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Another awkward silence filled the room.

I’m sure the others could feel the tension in the air.

And a lot of things I thought I didn’t have to deal with came bursting back up to the surface. Feelings I thought I had gotten over, repressed, or merely outgrew.

I was a whole mix of emotions right now. Yet, I was surprisingly calm. I did not lash out, get overwhelmed with rage or simply sneer and dismiss the man infront of me.

I guess I have grown up a tad in the past couple years.

“Who are you?” I asked, with complete ‘confusion’.

He blinked for a moment, a gentle smile appearing on his face. “I’m Okita Souji, your fath –“

“Never heard of you.” I cut him off, clearly to his dissatisfaction, even if he didn’t outwardly react.

Well, I never said I wasn’t a petty asshole sometimes.

“Okita Souji.” Yasaka interrupted. “What is the meaning of this?” Her voice sounded very authoritive, and even Okita almost stood at attention.

She seemed rather sheepish with his response. “I am under orders to bring back my King’s son.” He replied.

“So you stroll into a meeting I’m having with the ones who rescued my daughter?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Rescued your daughter?” He repeated, slightly confused as realization dawned on him. “I….I apologize for my rudeness, Lady Yasaka, I mean no disrespect.” He bowed, perhaps lower than he should have being an emissary of a foreign dignitary.

“And there is a ‘but’ coming.” Yasaka interrupted.

He winced slightly. “I am under direct orders to bring him back, please step aside, Lady Yasaka.”

“And what if I do not.” She stood up, her tails swayed behind her dangerously. Her ears no longer had a lazy droop to them, they stood at attention and she was ready to fight.

Gone was her flirtatious façade she usually keeps, now was the destructive fox who boasted the acknowledgement of one of the strongest Youkai who ever existed.

“It isn’t just me you would have to contend with.” He replied.

“Are you threatening me, boy?” Yasaka growled out and the room shook, the faintest manifestation of her Touki began to leak into the surroundings.

I placed a hand on Kunou’s shoulder as she trembled sightly. She looked up at me and I gave her a quick wink.

Only a light sigh cut away all the tension that was accumulating. All eyes turned to Izanami who sat there quietly.

“Rarely have I ever found myself in a situation where I am ignored so blatantly.” Her voice was quiet, yet it could grab the attention of the world if she so wished it.

Okita’s eyes widened his hand gripped his sword instinctively as he took several steps back. “Who are you?” His voice didn’t tremble, but there was the clear distinction of hesitance present.

“You were born upon this land that I created, and you ask who I am?” Her head turned slowly. Shadows began climbing up the walls, reminiscent of hands as all the light in the area was consumed, snuffed out, and otherwise refused to even persist within her presence.

Her red eyes glowed, the shadowy tendrils wrapping around her.

Yasaka was already right next to me, wrapping up Kunou protectively. I couldn’t help but step infront of them, just in case.

Watching this scene as the shadows were getting ready to practically strangle him…..I couldn’t help but feel something odd.

With a sigh I opened my mouth. “Izzy….stop.” Abruptly as they came the shadows dispersed and Izzy was sitting there as if nothing happened. Her eyes turned to me, clearly wanting an answer. “This is my mess, let me clean it up.”

“I do not fear the ‘strongest devil’.” Izzy snorted.

“Never said you did, but it’s not your problem.”

“….If you are involved then it is my problem.”

“Trust me, please?”

She let out another snort, turning her head. “Do what you want.”

Words can’t express how happy I am that someone would stand up for me, regardless of my strength or my ability to handle the situation.

But on the flip side, I didn’t want to get you wrapped up in this if I didn’t have to. Fear him you may not, but it would still be annoying for you and I don’t want you to have to deal with that annoyance. Not to mention how Yasaka would be swept up in this if anything happened to Okita in such a situation.

Okita didn’t relax as he stared at us conversing as if nothing had happened. It was clear by the look on his face that he had no idea what was going on.

“You want to take me back? I refuse.” I took a step forward, staring him in the eyes.

“Even if there are people that want to see you?” He was apparently trying a different approach. “Your grandmother had expressed desire in meeting you.” He tried to give me a disarming smile. “Not to mention your bother has been asking about you.”

That….did give me pause.

I was not blinded by hate or anything like that. I was able to recognize that they were not involved in any nonsense around me.

I knew about them, but I guess this is the first time I’m truly contemplating them.

I have a brother.

What an odd thought.

And my grandmother apparently wished to meet me? I don’t have much in the way of knowledge about them.

Well, I only had one response for emotional blackmail. “Fuck off.”

He let out another sigh. “You’re pretty skilled with your blade, why not bet on that?” He tried a third approach.

Well, I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. “Oh, you want to wager on the outcome of a duel?”

“If I win, you come with me.” He nodded.

It was most certainly the path of least resistance. It may just seem like the obvious choice for a warrior like him, but doing this he also worked around all the politics revolved around taking one of Yasaka’s ‘guests’.

Everyone had their own pride, could the Youkai even raise their heads to express dissatisfaction if both sides agreed on a duel?

“And what if I win?”

He paused a moment, deep in thought. “What do you want?”

“You want me to relinquish my life into your hands? Is it not appropriate for you to do the same?”

He took a deep breath, steadying himself. “Very well.”

Yasaka still looked annoyed as she gazed at Okita. “I have somewhere you can fight, and I will be judge.” Her words leaving no room for argument. She glanced back down at Kunou who seemed to want to stay by my side and I held back a small laugh at Yasaka’s defeated expression. “Come along, Okita. It will be one last stroll through Kyoto, for regardless of the outcome, you will no longer be welcome here.”

Okita looked resolved. “Please.” He bowed again, but Yasaka didn’t even spare him another glance.

As the left the room, a little kitsune started grabbing onto my sleeve, giving me a worried look. “He’s strong.” She said quietly.

My heart melted at the way she looked at me. I couldn’t help but pat her on the head. “Don’t worry, your daddy is the strongest.” Her cheeks reddened, and it just made me want to tease her even more.

“Men and their stupid pride.” Izzy muttered, standing up. “In the classifications that devils use, Okita Souji is an ultimate class.”

“Indeed.” I was well aware of where he ranked. As far as ‘knight pieces’ go, he was one of the top.

“And you have qualms about his strength?” She asked. “This is not like the nonsense we got up to the other day.” She looked uncharacteristically worried. “Even if you have several blessings……he has lived a long life by mortal standards, that isn’t something one can overcome with ease.”

I gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I was trained by the best.”


There was an arena nearby, I wasn’t too surprised, Youkai in general are a bit on the aggressive side so it made sense for there to be a place for them to fight without causing disturbances.

It was rather empty though, minus a few guards here and there keeping watch, Yasaka acting as referee, and Izzy standing to the side with Kunou right next to her. It was slightly amusing to see Izzy acting all protective of the little kitsune.

There was no great declarations as I walked to my side of the arena, opposite of Okita. Yasaka being the judge was more a formality than anything, her duty as the leading of the area this was taking place.

She didn’t need to incite us to battle, nor give us the que to fight.

I looked at my opponent, he placed a hand on his sheathed sword.

I tilted my head, and brought out Mirage from my ring. The glowing blade caught his immediate interest, but his eyes turned back to me.

A part of me was genuinely curious how he matched up against those I’ve fought in the past. Where his skill level laid even if his pure power wasn’t a match for the likes of those I knew.

My Circuits ignited.

Reinforcement filled my body.

Ebony Flesh was cast over me.

My Dragon’s heart flared.

My Magical energy burst out in a torrent.

The boosted gear stayed hidden in my soul, and my Primordial Runes still remained in reserve. I did not wish to reveal all my trump cards for something of this level.

“A lion gives birth to a lion.” Okita let out a small laugh as he drew his sword.

Well, I would start then.

With a flick of my wrist, Mirage swung out. “10 birds.”

Okita reacted immediately, his body moving in a practiced manner that indicated decades upon decades of honing.

Left, right, up, down. His sword collided with all my sword phantoms, dispersing them with relative ease. He moved right as the final clash ended, his speed was very impressive to the point where I had to actually focus.

I planted my foot, and swung using my entire body, our sword collided at the space where nothing had been a half second prior.

His strength was also worth noting. While I wasn’t anywhere near losing out in physical might, he was able to atleast keep up with me.

He pushed forward, sliding under the blow as he recalled his blade from the slash, trying to get under my guard.

Flipping Mirage up side down, I caught the quick slash and followed up with a crackle of lightning that erupted from my hand, pointing right at his face.

He didn’t even budge as something emerged from his skin. An insect-like creature emerged, intercepting the blow and trying to bite at me.

I was momentarily surprised at such a thing before I recalled what exactly was going on. I grabbed it before it could reach me, turning it into dust with my free hand. “So it is true, you incubate mindless Youkai in your body.”

Not all Youkai are the sentient species that walk around Kyoto. Some are mindless monsters, that rely on their baser instincts.

Okita Souji raises them within his body and uses them for his own purposes.

“Sorry Kiddo, can’t really go easy on you here.” He chuckled, jumping back and gaining some distance. “I’ll have to get serious then.”

All of a sudden his presence shifted.

He stepped, and vanished.

I couldn’t help but have my eyes widened as I felt the air next to me distort. I moved my had back as a blade swept right where it had been a moment prior.

That was probably 10 times faster than his previous movements.

And I just smiled.

Another sword swept at me, his body not even visible to the naked eye anymore.

As it touched my skin, space shattered and I was behind him, sword lunging for his heart. With a burst of speed, he vanished against, only to reappear a foot to the side, and counter attacking.

I allowed him to Knick my arm, but I returned with a follow up slash. He blocked it but he didn’t anticipate the power behind my attack, and his footing got blown away before regaining himself on the other side of the arena.

“100 birds.” Mirage glowed as I swung.

The sky filled with my sword phantoms and Okita looked surprised for the first time in this fight, but he smiled a moment later.

“A numbers game? I can do that too.” His body shuddered and hundreds upon hundreds of Youkai burst out and overcame my numerous sword phantoms, but they continued on towards me.

I couldn’t count how many there were in this short moment, nor if I even had a few hours to work with. Serpents, insects, poisonous creatures of many kinds. They all composed of this swarm that bared down on me.

I held out my hand and another sword answered my call.

Without even moving, I held it up and called its name.


My Noble Phantasm activated. The blessed blade by which force is slain. A nearly impenetrable defense swept around me, my sword moving in ways that was nearly impossible, but struck down every Youkai that attempted to reach me.

Body parts fell down onto the arena, blood sprinkled down almost like rain.

“What a monster.” Okita sighed. “You know, I had been raising those for years.”

“I’m the monster?” I raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t even using your Tennin Rishin-Ryu” I snorted.

He laughed awkwardly at my statement. “Those sword techniques are meant for nothing but killin.” He scratched his cheek. “Besides, I ain’t the only one holdin back.”

“Guilty.” I smirked.

Honestly, it was hard to hate this man. Even when he was trying to take me back, he didn’t really seem to like what he was doing. If anything, I was say his biggest flaw is his loyalty to his master.

Call it my own pride, but I didn’t want to stomp on someone whose heart wasn’t even in the fight. I could easily he did not wish to be fighting me under these circumstances.

I shook my head, my other sword flashed out and hovered around me.

Okita moved again, an understanding between us that the fight resumed.

His swings were now infused heavily with Touki, where he had been using it sparingly before, every strike now was backed with a huge force.

From the other side of the Arena he swung overhead and my Mirage blocked as my other swords flashed forward.

He dodged them without even looking, but they changed directions and came back. He seemed a little annoyed at their persistence as they kept aiming for his openings.

I gestured with my hand, and Dawnbreaker exploded in light, swinging horizontally through the air. He was forced to raise his sword to block, and was even pushed back a few feet. Ducking his head, Whisper passed by, and he had to quickly step back before Ascalon pierced through his arm.

“That is surprisingly annoying. It’s like I’m fighting several people at once.” He grunted, knocking away Dawnbreaker for a second time. Just as he said that, his eyes glanced to me and suddenly my swords were attacking empty air.

A katana pierced towards me through the arena, a tiny opening was all he needed to escape and even counter attack.

The tip of his sword met the flat of Mirage, and I pushed with my full weight to bare the brunt of his attack.

“Izzy, shield please.” I called out.

“What?” He asked in confusion as I smiled my eyes looking up to the sky and he followed my gaze.

“Thor’s Hammer.” I called out as the sky collected lightning and a massive figure appeared above us in the cloudy heavens, composed entirely of the crackling element. The massive figure brought his hammer and Okita tried to escape the attack.

I just smiled innocently as he looked at my apparent ‘suicidal attack’.

The area was enveloped in lightning the arena almost completely gone. I even limited the wide-scaled attack to target this more narrowed area.

My Primordial Rune shimmered and faded; my protection disappeared before the smoke cleared up. I glanced around and saw that Izzy did protect everyone, but she looked rather annoyed at my sudden request.

My eyes turned back to my opponent though. I would have been disappointed if this did end him, even if he wasn’t taking this seriously.

“Haah.” He let out a breath, some blood trailing down his lips. “Can’t believe I let you get one over on me like that, I feel like I’m getting really old.” His entire right arm looked completely scorched, clearly using it to block the brunt of the attack, even if other parts of him were hurt.

Whisper floated down from the sky where it had cast the spell, his eyes following the trail of its red glow.

“Crafty.” He commented, not at all off put by my hidden attack. “I don’t suppose you’d want to stick only to sword-play?” He smiled awkwardly.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll end this with a sword technique.” I nodded at his request, even if it were more of a joke.

He blinked and laughed. “I wish I had been able to teach you all those years ago.” Turning his expression into a sigh.

I kept my expression neutral but that struck a small chord with me.

Really making it hard to hate you right now.

My swords returned to my ring, and I deactivated any magics I was preparing for. Even my physical enhancements were gone. To others, it may have looked like I had given up, but Okita looked extremely focused.

I leveled Mirage next to me, taking in a deep breath I closed my eyes before opening them slowly.

The infinite paths opening up before me, showing all avenues of attack. The multicolor glow of the Kaleidoscope burst out before my eyes.

“Swallow Returns.”

Okita didn’t react, the words only met his ears as my sword was being pulled out from his body, our backs only a few inches apart as I straightened myself up and pulled my weapon free, taking a few steps away.

He fell to the ground, his sword clanking against the remains of the arena as it dropped from his hands.

He was still breathing, I spared his life. I didn’t know how to treat him, part of me want to just kill him and be done with it, an act of deviance against those who wronged me…..but I also couldn’t bring myself to hate this man.

But that didn’t mean I didn’t feel ecstatic. Like I was finally untangled with some baggage I had been carrying around with me. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders and I felt truly refreshed.

A song came to my head, one I heard when I was a child.

“I had strings, but now I’m free.” I hummed, and as I left the arena. “There are no strings on me.”



It said Izzy was a he when MC asked for the shield to be put up