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“Well, you bastard!?” Saber raised her voice. “Where the hell did you hear that name?” The venom was practically leaking from her mouth.


Guess I know who she is….

Mordred Pendragon, the Knight of Treachery.

And I have absolutely no idea on how to treat her. Artoria had been…..evasive on her feelings towards Mordred, but I at least think she doesn’t hold an absolute hatred for the younger knight.

“No idea what you’re talking about.” I glanced at Saber’s master who remained silent and made no move to interrupt us. Well, I can’t fault him. It was probably the wisest decision to get information, to let Mordred ‘rampage’ a little bit.

“Bullshit!” She jabbed her finger at me. “You called me that name after seeing my face!” She growled.

I let out a sigh. “You’re surprisingly perceptive.”

“Perceptive my ass, anyone would have noticed something so obvious.” She scowled.

“That’s why I called it ‘surprising.”

“That’s it!” Her gauntlet-clad hand crackled with Red Lightning.

“Really? One of Artoria’s knights is acting like a common thug?” I crossed my arms, staring at her.

That actually made her stop, but her hands clenched tight and her furious expression didn’t change. “You do know.” She spat out. “How do you know about father!? The number of people who knew his true name could be counted on one hand!”

“Actually, I’m surprised you knew. But I guess Morgan would have told you.” I shrugged.

“Don’t speak that witches name near me.” Mordred got visibly angry again.

Well, don’t touch the Morgan button, got it. “That’s fair, I’ve heard quite a few unkind things about her.”

“Stop spouting bullshit and tell me the truth.” She stomped on the ground, cracking the area.

Raikou made a move, but I held my hand up stopping her. I let out a long sigh, and ran a hand through my hair. Was there a reason not to be truthful? It’s not like this information could come back to bite me. “Fine, what do you want to know?”

“Where’s father, how do you know him!?”

“At my house, and we’re in a relationship.” I said bluntly.

She blinked, I guess she didn’t expect me to be so forthcoming. “W-what?” She blurted out.

“She’s at my house.” I stated. Which was….technically true.

“No! The other part, the fuck did you just say?”

“We’re in a relationship.” I said dryly. “She’s my girlfriend.”



“Die.” She said simply, raising her sword towards me.

I closed my eyes and sighed, the swinging of her blade was caught by Raikou. “Fuck off you cow!” Mordred roared, bursting with lightning.

“The insects sure or noisy tonight.” Raikou smiled innocently towards the knight, as she too crackled with her own purple lightning, overpowering Mordred. With an explosive burst of power, I saw Mordred shoot off into the distance.

{Don’t kill her.} I sent towards Raikou over our mental link.

{But Master, it’s hard to not crush such annoying bugs.} Her cheerful voice really did contrast the killing intent that was wafting off her, and I don’t think it had entirely to do with Mordred.

I should do something nice for her later. Neither of us can help her odd state of mind. {Please?}

{……I will ensure I do not kill her.} It sounded a bit strained, but I figured that was the best I would get. And I did promise not to fight for now.

I had a thought though. {That’s Mordred Pendragon. She never had a proper mother.}

Raikou didn’t respond, but I think I touched a soft spot for her. Atleast, I don’t think she would intentionally do anything to Mordred.

“Well, that escalated.” I turned towards Mordred’s master.

“I wonder how long it’ll take Saber to realize the holes in what you said?” The older man mused, not upset at the turn of events apparently.

Yeah, like how exactly I met 'King Arthur' outside of the grail war? 

“Eh, probably just needs to get this out of her system.” I shrugged. “Funnily enough, I don’t think she would have actually swung at me if my Servant wasn’t there to stop her.”

The man grunted. “So…..King Arthur?” He raised an eyebrow over his sunglasses.



“Is it really that hard to believe? You got a female Mordred running around.” I gestured to the fighting happening a little ways away.

“Nice try, you big cow-tit bimbo!” Mordred’s jeering could be heard quite clearly.

“Ah, is the child envious of a real woman?” Raikou countered.


I turned away, focusing back on Saber’s master.

“True.” He nodded, seemingly accepting that. “I hope my Bounded Fields last before they finish, otherwise we may need to move.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Things might get a bit more exciting in a bit, the first true night of the War.” I looked up at the sky, the stars shining bright this far away from large concentrations of civilization.

“I guess you’re not as naïve as I thought.” He grunted again. “Never did get your name.”

“It’s polite to introduce yourself first.” I pointed out.

“Kairi Sisigou.” He replied.

“Oh, I have heard of you, just never had the chance to put a face to the name.” I rubbed my chin. “A very practical mercenary, very high completion rate for assignments. I remember something vague about your family being cursed?”

He snorted. “Your name?”

I took a jar of Sake out of my Rin, along with two cups. “Want a drink?” I offered.

He raised an eyebrow. “Trying to hide your family?”

“Haha, not really in the way you think.” I scratched my head. “I have no fear in retaliation nor anything like that. But I don’t think you’ll like what I have to say.”

“I’ve worked with the worse sorts, the arrogant brats of the noble families all the way to the lowest scum that like to use children as materials.” He flicked his unused cigarette to the side. “And all the Church Executors in-between, there really isn’t any – “

“Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg.” I cut him off.

He stopped, processing that little bit of information. He opened his mouth, but I spoke again.

“Yes, ‘that’ Schweinorg.”

His jaw snapped shut, palm quickly connecting to his face. “Fuck me.” He groaned before regaining his composure. Yeah, I’d like that drink, please.” Just like that, he walked over, and plopped himself onto the ground, seemingly uncaring about keeping his guard up.

I shrugged sitting down with him and pouring us drinks.

“Sake, huh? Haven’t had any good Sake in a few years since I did a job back in Japan.” He downed it in one go, letting out a breath. “Oh yeah, that’s some high quality stuff.”

“Genuine Youkai make.” I mimicked his actions, drinking from my cup.

“Of course It is.” He didn’t’ question it. “So…..you’re related to the Kaleidoscope?”

“Grandson.” I responded. “Also a Magician if you’re wondering.”

“Well I expected nothing else with my luck.” He rubbed his temples. “I did not ask for enough money to do this job.”

“You’re being surprisingly casual.”

“I’m not from a big and noble family that can ignore someone dropping the Kaleidoscope’s name.” He gave me a look. “Nor am I stupid enough to cross his apparent Grandson.”

“My offer from before still stands.”

“The one about prosperity for my family? Well….that seems a lot more likely now.” He admitted. “But Saber isn’t going to relent, regardless of who you’re related to.”

“Yeah, I figured. Well, I may have a way to change her mind depending on her wish, so who knows. Did she happen to tell you…?”

“Even if she did….”

“Yeah, yeah. Realized as soon as I said it that it was inappropriate to ask like that.” It could be something really personal, so it would be rude to go around her back to ask.

“So….King Arthur?” He quirked a smile.

“Different World-line, different Grail War. She and her Master won. Her Master is Grandfather’s student, so we met like that. I liked her so I asked her out on a date, and the rest is history.”

“Huh. Sounds more boring than I expected.”

With a shout, Mordred came sliding in towards us, the ground bursting at her steps. “Master! What’s the big idea? I had her!”

“You called her back?” I raised an eyebrow towards Kairi.

“That’s enough, Saber. I’m formally accepting an alliance.” He stated.

“Master.” Raikou also appeared right beside me. “I have fulfilled your command at great effort, the insect still remains after receiving my blade.”

“And this bitch keeps going!” Mordred looked ready for round two.

“Alright, lets calm down.” I stood up, getting between them.

“Fuck off you dandy boy! Don’t think I forgot what you said about my Father, like he’d ever go after someone like you!” Mordred angrily shouted, even if her presence sort of dimmed, receding her intent to fight. “If I hear some crap about you and Father again, I’ll take your head myself.” She scoffed.

“For someone who ended their ‘father’s life, you seem really protective of her.” Was kind of cute if I were being honest.

“Fuck you. Father is perfect, you don’t deserve to even say his name.” She scowled. “If he was here right now, I would fight him and claim my right.”

My lips curled up, and I ignored her outburst. “…..You can call me daddy if you want.”


Kairi grabbed Saber as she flailed around angrily.

“You’re just like that flowery bastard!” Mordred continued. “Saying a bunch of bullshit just to annoy people for a jest.”

I took out my phone, pressing on it a few times before holding it up to Mordred.

“W-what is that?” Her eyes widened.

It was a simple picture of Artoria. I slid my finger across the screen, changing to a new picture. She hesitantly reached out for it, and I let her take it from my hands as she continued to move through the pictures herself.

“Father looks……happy.” She whispered.


Got back late from work, so chapter is a little short. 

Mordred is an interesting person, she both loves and loathes Artoria. If someone talked bad about her, she'd fight them to the death, then turn around and fight Artoria if she was there as well.

Just a heads up, I plan on taking this weekend off from writing, realized I need a little break and it's been like two months since my last true break.



"You can call me daddy" Hahaha!!! that was the best


Enjoy your break and thx for the chapter


good to see you will take a break soon, there is nothing worse than being tired and writing on the laptop, reminds me of colleague proyects.

Kloud Paradizo

Thanks a lot for the chapter! 😃


I too would like you to have a break. Better safe than sorry as they say. Thank you for the chapter. And I’m case it hasn’t been said enough, this fanfic and you. Thanks.


Thanks for chap and dw take your break

James French

Take it easy man, and thanks for the astounding chaps as always 😁

Alberto Cervantes

I'm hoping the next chapter starts with Wilhelm asking mordred for a hug (after she is done looking at the pictures mc would spread his arms out and say "so come give daddy a hug" followed by mordred breaking his phone.


Im sure he'd use his magic to take it back before that happens

Oscar Sampedro Lopez

Haha "You can call me daddy". Rest well and enjoy the weekend

Scarlet Blaze

Enjoy your well deserved break for the rest of the week

Daniel Gesualdi

Love that ending where she seems so lost on what to do.