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I woke up with a yawn, the sun just barely peeking in through the curtains. I felt my arm pop as I stretched my arms. With a thought, I brought down all the bounded fields I set around my room out of habit.

I rented just a random hotel room for a few days, it wasn’t particularly difficult to find somewhere and my new information came in handy.

Apparently, hotels and the like have to verify residence status or the equivalent for visitors….which I didn’t have before last night.

So, good timing I suppose.

Besides my hat and clothes, I didn’t have any belongings laying about.

Pulling my hair back, I got it how I preferred and wrapped it in the piece of cloth that Scathach gave me, giving it a little tug to make sure it was nice and snug.

I stretched a little bit more. “I feel kinda stiff.” I rolled my head.

[Probably because you haven’t done your morning exercises in several days.]

I paused, mulling Ddraig’s words over. “That’s a distinct possibility.” I couldn’t help but agree. “And I don’t really want to get in the habit of forgoing them for long periods of time.” Even if it was just swinging my sword a few hundred times, it was good to do something.

Not anything I would essentially call training, but it kept my body warmed up.

Without much more thought, I walked out the door and headed out the hotel. It was right at the center of a large square. People were set up with carts and such. Fresh produce, or bread that had come almost right out of the oven. Perhaps they were advertising for shops from other parts of the city?

[I’m curious, why are you going along with that thief’s plans?]

I walked up to a little food cart, taking out about 20 Lien. “Half dozen, please.” I placed it down, grabbing the bag of bagels I was handed. I bit into one, and it was the perfect amount of crunch and softness. “Why not?” I mumbled between chews, directed towards Ddraig.

[Just seems odd.]

“Well, I have a few reasons, beyond just thinking it’ll be a fun experience.” I finished off my baked delight. “First, I want to see Mistral, while I can go there anymore, this is a good excuse.” I waved in and out of the crowd.

I stopped for a moment, watching a human hand a little treat down to a girl with cat ears on her head. I couldn’t help but smile at the scene.

So far, I’ve seen several instances of overt racism here, but that is definitely a welcomed reprieve.

“Second, the money would be nice.” I admitted. “I’m not particularly fond of robbing dust or stuff like that from common folks.” Find me a dick and I’ll gladly alleviate him of his goods, but I’m not going to hurt a decent person. And selling large quantities of gold just seems like more of a hassle than its worth.

[That can’t be all, I admit those reasons are probably enough to get you moving since you’re not really focusing on anything important right now.]

“I need data.” I replied. And it was probably my biggest reason. “I could probably go find some scum somewhere, some criminals that even I would find distasteful to poke at, but I don’t really care to do that right now.” I explained. “The nature of Aura and Semblances is really…..unrefined in most texts I’ve read so far. How long would it take for me to find something worth noting if this is the norm? I would rather get a good look at Aura and by extension, Semblances, being used. Where else would there be an opportunity like this?”

[So, go beat up some kids so you can see how they bleed?]

“I know, it excites me too.” I snorted at his sarcasm.

[We still haven’t figured out how Aura affects you overall, beyond the physical boosts it gives.]

“That’s true too.” I agreed, moving towards a familiar gate that led towards the Forever Fall Forest. “But all impressions so far show no negative effects, which isn’t surprising considering its my soul and all.” But you can never be too careful with things like this.

[I guess seeing hwo the locals have adapted the use of their Aura would be a good learning experience. Could probably shave of months of learning if you can gleam something worthwhile.]

“And, honestly, I really want to see how this whole plan of Roman’s turns out.”

[Really? Seems kind of trite compared to what you normall deal with.]

“Well, not everything can be magical terrorists or legendary figures.” Took out my swords, letting them hover infront of my before tapping my hand against my cheek. Which one, hm……you. I gripped Dawnbreaker in my hand and began to swing it in the air. “Besides, he interests me.”

[Thought you only like girls.]

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “He wasn’t spouting crap when he said that I reminded him of himself. I do see several similarities between us.” It did make me think on several things. “A different set of circumstances, a different life led, would I have turned out like him?” I took a step forward, swinging my sword overhead, before stepping back.

[A thief?]

“Alone.” I corrected. “I won’t deny that a lot of my actions resulted in those subconscious feelings from when I was still back in my birth world, but to see someone whom – I don’t quite mirror, but still resemble – turned out like that, it just makes me pause and consider my life.”

[You are being surprisingly introspective and mature.] I could hear Ddraig sigh. [I remember when you were still a brat running around like nothing could touch you, getting into all kinds of trouble.]

“Well things happen and – “

[Oh wait, that was last week.]

“Yup, there it is.” I deadpanned, mentally commanding one of my swords to fly off and impale a grimm that was getting too close. I shook my head at his antics, a small smile on my face. “I also wanted to see the interactions of my Aura when in conflict with another Aura user, so It just comes back to more data I guess.”

[This Semblance thing sounds interesting. What do you think yours is?]

“From what I understand, it’s suppose to be a unique expression of one’s self.” I put my hand against my chest, letting my Aura flow out, appreciating the coloring aurora that spread over me. “Honestly, I was wondering if it would awaken my Power of Destruction.”

[I remember you mentioning something about that before coming here. You feel anything different with that?]

“Maybe? It’s hard to tell because it’s not purely something connected with my soul, but with my bloodline as well.” I mumbled. “I said before, it was basically a seed deep inside, unable for me to harness in any meaningful capacity.” I paused for a moment choosing my words. “Using that same analogy, I think it just now germinated? I feel like I’m just missing something to actualize it, to have it grow into something.”

[Some kind of catalyst….and your Aura isn’t compatible?]

I scratched my head, letting go of my sword as it drifted towards the others. “Not quite, I think my Aura awakening may have done the equivalent of splashing some water on the seed, but otherwise it’s not doing much.”

It was frustrating, I could almost feel it, yet it was still slightly out of my reach.

[Maybe you need a good fight, get the blood flowing.] Ddraig replied. [Remember that big sea serpent we saw coming into the city?]

I was about to say something snarky but….. “Honestly, that sounds kind of fun.” I wonder if I could get information on any big grimm near here, because fighting someone in the ocean just sounded like a bad idea with regards to logistics.

[I wonder if there are any Dragon Grimm.]

“That’s a thought.” I agreed. “We’ve seen a few now with some pictures in books, they seem to come in all shapes and sizes.”

Well, some thoughts for later. “Roman said to head over to the Club before I left last night. Something about gong over the final details before I’m supposed to head over to Mistral.”

[I feel like this plan is going to go horribly wrong.]

“Think I should back out?”

[I’m actually kind of invested in it now. Way too curious to see how it all plays out, especially since your role is a distraction.]

“First you were against it, now you’re all for it.” I could only shake my head with a chuckle. “Who needs an angel or a devil on my shoulder when I have you whispering in my ear.”

[I’m not your babysitter, I’m here for the ride. Crashing and burning is still fun on the way down.]

“Your confidence in me is astounding.” I said dryly. “Well, Roman said his partner should be around this time, guess I’ll go meet her then and get a better idea of his so called ‘job’.”


Aaron Kay

Awesome thanks for the chapter 😁