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Scáthach POV

“So this is the country that both you and Wilhelm grew up in.” I admired the view as I watch people walk down the streets.

“Yes.” My student’s Servant responded. “Though it looks too foreign for me to recognize.”

“The passing of the years changes everything.” I said quietly. “I am hesitant to approach my own homeland, I wonder if I would even think of it as the same. Would the island I grew up on be nothing but dirt in the centuries I had been away?” I was feeling strangely nostalgic.

“I do not know.” The woman shook her head. “My knowledge outside of Japan is minimal. But I do know the name of your home carried on and people still live there happily and your name has passed through the years. Is that not enough?”

I let out a small laugh. “I suppose it is.”

This woman has become much more pleasant after Wilhelm cleared her of her madness. No longer was that thinly veiled disgust in her gaze. No longer did she have to force herself to interact with other people.

Her gentle attitude is rather enjoyable. I can see why my student had become enamored with her. Besides the obvious that is.

I briefly glanced at her chest. I was by no means jealous of any other woman, I felt I had a very generous bosom myself. However……I can’t help but admit that her tits are impressive, more so than mine. Truly, I can only say that my rear doesn’t lose out to hers.

Well, I know that Wilhelm still enjoys my body, so I do not feel any dissatisfaction. Yes, I certainly felt his desire when I held him in my grasp.

“That boy decided to abandon us. Shall we go explore while he is occupied with his matters?” I offered. I would not mind spending more time with this woman since we will be around each other much in the future.

“He didn’t abandon us.” The swordswoman replied. “He had something important to take care of.”

“Perhaps.” I pursed my lips.

It is true. She relayed my students’ words through their link as Servant and Master. From what she spoke, the young Godslayer was truly in over his head and Wilhelm had taken it upon himself to help the boy out.

I was mildly annoyed since I had a desire to meet the young’un that managed to slay a god. However, I also quite liked that kindness he shows. How he was so upset earlier, yet it all evaporated the moment he found out the young God Slayer was suffering and decided to lend a hand.

“Regardless.” I would not dwell on it. He had matters to settle and we were not required at his side for the moment. “We have some time, let us go explore the clothing of this era. I have some strange knowledge about certain things I wish to investigate.”

I would like to acquire some more garments from a modern merchant. Besides wanting some variety in my wardrobe, I do believe my man would enjoy it if I wore different styles.

“Are you sure it’s okay to leave him alone?” The daughter of Indra hesitantly asked.

“You are a very kind woman.” I truly admired this about her. “But you should acknowledge your own desires as well. You are someone who exists as a separate entity and you need not have your existence revolve around Wilhelm.” I placed a hand on her shoulder. I could understand her thoughts, but I could guess what my student would wish in this circumstance. “You are allowed to do things because you desire. We are both in a similar situation, but I am aware that I do not need to spend every moment living for him. And I am sure he would wish you to be happy as well.”

It would not be good for her to only care about Wilhelm’s needs. For both of them, it would develop into a distorted relationship and become something that poisons those around him.

She looked hesitant, but the fact that she was considering at all was a good sign. The remnants of her time under Madness did her no favors.

“I do wish to look around and explore a little bit…” She said softly before a smile claimed her face. “Very well. I will enjoy some time away from my son.” She puffed up happily.

Well, I will not judge her if she wishes to still play at being his mother. My deviant of a student certainly enjoys it, I could tell that much. And that is no where close to the strangest fetish I have had the displeasure of witnessing in my existence.

“But…..how will we pay for the goods? This era requires a certain method of payment.”

A good question, thankfully I had prepared. I withdrew a brown leather object from my own pocket. Something I was quite interested in is the methods of storing items on clothes that seemed so prevalent these days. “I had taken this off of Wilhelm.” I proudly proclaimed. “He will be treating us to our fun since he abandoned us.”


Wilhelm POV

“What the hell, where’s my wallet?” I started patting my pockets and couldn’t find it anywhere.

“Are you……trying to scam me?” Godou asked.

“No, I keep money stored in other places on me. It’s just……my wallet.” I sighed wondering what happened. “Oh well.” I shrugged. It sucks but it’s not like I’m hurting for money in any way. I just liked to keep it on me out of habit. “Anyways, this is quite good.”

“Oh yeah, I love this place. They really do have the best Ramen in town.” Godou and I happily enjoyed our meal.

He seemed a little bit chipper. “So, I was curious.”

“Hmm?” He muttered, quickly swallowing.

“Why exactly did you destroy the Colosseum?”

“You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

“Dude, it was a historical monument.”

“….it was an accident.”

“Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the people of Rome.” I snickered. “But seriously, what happened?”

Godou sighed again, something that was happening a lot. “Erica took me to meet some people of the group she’s part of. A bunch of old guys wanted to test me to make sure I could keep something safe from a God.”

“Why didn’t you just….not fight? I don’t want to sound mean, but that’s almost exactly the circumstances where you could just walk away.”

“I tried!” He threw up his hands again before sighing once more. “But Erica summoned her sword thing and started attacking me, I had no choice.”

“Wait, the girl from the roof?”


“Shit, why is she even still around you? I’d be pissed at her for pulling some crap like that.”

“I…..don’t know.”

“Ah.” I realized. “She’s probably the only person you can rely on right now. You didn’t want to drag your family into your mess, so you had no one else to even share your burden with.” Once again, I felt bad that he was forced into this circumstance. “So, what was so important that you had to protect it?”

“Oh, it’s this thing.” He immediately reached into his back pocket and pulled out a stone-like object with a carved figure on the surface, holding it out for me to inspect. “Forgot the name, but it gives me a strange feeling.”

I did in fact take it from him, but I also flicked his forehead.

“Ow, what the hell?”

“Don’t just give strangers objects of power like this.” I chastised him. “I could have been luring you into a false sense of security. I already revealed I knew about you, It wouldn’t have been odd that this was all a trap.”

“Is it a trap?” He questioned.

“No, but it’s the principal of the matter!” I flicked him again.

“Ow, stop flicking me!”

“I will when you don’t make foolish decision.” I huffed, inspecting the strange thing. I could feel the feint pulsing of power.

[Definitely divine in origin. There is something bubbling beneath the surface. It feels similar to the goddess you encountered before.]

Yeah, and she spoke about being lessened.

Want to bet that this is the source of her power and she’s going to come for it?

[Fools wager.]

“So, the God coming about this wouldn’t happen to be Athena, would it?”

He blinked. “How’d you know?”

“Ran into her in Rome.”

“Wait, really!? She was that close by?”

“Yeah, she knows you have it as well.” It would do no one good to not tell him. “She’s weakened though, if that helps.”

Godou groaned. “It helps a little but I still don’t want to fight another god!”

“You could always seduce her.” I offered an alternative.

“Will that really work?” He snorted almost humored by the idea.

“Probably not, but stranger things have happened.” She’s a virgin goddess in myth as well.

“Like what?”

“Well, some random kid in Japan managed to somehow kill a God. Really damn weird.”

“Oh screw you.”


Atleast he was smiling.

“Here.” I handed it back to him.

“No way, you keep it.” He reeled back.

“Wait, what?”

“You said a Goddess is going to come after it.” He stated. “Besides, you said you were strong, right? If you’re stronger than me, then shouldn’t you have it?”

“You sure? Weren’t you specifically given this to protect it? As I said before, you don’t know me. I can think of several ritual that I could use to abuse this thing and hurt people.”

He gave a little smile. “I think you’re a good person. And it was kind of forced on me so....."

“Jeez, why do people always say that.” I muttered, staring at the strange object. It looked almost like an amulet that depicted Medusa from legends. Other than some horrific ways to utilize this thing, I could also think of some interesting ways for it to benefit me. “Well, I can’t just take this for nothing.”

“It’s fine, I really don’t want it.” He waived me off.

“How about – “ I paused, perking up. “Oh, Godou. I would like to introduce you.” I spun around in my stool as two familiar women walked up.

He turned around looking at them as well. Well, more so staring, but I couldn’t fault him. They were both extremely beautiful and I often found myself staring as well.

“These are two of the women in my life.” I gestured towards them. And I noticed that they were carrying several new bags with them.

I do believe I now know what happened to my wallet.

“Hmm, are you the rumored Campione then?” Scáthach eyed him inquisitively. “So young, so very young.” She said lightly, and I don’t think it was in reference to his age. “You are so fully yet so empty at the same time. Child who had this burden forced upon you.” She seemed to almost pity him as she walked up next to me. “You stand at the precipice of choice. You can go in any direction, but you should choose wisely.”

“Uh….thanks?” Godou replied in confusion.

“She means that you have many avenues available to you to get stronger, but you shouldn’t bite off more than you can chew.”

“Oh.” He nodded. “Thank you.”

“Fufu, you are a gentle child. What a strange turn of fate that you are the one out of the masses that lucked into this position.”

“I’ve always had bad luck.” He sighed.

“Bad Luck, Good Luck. What matters is how we deal with the consequences of destiny.” Scáthach looked rather wistful. “You are new to this world, child. Know my name as your senior. I am Scáthach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows.”

“Ah….it’s nice to meet you.” He clearly didn’t recognize her name and title, but still was respectful.

“What a silly boy.” Scáthach just laughed. “In another time and place, I would have enjoyed training you.”

I don’t think he quite knew how to react to that since he didn’t know Scáthach’s true history.

“I am Raikou.” Raikou simply introduced herself instead of her full name and title. “You have suffered.”

“Oh well, what can I do?” He let out a self-deprecating laugh.

I felt Raikou’s arms wrap around me from behind. I always welcomed her gentle touch and it would always be soothing for me. “You enjoy yourselves?” I asked towards my Servant.

“Oh yes, it was quite enjoyable. I have procured many things I found pleasant.” Raikou smiled happily.

I turned towards Scáthach. “Yes, well, I’m happy I could provide for both of you.” My tone was very dry as I looked towards my teacher.

She of course just smirked at me and dangled my Wallet in her fingers.

“Anyways.” I turned back towards Godou. “What plans do you have moving forward?”

Godou was able to shake off the initial surprise of meeting my two girls easily enough. “I’ll probably do what you said, look for whatever people are taking care of the place. You said that they would welcome me, right?”

“Yeah, there’s a really good chance they would jump at the opportunity to pull you to their side.” I nodded. “It’s not a bad idea either, you’ll get some much needed support. I do suggest learning about the wider world and know where you stand with everything.”

“Joy, more studying.” He groaned, but it was filled with a humorous undertone.

“Speaking of studying.” I searched my ring for some things. “Any particular weapon you’re partial to?”

“Uh, a weapon?” He questioned. “Well, I do have an ability involving a sword.”

“Oh.” My eyes sparkled. “Interesting. How are your sword skills?”

“Um…..stab with the pointy end?”

“So, a master.” I nodded.

He let out an awkward laugh at my joke. “I’ve never held a weapon before now.”

“Understandable.” I found a good sword and took it out, placing it infront of him. “Fairly well balanced, enchanted to be extremely durable. I’m guessing you can’t just take out whatever Authority to practice with on a whim?”

“No, I need to – “

I flicked him again. “Information is valuable, don’t give it out so easily unless you can deal with he consequences.”

“Oh, right.” He nodded at my little lesson.

“T-thanks.” He didn’t even express his dismay at the whole idea anymore. Instead, he grabbed onto it and held it infront of him.

“Interesting.” Scáthach muttered.

“Indeed, he adjusted his grip almost subconsciously to hold it and distribute the weight to fit his needs.” Raikou looked intrigued as well.

“It just felt right?”

“Well, I did hear that Campione have some insane instincts. Perhaps that transfers to things that involve their ‘Authorities’?” He said he had an Authority involving a sword, so perhaps he instinctively knows how to ‘wield’ one even if in a basic manner.

An interesting thing to note.

“Here, a few more things.” I added some books to the counter. “Some basic spell books to get you started.”

“Really, books on magic?” He sounded genuinely interested, a complete 180 from how he was earlier. “And I can learn this?”

“Child, you have an obscene amount of Magical Energy contained within you body. I can feel it even as it bubbles under the surface. If you cannot learn these, then no one in the world is allowed to call themselves a wielder of Magic.” Scáthach chuckled.

“One last thing.” I might as well go the extra mile. I took out a few bottles and place them on the counter as well. “From what I understand, a Campione’s Magic Resistance is skin deep, literally. You are so cram packed of Magical Energy that normal spells can’t penetrate, and that includes beneficial ones. So here are some Health Potions in case of emergency.”

“Health Potions, like in games?” His eyes widened.

“Yup.” I grinned.

“Awesome.” He looked at them in awe. “Why….” He paused. “Why are you being so nice to me? It seemed like everyone else wanted something from me, but you’re just…..giving me stuff and helping me out without asking for anything.”

I suppose it was a fair question.

“I’m under the belief that Mundane people should not be forced into the supernatural side of the world. It’s something that angers me to the point where I would willingly fight a God if needed. It should be a choice to enter our world, and in my eyes it’s a crime to take that choice away from people.” I gave a wry smile. “I don’t think myself some kind of hero or anything, but when something happens infront of my eyes, I can’t help but lend a hand. You were wronged, and I felt bad. It’s as simple as that. I’m sorry you had to go through something like this.”

Almost dying is not something one gets over easily. I would be lying if I said I still don’t vividly remember being run through by that Exorcist. The me from back then was so terrified and I truly thought I was going to die.

“Thank you.” He said quietly. “You’re the first person to say something like that to me.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “Stay strong, kid. Train yourself, live a long and happy life.” It was the best advice I could offer since I wasn’t planning on sticking around too long.

He would need to stand on his own two feet if he wished to survive, I could only give him some advice.

Regardless, this new trinket of mine was rather interesting, I wonder what secrets it held.


Wilhelm has the Gorgoneion, i'm sure this will end well. Scathach and Raikou have a little chat and spend some time together, and Godou gets a good talking to and stops burying his head in the sand.


Ethan Prince

Thank you author-sama


I can't praise your dialogues enough, ever since the first chapter they have been amazing.

James French

Idk campione at all so I’m excited for the random shit that pops up now lol


Will forgot to mention to Godou on not to forget to create his own harem xD


Hey just an idea, have will visit star wars during the clone wars era


Gorgoneion… hmm… Can he use it to summon another servant? You know, ‘Her’? Or gets some petrifying powers? Would be interesting to see even as an omake. -thanks as always 👍

Daniel Goris

How about will go,s to the demon slayer dimension to learn the breathing technique then he makes his own