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“What a nice day it is.” I turned around to admire the view.

“[We going to talk about what just happened?]”

“The sun is shining; the birds are chirping.”

“[Literally no birds out right now, and the Sun is setting as we speak.]”

“You know? It’s the perfect evening to go for a walk.”

“[To the Grimm Lands, I assume?]” Ddraig’s flat voice was quite clear.

“What a wonderful idea, Ddraig!”

“[Of course, it has nothing to do with the woman we just saw, right?]”

“Woman, what women?”

“[Right, definitely not the woman you proclaimed you wanted to step on you.]”

“You say the silliest things, Ddraig.”

“Are you really going to the Grimm Lands to meet Salem?” Jinn looked at me with surprise.

“Ddraig convinced me.” I replied.

“[I hate you.]”

“I do not know the extent of your magical capabilities, but she is an accomplished witch. Do not underestimate her.” Jinn said sternly.

“Hmm, the fact that you can tell me something like that means it falls in line with my questions.” I rubbed my chin.

She just smiled happily. “I have a little bit of leeway with your wording.” She floated towards me through the air lazily. “Well, if you can convince her to cease her production of Grimm, it would benefit the world.”

Joking aside, this was somewhat a serious matter. “Would she be so easily convinced?” I would like this place to stop being a death world if possible.

“Anything is possible.” She shrugged.

“I assume you would not wish to reveal yourself?” The supposed queen of the Grimm, she probably knew about the Relics.

She shook her head.

“Want to go inside the Boosted Gear with Ddraig?”

“Yes, please.” She smiled brightly, turning into a wisp of smoke and returning to the lamp.


I would tease her more later.

“Ddraig, you ready?”

[Push it against the gauntlet.]

I pushed the two divinely-created objects together, the Gauntlet taking in the Lamp.

{Oh, this is strange.} I heard Jinn’s voice from within the Gauntlet.

[Hang on, let me move the coffee table so we can set you up properly.]

“Wait, what?”

[Let me show you around, we have the kitchen in the back. A game area in the lounge, and a spare bedroom, but it’s currently full of some stuff I was storing. Give me a little bit and I’ll clear it out for you.]

“You’re fucking with me.”

{Oh, whats this?}

[Pool Table.]

“Nope, not going to fall for it.”

I just heard the both of them start giggling.

This decision may be one I come to regret in the future.

I ignored their antics for now, for I had something much more important to focus on.

Taking out a mirror, I made sure my hair wasn’t unkept. I straightened my tight and checked for any unwanted creases in my clothes. With a nod of satisfaction, I took out my hat and sat it on my head.

With Mirage in my hand, I swiped the sword through the air, creating a new portal to a new location on Remnant.

The darkness practically seeped out as I stepped through.

As if in a perpetual twilight, the place I found myself in was blanketed in a dense aura of darkness that didn’t allow much light through.

Immediately, several figures charged at me.

Grimm, large ones.

They were basic Beowolves, except many more bone protrusions, and much bulkier. There was a term for this, I believe they’re called – Alphas? A more advanced version of a very basic breed.

I didn’t pay them much mind, they looked to be sturdier than the average, but their speed still left much to be desired.

A slight movement to avoid claws crashing down at me, and a quick swipe of my sword decapitated them all the same.

I hummed to myself as I gathered another soil sample. I had a feeling this one would be particularly noteworthy when they were all studied together.

But that was for later, I didn’t want to get sidetracked.

Turning to the north, I could see a large castle not too far away.

I casually strode towards it; Grimm being felled in my wake. I don’t think any of the particularly smart ones moved towards me as I felt some unique presences in the nearby forestry, which was surprising in of itself because Grimm were hard to notice. But I was assuming these were the older variety with more of a ‘presence’ to them, thus more easily noticeable by such means.

As I got closer, I noticed how ancient the place looked, and more importantly, the amount of magical energy that seemed to pulse off the entire structure. I had no doubt in my mind that it was being held together by magical means at this point.

Whelp, time to walk right into a Magus’s workshop – or rather this world’s equivalent.

What could possibly go wrong?

[This is going to end horribly.]


[I feel like we’ve been here before, Like a very similar scenario played out not that long before.]

“No idea what you’re talking about.” I smiled wistfully.

The massive doors at the entrance creaked something fierce when I pushed them open and as I walked in, the entire castle seemingly came alive.

Strange crystal growths lit up like lamps, the windows took on a strange hue and the whole place felt like it was watching me.

I didn’t focus on it too much, because at the end of this huge room was a throne, and a red pair of eyes bore down on me atop it.

I met her gaze, a small bit of interest was returned, perhaps the novelty of her receiving a visitor all the way out here?

The Grimm Lands were no-mans land. There were no settlements here, no life beyond what this woman allowed and the Grimm that roamed. A whole continent forced into perpetual darkness that allowed nothing to thrive.

I walked forward without hesitation, our gazes never leaving one another. “I have come for the Queen of Grimm.” I declared.

She showed a small movement, her head tilting ever so slightly as I called her out, amusement seemingly overtaking her previous interest. “One of Ozma’s champions?” Her voice was calm, but authoritative. It held the same grace that Artoria often presented when she decided to don her regal mask. “I suppose he goes by Ozpin in this era.” She continued. “Have you come to throw yourself at me, to test my Immortality? Or did he not even reveal that secret to you? He was ever so good at making sure his pawns only knew the barest bit of information. Or maybe you are playing messenger?” She quirked the smallest smile, one that threatened quite a bit of pain. “Does Ozpin have words to say to me after all these years?”

No idea who Ozpin was, but it didn’t matter. I walked a few more paces until she was only about a dozen feet infront of me. “Any chance you could stop creating more Grimm?”

She stared at me for a moment before breaking out in laughter.

It was honestly kind of cute.

“I will admit, Ozma has never tried that particular approach before.” She finally calmed herself down.

“I guess that’s a ‘no’ then?”

She had a humorous smile on her face. “It has been a great many years since I’ve been made to laugh such as this. You are granted my mercy and may return to Ozma, though whether you can survive the Grimm outside is left up to fate.” She practically shooed me away.

“Actually, I have another question.”

She raised an eyebrow at me expectantly. “And pray tell, what does Ozma wish to convey?”

“Are you seeing anyone right now?” Still no idea who the hell this Ozma was.

Whatever she thought I was going to say, that clearly wasn’t it. The tapping of her finger ceased, and she stared at me incredulously. “Are you mocking me? Did Ozma send you to jest in my presence?” Her eyes began to glow, a visible phenomenon of her drawing upon her magic. “I no longer care why you have appeared here, be reduced to ashes along with all his previous champions.” She raised her hand and an impressive amount of fire formed, spraying down on me

I flicked my hand, a Greater Ward cast to block the attack. The torrent only lasted for another moment, enough that she looked on in shock as I was left unmolested by her flames. She stood up from her throne, eyes widened at what she had just witnessed.

With another wave of her hand, lightning struck out.

It was easily deflected, another quick Ward absorbing and dispersing it.

She took a step forward, Ice burst out from her steps, covering the entire room in a thick coat as it began to form up like blades from the ground at burst at me.

Runes flickered around my body, a wall of flames burst out to meet it head on and melt away the magical attack.

She took a few more steps forward, hand extended and the gravity around me suddenly increased several folds, I instinctively cast a Reinforcement on my body to counterattack the additional gravitational force, but it continued to increase, enough that the ground distorted at the epicenter.

Mirage gripped in my hand, I swung up, pulling on the Kaleidoscope to distort the space around us, diapering her momentary Gravitational irregularity she created. It was surprising in the ease of which she could mess with gravity, such a thing is considered a very high thaumaturgy back home.

“You….how is this possible?” She stared at me as if seeing a ghost. “You are no Maiden, and it is not possible for Ozma to gift more magic with his reduced state….how did he acquire a man with magic?”

“Okay, real talk, I have no idea who Ozma is.” I admitted.

She reached out, almost as if to touch me and pulled away. “You are not one of Ozma’s?”

“Nope.” No idea who the fuck that was.

She looked at me, studying my face for any kind of deceit. She opened her mouth, perhaps wishing to ask many questions that clearly brought a flurry of emotions to her face, but she hesitated for a moment before finally speaking. “Who are you, why have you come to my domain?”

“Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg.” I introduced myself, expressing proper etiquette to someone of royalty as I took my hat off. “As for why I came here…” I reached into my hat and pulled out a bouquet of flowers, holding them up for her to take. “I believe I already answer that question.”

Her mouth hung ajar, seemingly incapable of believing what I was doing. With stiff movement, she reached out hesitantly and received the bundle of flowers, unsure of what to do with them. She stared at them for a moment before sweeping her gaze around the room, pursing her lips and mulling over something before speaking again. “You are offered guest rites in my domain.” She spoke evenly. “No Grimm will attack you here while you are under my aegis.”

Huh, well this somehow worked out. “I thank you for your protection, your Majesty.”

She looked me over again before turning away, I think I saw a pleased looked on her face at how I addressed her. “You shall follow me to the dining room.” She stated, leaving no room for rebuttal.

I just shrugged, as she led me through her castle.

Truthfully, I didn’t care where she was leading me right now, as long as I can keep watching that ass sway.

I don’t think even Scathach had anything on that bounce.

Eventually, she led me to a room with a large table, as one would expected In such a castle. She gestured for me to sit down at one end, and I obliged as was etiquette. She basically extended guest rites to me, and I would be polite.

She sauntered off somewhere, only to return a moment later, a glass vase half filled with water and the flowers I gave her sticking out of it as she sat it down on the center of the table.

Taking a seat opposite of me, there was an awkward silence that now filled the room.

“You possess magic.” She finale spoke,clearly having many questions.

“Yes.” I said plainly.

“Are there…..others?” She asked hesitantly.

I shrugged. “Who knows.” She pursed her lips, clearly not liking my answer. “Why are you making more Grimm?”

She raised an eyebrow. “Who knows.” She replied, mimicking my tone.


“How about a game?”

“A game?”

“One person asks a question; the other person has to either answer it or pass, and that question cannot be asked again in any form. If you pass on one question you must answer the next one no matter what. We each take turns ask the other a question.”

“And what is to stop either of us from lying?”

“Pride?” I offered.

She paused, mulling that over. “I accept. Who shall be going first?”

“That was technically a question.” I pointed out to a small bit annoyance on her face. “But ladies first.” I gave a smile.

She tapped her finger on the table. “How did you acquire magic?”

“I was born with it.” I replied. “Why did you assume I was with this ‘Ozma’ person?”

“Very few people are aware of my existence, it was a natural assumption to make since he is an enemy I’ve had over the past millennia.” She stated. “Are there others like you, born with the capability of magic?”

“Yup.” I said plainly. I could tell she was kicking herself for not asking a more thorough question here. “Do you live here all by yourself?”

“I have…. subordinates who come and go with my orders.” She chose her words carefully. “Who taught you your spells? Such skills are hardly self-learned.”

“My Grandfather.” I said lazily, much to her surprise. It wasn’t incorrect, but a lot of contexts was missing. “You never did answer my original question, are you in a relationship right now?”

She frowned. “I am not.” She tapped her finger rhythmically, clearly mulling over some thoughts. “Are you aware of the ‘relics’?”

Oh, going straight there. “Yes.” I said simply and her eyes brightened. “Do you find me attractive?”

She paused, perhaps trying to find the correct words. “You are handsome.” Was her blunt reply, but it made me smile. “What do you know of the Relics?”

“I know a lot about the Relics, you’re going to have to be more specific or we’ll be here all day.”

“Fine.” She responded. “Where are the Relics located?”

“The Relic of Creation is being used to keep Atlas floating in the sky, so the center of that whole thing. The Relic of Choice is in a pocket dimension under beacon, and the Relic of Destruction and Relic of Knowledge are with me.” I smirked at her widening eyes. I flashed my hand, the Sword of Destruction appearing next to me, floating in the air.

“You…..” She stared at It quietly as I made it go back into my ring.

“Ah” I wagged my finger. “It’s my turn.”

“Fine, ask your question.” She scowled.

“What’s your relationship with Ozma?” Honestly, it felt like there was a lot of history there.

“Pass.” She said almost immediately, much to my surprise. “What would it take to acquire those Relics from you?”

“Pass.” I gave a cheeky smile, much to her annoyance. “Did you intentionally do your hair up like that to look like a spider?” It was actually pretty cute.

She twitched slightly. "Yes." Was her curt reply. "Would your Grandfather be amendable to discourse?"

"Probably, I can't speak on his behalf." I said honestly. I'm sure he would enjoy talking about magic if nothing else. "Do you like rabbits?"

“Do you intend to keep asking these nonsensical questions?” She scowled again. “Yes.” She rolled her eyes. “Where is your grandfather located?”

“Pass.” I easily skipped that one. “What’s your favorite color?”

She seemed annoyed by my ‘non-question’ again, but answer all the same. “Black.” She said clearly, but her lips curled up into a smile. “What is a secret you don’t wish me to know?”

“That seems like it’s against the spirit of the rules.” I pointed out.

“You had passed your previous question and there were no rules against this course of action.” She looked very pleased with herself.

“Okay, if you want to play it this way.” Shame, is that something you can eat? “I was staring at your ass the entire time we walked through your castle.” She blinked at me before my words finally settled in, her mouth opened slightly. “What color panties are you wearing?”

I think I saw her cheeks turn the faintest red for a very brief moment. “What kind of question is that!” She looked at my indignantly.

“You don’t have to answer.” The corners of my lips twitched upwards. “Feel free to pass, who knows what I’ll ask next, though.”

She didn’t outwardly react, but I think she would have tried to blast me if she didn’t know I was capable of magic. “I’m not wearing any panties.” She grit out.

“Oh my.”

She stood up, slamming her hands on the table. “We are done.” She started walking towards the door before pausing at the threshold. “You will receive a guest room for the night.” She stated before departing.

Hah, looks like I won.

{As amusing as it was to watch Salem get flustered. What was the point of that?} Jinn’s voice echoed out.

“I wanted to get a feel for her as a person.” I shrugged. I wasn’t going to ignore everything about her because I found her physically attractive.

{And what are your plans now?}

“She offered me a room for the night, it would be rude to refuse.” I chuckled. “I don’t doubt she will try to reinitiate again at a later time, perhaps when she had time to think everything over.” Knowing that Magic is basically nonexistent here bar a few, it probably completely threw her for a loop that I popped up here with the capability.

I’m curious what she’ll have in store for me later.


Daniel Gesualdi

I don't know this feels very artificial at least in terms of the sudden interest from Will considering he has several love interests currently. Not a whole lot of character development either compared to the other flirty sections.


{Oh, this is strange.} I heard Jinn’s voice from within the Gauntlet. [Hang on, let me move the coffee table so we can set you up properly.] “Wait, what?” [Let me show you around, we have the kitchen in the back. A game area in the lounge, and a spare bedroom, but it’s currently full of some stuff I was storing. Give me a little bit and I’ll clear it out for you.] “You’re fucking with me.” {Oh, whats this?} [Pool Table.] “Nope, not going to fall for it.” *The clacking of pool balls colliding is heard through his mind* [Fall for what?] https://youtu.be/wXRzr1ULNn8