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The past few days had been….odd.

Particularly, the relationship between me and Scathach had taken a strange turn. She was acting different than usual, well, somewhat different than usual.

Touches that lingered a little bit longer, excuses to get closer, less…. venomous with her words when the mood struck her.

I thought for sure she would be more distance, or perhaps even annoyance, yet it seemed like the exact opposite.

Don’t get me wrong, she still kicked my ass without any remorse, her spear still drilled holes in me when I revealed any openings…and even when I didn’t. She at no point was willing to concede a defeat to massage my ego, her spear remained ruthless and precise.

Her job as a ‘teacher’ was never compromised.

It’s just…I suppose she was acting more ‘gentle’.

Truthfully, I didn’t know how to take it. When did I start to feel this way?

I had no intention of even starting something like this, it isn’t like I seek out anything with a nice pair of legs to woo or develop feelings for.

With Meridia, I liked her immediately, so I took a chance. There was no need to complicate things, I was even prepared for rejection. It all worked out in the end, and I still care about her dearly, this time away was something that grated on me. I looked forward to when I can see her again, to hear her voice, hold her in my arms.

I could only sigh, shaking my head.

Artoria was a bit similar but also different. That relationship is still rather ambiguous, and I don’t know if it will even develop further, but after about a year away, I still think of her fondly and these lingering feelings still persist, so I’m more than willing to put in the effort.

II suppose I started off with a good opinion of her from my childhood. Having my mother take me to watch a King Arthur play, something rare in Japan, and I became obsessed with that until some other whimsical thing took my attention. Some of my fondest memories, I would be lying if I said that didn’t skew my initial perception of her.

But I quite enjoyed her temperament, her dry sense of humor and her overall personality.

Relationships have been started on less. But I still need to talk to her about ‘everything’, and I don’t know what her thoughts will be.

I refuse to start a relationship on lies.

Scathach is…..I don’t know.

Physically, I can objectively say she is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid my eyes on. From that alone, she garners a certain amount of attraction.

She can be extremely vicious, bloodthirsty, and down right fierce when she gets into certain moods. Yet, she’s never wantonly cruel….and I can’t help but find that side of her attractive as well. Not to mention those times where she can just act rather cutely.

“Ddraig, what do I do?” I asked my partner.

[You seriously asking me?] He said incredulously.

“I don’t really have anyone else right now.” I grumbled.

[Dragon relationships aren’t really something you would want to imitate.] I think I heard Ddraig sigh. [I’ve been around humanity enough to understand them better than most of my kind, but I still don’t care about a lot of issues you lot face in such things.]

“That’s true, I guess a dragon wouldn’t really care about such things like dating or courting.”

[Actually, you would be surprised. My first mate, I courted her with treasures and powerful prey.]

“Huh….how did that turn out?” I actually didn’t know much about Ddraigs past.

[She was a wonderful mate, strong, with glistening purple scales.] Ddriag began to reminisce [Her fire had this purple hue to it as well, it was beautiful even if it couldn’t match my own. Even our daughter inherited her mom’s coloring.]

“Daughter?” I was genuinely surprised.

[Did you think I haven’t had children in the past?] Ddraig chuckled. [I am very old, brat. I can’t boast about the age some of these gods walk around with, but even your teacher is still young compared to me.]

“What about your kids, what happened to them?” I truly never heard of this before, his children should have been powerful.

[They died many centuries ago. My son and daughter, barely more than whelps when they were killed.] His voice turned….quiet. [I have not had children since then, after that, I suppose I never found a proper mate again. Though….I think I may have come close with Tiamat, but then I screwed that up.]

“Tiamat, the goddess of life and creation, specifically of salt water..” I was surprised to hear about that as well.

[Mmm, not so much a goddess these days, she no longer has any Divinity. The whole separating her body to make heaven and earth was somewhat literal. It was ‘half’ of her, her divine half that was used to make what the ancient Mesopotamians considered the ‘world’. Honestly, the era back then was similar to your ‘layers’ that existed in this world.]

An interesting though, I hadn’t even contemplated how that world operated that long ago, what ‘logic’ dictated things.

[I wasn’t around back then, but from what I understand, the world was quite literally ‘bigger’ before humanity took over.]

That’s to be expected, belief and imagination drive many metaphysical concepts. If humanity started turning away from ‘divine’ explanations, then things world react accordingly, especially if the more ‘wonderous’ side of the world was prominent among the more prolific race.

“Tiamat, one of the ‘Dragon Kings’ perhaps one of the most powerful beings in that world, is ‘diminished’?”

There was a hierarchy for dragons back in Ddraig’s world. At the very top you have Ophis and Great Red, the undisputed most powerful dragons. Then you have the Heavenly Dragons, Ddraig and Albion. Right below them you have the Dragon Kings, of which Tiamat is the strongest, just barely beneath the level of a ‘Heavenly Dragon’.

[Yup, if she had her divinity still….maybe only Ophis and Great Red could boast about being stronger dragons.]

Wow, it’s not often that even Ddraig would admit being inferior, even if it were a blatant truth.

It really is a scary thought about how many powerful things are running around over there. Granted, most of them retreated from the greater world and usually just stay in their own little realms, but still…there are so many potential calamities that may come up, its kind of absurd. Even if most of them can’t hold a handle to the Spider or the Wolf, is there a really a need to measure the difference if either side can start an extinction event for humanity?

To make an extreme and over the top example, who cares If one side can blow up a continent while the other can blow up a country if you’re staring either in the face.

Well, I’m not quite at that level right now, unless I was willing to sacrifice myself that is. A limitless Ether canon is a fairly nice deterrent for such things.

I pushed such thoughts aside and continued on with what I came out over here to do before I got sidetracked.

A swipe of my sword, and a dead tree fell to the ground. I grabbed a hold of it and started pulling it back towards the castle and infront where I dug a nice little pit.

Cutting it up into smaller pieces for fire wood, I started to get a nice little bonfire going while I took out some foods-stuff I grabbed back in Skyrim

I forgot about this, some of the beef I managed to pick up from a butcher before I left. I wonder if it’ll taste different from the beef I’m used to? Skyrim cows are a different breed, almost like yaks with their long hair coats for the winter weather.

Hmm, how to cook these…barbeque would be great, some nice beef ribs, but unfortunately, I don’t have any good sauce, I guess I’ll go with a dry rub then.

“Are you cooking something?” Scathach sneaked up on me, peering over my shoulder, lips only am inch away from my ear. I tensed up slightly, only for her to laugh and inspect what I was setting up. “You have a lot of things I haven’t seen before.” She poked some of the herbs I set out in a pile to taste them.

“They came from a world not of Gaia.” I said simply.

“Fascinating.” Her eyes lit up at such a thing. “That sword you use as well, it seemed different, am I to assume it did not come from ‘here’?”

I assume she was talking about Dawnbreaker.

“Yeah, it was a gift from a…..goddess over there.” It was rather difficult to explain exactly what Meridia was, but to call her a goddess wasn’t incorrect.

She sat there, watching me intently as I prepared everything. “You would make a good wife, I’m sure any man would be happy to have you.” Her lips curled up as I glanced over to her.

“Well, alteast one of us would be.” I shot back, raising my eyebrow.

“Oho, it seems your tongue has become sharper than your sword, but I suppose that is not much of a threshold to overcome.” She replied without hesitation.

[Damn, she is ruthless.]

“I don’t think this is a battle I can win.”

“Hmm, you appear to be used to those by now.” She smirked

[Good, just keep kicking him while he’s down.] Ddraig started laughing.

“Yeah, yeah. Wilhelm gets beat up, funny.” I rolled my eyes, used to her 'insults' at this point, though I felt no malice in her words.

Getting your assed kicked many times by the same person has a way of blunting certain parts of your ego.

“Aww, is your pride wounded, shall it kiss it better?” She walked up practically draping herself off me. “You’re blushing.” She laughed, poking my cheek.

“I am not.” I refuted slapping her hand away. She only laughed harder as I huffed in embarrassment. Why does she get me so easily…I’m usually the one doing this, not used to being on the other side of the fence “There will be turnabout eventually.” I grumbled.

“Good luck with that, boyo, I’m not some blushing virgin.” She chuckled.

Oh, I will find out your weakness, and exploit it ruthlessly.

“Whatever.” I shrugged, regaining my composure. “You know, I don’t really know much about you.”

“Hmm?” She looked up from the fire. “What exactly is there to know? Have my tales not survived in the outside world?”

“I’m aware of the legends and myths, the Immortal Witch of Dun Scaith, but beyond that, I have no idea who Scathach is.”

“There is not much to speak of.” She got comfortable, sitting down and enjoying the warmth of the flames. “I was born nobility, a mother, a father, and a sister. I ruled as one should, and then I eventually took this realm as my own.” Her words were blunt, glossing over my intent.

“I see, forget I asked then.” I just sighed, it seemed like she didn’t want to speak about the past.

Her gaze seemed to soften slightly. “I suppose there are a few things I recall.” She looked up at the sky. “I spent many days of my youth walking along the shores of my home. I guess I still miss the salty air that one breathes in by the ocean.”

I couldn’t help but smile lightly, it wasn’t much but it was something. “Looks like the food is done.” I said calmy, removing it from atop the fire and diving it evenly.

There were not many words spoken as we enjoyed our meal in peace, yet, the silence did not seem to hold any awkwardness, nor any negativity. It was pleasant, and it appeared she enjoyed it as well.

“It has been….many years since I have partook in a cook meal.” She smiled wistfully, a genuine smile appearing on her face. “Thank you.”

That smile, it made my heart skip a beat. “I would be glad to cook for you anytime.”

“Hmm, I guess I need to make you my wife then.” She said quietly, a small chuckle escaping from her lips as she leaned back.

“Well….I can’t say I would hate it.”

“Careful there, to tease an old woman like me with something like that, I may just make good on my words.” She shook her head, her smile disappearing into something more neutral as she finally stood up, brushing herself off. “I think it is finally time to pass down my Runes to you.”



Very niceu