very nice to me so I wanted to say goodbye before we left.”

“Master…..” Raikou quietly tugged on my sleeve.

“Hey.” I realized I touched on something sensitive for her. Reaching my hand out, I cupped her cheek. “Please don’t misunderstand. You’re invaluable to me and no one can take that away. She’s not a replacement, nor is she going to steal any kind of position from you. You’re mine, Raikou. You’re my Raikou and my Servant, and I never want to give you up.”

She made a little noise of happiness, and her cheeks turned a bright red. “Ah, you’re making your mother so happy.” She looked down in embarrassment.

Thank whatever Gods that she isn’t still under the effects of Mad Enhancement, or I’d never bring her around Pandora. Well, one of the things she desired was complete acceptance, I suppose I wanted to make sure she knew where I stood. Even if I said it before, sometimes some people needed it to be repeated from time to time.

“Hmm, I was worried that you were stretching yourself too thin by grabbing so many women to your side. Not giving any of them the attention they deserved. But I see I am merely worried for no true reason. ” Scáthach walked up and locked her arm with Raikou’s, making me raise an eyebrow at the closeness they had apparently formed. “Make no mistake, If you had not properly relayed such words, I would have given you a thorough beating. I refuse to be the woman of a horn dog who cannot look after the ones he had stolen something precious from.”

Raikou looked so happy to have Scáthach acting like a sort of friend to her. I don’t know if they truly bonded in these past few days, but it was at least a step in the right direction. I think Scáthach also wanted to perhaps reach out herself. The loneliness she suffered in life had certainly done her no favors.

“He’s gotten very good at his honeyed words, has he not?” Scáthach looked at Raikou.

“Hmm, he sure has. We should be wary of any more approaching women less they also fall to his seductive words.” Raikou nodded, seemingly adopting and amused smile that was mimicked by my teacher.

“An endeavor that may beyond my significant abilities.” Scáthach pursed her lips. “Would killing a God be an easier labor, I wonder?”

“Ara, I’m sure if you just exude that bloodlust of yours, no one will dare approach.”

“Fuuu, or we can just keep you around.” Scáthach snorted. “With these large udders of yours, who would think to usurp your position, hmm?”

“Yes, I’m sure jealousy is a powerful deterrent~”

“You think this Scáthach is jealous!?” Scáthach puffed up her own chest. “Shall we have my Student pick his target of desire?” She let go and instead went to drape herself over my arm. “Tell me, my student, for whom do your eyes linger on the most?”

“Master, your mother wants your attention~” Raikou grabbed my other arm. “Tell his old hag who you really prefer.” She took my other side.

I glanced at both of them who held a gaze of expectance.

“This is a trap.” I said without any hesitation.

They both started giggling at my expense.

“He has learned well.” Scáthach grinned.

“My Son has good sense.” She pushed her cheek against mine.

They were teasing me. Gods, they were practically acting like sisters at this point. “See how I give you both a spanking later.”

“How bold of you, my student. Is that a promise?” Scáthach laughed, unperturbed.

“Be gentle on your mother~” Raikou smiled brightly.

I could only shake my head at their antics. Words couldn’t describe how happy it made me that they were both getting along like this. “Shall we head over? I do want to go home soon.” I really miss my other girls as well.

“Lets go meet your Goddess.” Scáthach’s expression turned neutral.

“Yes, let’s go meet your new ‘Mother’.” Raikou said dryly.

I guess she’s still…annoyed? For lack of a better word. Though it’s not the product of her cursed mindset, so I didn’t dwell on it. People were allowed to have their own opinions, their own dislikes and what-not.

With another thought, I opened a portal to the place I had Calculated before. The strange place, the room I was in, it had changed slightly.

I saw the familiar Goddess. The was laying on the ground as she lazily watched a TV playing infront of her, and a bowl of snacks she was munching from.

There was silence as she stopped what she was doing, staring at us incredulously.

“Hi Mom, I’m back.” I stated.

“AHHH!” She threw the bowl at me.

I blinked as it bounced off my Aura.

There was silence for another moment.

“Are you going to throw your shoe again…?”

“N-no, who would do something like that!?” She quickly jumped to her feet.

“Maybe a Loli Godde—”

A shoe smacked me in the face, somehow bypassing my Aura.

“I’m a Mature and Beautiful Goddess!” She huffed before settling down. Her eyes roamed all over us, as if inspecting us individually. “….As happy I am to see you again.”

“You have questions?”

“Yes. First question.” She cleared her throat. “WHAT!?”

“Second question?

“Second question.” She nodded. “WHAT!?”

“I think I can guess your third question.” I snorted.

“Explain!” She appeared infront of me, eyes practically bugging out of her head.

“Introductions first?” I offered.

She looked at my companions around. “Introductions!” She quickly repeated. “I’ve never had any other proper guests before! It’s usually some stupid God that comes to try and make trouble or one of my Children! What am I supposed to do!? Oh no, it’s all a mess!” She started to whine, and immediately ran around the room throwing stuff every which way to make it look tidier. Like a whirlwind, the place looked much cleaner as she jumped back infront of us. “Welcome to my nice, clean home! I am Pandora, the All-Giving Mother.”

I noticed Scáthach and Raikou glance at each other.

“I am Scáthach.” My teacher simply introduced.

“Scáthach who isn’t Scáthach.” Pandora repeated. “Strange, strange. Who are you really?” She narrowed her eyes.

“I’m this fool’s woman.” She jabbed her thumb towards me, ignoring the obvious meaning in her words.

“Kyah!” Pandora let out a small squeal, erasing the tension she previously introduced. “Call me mother!”

Scáthach blinked at how easily Pandora changed her attitude. “What a strange Goddess you are.”

“I’m the best Goddess!” She puffed up proudly before turning back to Raikou, waiting expectantly.

“I am Minamoto-no-Raikou. I’m Master’s Mother.” She looked rather smug at her declaration.

“She’s also my woman.” I added.

“Ah, my son is so sweet.” She smiled brightly. “Mother is also your woman.” She repeated.

It was Pandora’s turn to give a blank look. “I don’t even know where to being with that.” She pursed her lips. “However……..grandbabies! I’m going to have so many!” She threw her hands up excitedly.

“C-children!?” Raikou blurted out. “My son wants to have children with me!?” She seemed to go off in her own little world.

I actually think I blushed at that. And I believe Scáthach noticed because the corners of her lips curled up.

“Fufu, Wilhelm, my precious student. Could it be that you wish to have me bare your children?” She looked towards me with clear humor in her eyes. “Do you wish to impregnate this Scáthach, hmm?” She moved her mouth close to my ear, and spoke with a whisper. “Do you desire to see me with a large and round belly?”

I just groaned at her teasing, covering my face. “Having you all meet was a terrible idea.”

I never really had the proper talk about children with any of my girls except Meridia, and that wasn’t really a ‘full’ talk. For some reason it’s making flustered now that it was brought up.

Pandora started giggling to herself. “I like them.” She seemed to approve. “Not like those stuffy old fogies from the Realm of Immortality. I don’t know where they came from, but your mother approves!”

“You really can’t tell what they are?” I questioned. I was curious about how much insight a Goddess would have.

“Hmm.” She gave them another look over. “They both have Divinity, which is strange because they are neither Campione nor Gods. I can understand where it comes from for both of them, yet they don’t appear to be similar to what I know. They are also not normal humans, and now that I look closely, they don’t seem to be properly living. It’s frighteningly close to how us Gods exist, yet at the same time, extremely different.”

“Not bad.” Scáthach nodded. “For being able to gleam such information, your insight is commendable. However…” She turned to me. “Is it wise to discuss such things here?”

“Well….” I scratched my cheek.

“No being in this world can peer into my realm right now. I made sure of that as soon as you three entered.” She waived Scáthach off. “If you’re speaking about telling me things, I won’t pry.” She gave a small smile. “Your mother will wait for you to tell her when you’re ready.”

“You are a strange Goddess.” Scáthach muttered.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Pandora smiled brightly. “However, I will need to know how you entered here. It’s not something even a God can accomplish unless some drastic measures are taken under some intricate circumstances.”



She smacked me on the head.

“Owww!?” I rubbed my head where she bopped me.

“I saw nothing.” Raikou hummed.

“You deserved that.” Scáthach said dryly. “If she didn’t do it, I would have.”

“Yeah yeah.” I huffed. “To be more specific, I have a very…..unique Magic available to me that allows me some control and operation over Dimensions and Space. There are very few places I can’t actually go to.”

Pandora was silent as she apparently mulled over my words. “It’s how you entered the Netherworld before.” She muttered. “I see.” She nodded to herself. “Tell me, are you able to enter the Realm of Immortality?”

“…Technically? I can if I wanted to.”

“Never go there.” She quickly followed up. “Promise me you will never enter the Realm of Immortality.” She grabbed my shirt and looked at me intently.

“I promise.” I said without any fanfare. “I never had the intention of doing so anyways.”

“Good.” She nodded. “I fear what would happen to you if you went there. The Gods would tear you apart and there’s nothing I could do.”

Yeah, I wouldn’t want to fight every god in existence at the same time……

“Why are you such an enigma?” Pandora got right in my face. “I can’t understand your origins at all, nor your companions. It’s both infuriating and interesting. I’ve never been so clueless before, it’s a new experience.”

“I’ll explain properly at another point.” I said quietly.

“I suppose that’s the best I can get. I can’t expect you to trust me so soon after just meeting me.” She sighed. “Thank you for telling me this much at least.”

I couldn’t help but reach out and hug her.

“Hehe, my son came back home and gave me a hug. This is the best day.”

“Is it okay if I come back in the future?” I asked. “I have….other girls I want to introduce you to.” Is It weird that I already felt a connection to her?

I am really a sucker for this kind of thing. Especially when she holds no kind of deceit in her actions.

Pandora let out a laugh. “More? My you are such a Casanova.” She gave my chest a little poke. “And I can’t forbid you from coming.” She gave an exaggerated little shrug. Though I felt it was accompanied by a ‘wink wink’ kind of feeling. “But if you happened to drop by, I would be extremely happy.”

“Of course, he will return.” Raikou confirmed. “A son should not be away from their mother for too long.” She nodded to herself.

And I had to do a double take as she practically did a 180 on her previous feelings. Was it the comment about children that won her over? Well, it was pretty hard to dislike Pandora, she came off as very sincere and genuine.

“You understand!” Pandora flew over, grabbing Raikou’s hands. “As expected of my Daughter-in-law.”

“Mother!” Raikou was practically giddy in response.

Scáthach turned to me. “You surround yourself with strange people.”

“….I can’t deny that.”

“But it’s nice.” She added.

“I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”


Last Chapter of Campione, might do a scene of goodbyes next chapter before heading back to see Zelretch. So, I originally intended to do a scene with Godou, but I couldn't really make it fit i guess. It didn't seem needed at all as everything important was said previously. I think it would flow better if he met up with Godou later and gave him time to grow. And It should make for an interesting time on Campione round two when all the small ripples they made turned into waves.

What my intent was for this small arc. I wanted Wilhelm to become a Godslayer, obviously. It was something I had planned from the start of the story. I also wanted some time to develop Scathach and Raikou as they entered Wilhelms life properly. Raikou outside of the war and Scathach outside of the Land of shadows. I wanted them time before he reunited with his whole harem. And I wanted them to sort of build off each other, if that makes sense. Raikou would admire Scathach's confidence, while Scathach would admire Raikou's gentleness. I thought they would play well off each other. 

Anyways, DxD is back after a couple more chapters. It should be a bit longer than my other arcs so far as we have a lot to cover.



Thanks for the chapter! Boy i can't wait for DxD, is he gonna meet Rias and Sona again? Granny Venelana!


I'd really love to see Sona in the harem but I doubt Will would get together with her considering man is a professional milf hunter that would make Kakyoin proud. But I can dream, anyway great as always keep up the good work


This is getting exciting


But the POV reactions… 😩 Where’s the reactions… 😩

Robert Thompson

Pls stop adding grils to the harem it takes away any meaning in the relationships

striker James

With the return to dxd Wilhelm could make up for lost time with those he ain't seen in awhile hell he could gain evil pieces and get a pearage with just his harem and friends he made and since devils have a fertility rate he could start a family with who wants one I remember a certain dedric lord that would accept being pregnant and even if she had to split part of her power into a made body for it to be reincarnated to a devil I bet she would if only to see a child from her be born((A ONCE IN A EXISTENCE OPPORTUNITY FOR Meridia))

striker James

Side note summoning Jeane in dxd only to make her a devil would be interesting I bet she still be able to use the Longines since she still be a saint. I already miss there interactions or him randomly tieing her up to use as a compass for divine directions. That must become a thing when she returns lol 😆🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂

cris pena

would say not worth it due most of his harem are actully not nedding evil pieces for power or lifespan.it would only weaken them more due to now having fatal weakness to holy atribute.i say avoid evil pieces as he said it pretty much slave pieces.as magus he reasearch them how they were made.maybe he can gain something from them.

cris pena

no jeanne would not need any evil pieces.she is already a heroic spirit.then she would gain a fatal weakness to holy attribute her strongest attribute for ruler version of her.then depending on interpretation of evil pices.it a slave system to some and or vassalage system wich i am not fan off.

striker James

The suggestion wasn't really for power or life span except for Jack's mom or rin the most of his harem are heroic spirts who can't have children so it let them be able 2 he'll mordred or Achilles might want to have the option so they wouldn't care if they were serving a person they trust and merdia is a dedric lord who can create bodies to be in multiple places so it wouldn't be a danger for her and she could finally keep watch of him since she claimed him as hers the hole her having a child would still be a amazing opportunity 4 her tho that's why I mentioned it plus if your part God you don't have the weakness it shown in dxd that being part holy reduces it so most of his harem with have little or no weaknesses as devils

striker James

The main reason why I think to reincarnation is heroic spirts can be gotten rid of without command spells or power to manifest but if reincarnated they can't plus the evil pieces are tuned by the king so in whilem case a HALF DEVIL DRAGON CAMPOINE (DIVINE BEING) So why would his pieces have holy weakness they probably won't he'll I bet he and his peerage could talk about God all day with out issue. Now is whilem going to inslave his lovers or only friends NO..... but I get some people wouldn't want them he'll whilem probably be on fence purely interested since if give him choices


Is it wrong that I wanted the Scathachs to meet each other?


With his soul/spiritual strength being so much higher after become a campione, will he develop Pure Eyes from fate?

striker James

Was rereading chapters and comments and Bogdan sibisteanu I have to say I could see sona fall for him 2 she loves intelligence and her meeting him and him cutting her of saying how bout a game of chess to decide a fight argument would be something he do to get out of trouble with her. Also wile he normally likes milfs there has been times he said girls his own age are attractive he just dosnt have 1 his age in his harem yet there were a couple possible teasers in remnant if you remember 😉