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I opened my eyes, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.

My body ached something fierce, and I felt a burning sensation in my chest.

“You are finally awake, then.” I looked up to see Meridia sitting next to my bed. Well, this wasn’t my bed, I’ve been here before, this was the Archmage’s quarters.

“Hey there.” I smiled only for her to scowl back at me.

“I find myself conflicted.” She didn’t look pleased. “Usually if a mortal does something to anger me or disregards my words, I can merely punish them. But what am I supposed to do now?” She looked at me expectantly.


“I told you to remain whole and healthy before I departed last. Tell me, what part does being bed ridden constitute healthy?”

I…….what happened, my head was pounding as I recalled what I had done.

The magical sphere….it was discharging so much magical energy that it became a danger so I had to divert the ‘flood’ out of the world-line. Oh….the strain on my body must had been particularly painful so I passed out I believe.

Well, since everything is still standing, then I suppose it worked out.

But… “Were you worried about me?”

Her scowl deepened and she looked away. “I am a goddess; I do not worry.” She said firmly.

“Would a goddess accept a hug and apology for making her ‘not worry’?” I sat up on the edge of the bed.

“….Such a thing may make a goddess less angry.” She whispered.

My legs were still a bit wobbly, but I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, letting her head rest against my chest, I felt her own arms squeeze around me. “I’m sorry.”

“Do not think you will escape my ire with just a few words.” She said lightly.

“Of course, I will accept any punishment you give.” I chuckled.

“Hmph, to make light of my words, you are bold.”

“I can’t help it, you’re too cute.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“C-cute?” She whispered. “Once again you dare say something so flippantly to me. No mortal has ever had to courage to say such words to my face.” She huffed, adorably.

“Was I also the first one to confess to you as well?” I smirked at her.

“Of course not, I am known far and wide through the realms. I have had kings and great warriors profess their undying love and devotion towards me over the centuries. Many have attempted to woo me with such treasures and gifts that the world would wage war over.”

“And what makes me so special?” I lowed my head closer to hers, our lips were just a breath apart.

“Never had I met a man with such audacity to say they simply ‘like me’.” She looked a bit bashful.

I hummed thoughtfully. “Has any man had the audacity to steal a kiss from the goddess Meridia?” I stared into her eyes, they glowed slightly with recognition from my words.

I think I saw her breathing hitch just ever so slightly. “No man has ever dared.” She said with nothing more than a whisper.

Well, she didn’t reject me, so I took that as confirmation. I placed my hand on her cheek, seeing her act almost expectantly like this, it was too cute.

I pushed my lips against her lightly, letting her dictate how far she wanted to take it. She reciprocated and met mine. This wasn’t like before where she just gave a peck on my lips and left. This one was full of affection and perhaps even longing.

“You conflict me, Wilhelm.” She said quietly as our lips separated. “I should have been happy to see you possibly die, to escape from the ‘oath’ I had given to a mortal. I should have demanded answers from you about the odd circumstances you seem to perpetrate. I should….not be longing for your presence when we are separated nor get flustered when I’m finally standing with you.”

I tilt my head at her words, a bit surprised. I see, I’m actually her first real ‘boyfriend’ her first time having a romantic relationship. She doesn’t quite know how to act upon her feelings. Regardless of her status as a ‘goddess’ she is still a being with emotions, feelings, and some have come to the surface that she is unused to.

Even if the time had been short, it didn’t seem to mitigate all these suppressed feelings suddenly rearing their head.

Or maybe it was something a bit more than that…?

“You’ve been by yourself all this time, haven’t you?” I gently pushed a strand of hair out of her face.

She paused, staring at me. I don’t think she quite knew how to answer that question. Only giving a cute little sound in confirmation.

“Well, I’m not going to let you be alone anymore.” I smiled at her. “You’re my woman after all.”

“…I suppose It can’t be helped then.” She said quietly. “But do you truly wish to pursue this ‘courtship’?”

“Are you asking me this now, I think made my feelings quite clear.”

“I’m not….a mortal. There are things I won’t be able to give you that someone of your own kind can.”

“Are you not capable of love?” I lightly poked her cheek, much to her chagrin.

“Of course, I am!” She gave a little squeak of embarrassment. I think she was feeling much more comfortable in my presence now. I guess we had been floating around what our relationship truly was until this moment and she finally accepted it in her own heart.

“Then whats the issue—”

“I can’t give you children.” She said plainly. “Is it not the desire for mortals to carry on their own lines with offspring?”

I guess that is something important to people who live in a world like this. “Its true….I guess I even had thoughts about a big family in my future. But….I care more about you than something like that.”

“I don’t….” She paused, having trouble finding the words. “I will not get angry if you find a mortal to produce offspring with.”

I just blinked, trying to process what she said. I think this was perhaps a sore point for her and something she may have had on her mind for a bit now? I’ll deal with it later.

“Can you…say those words to me again like our first meeting?” She leaned into me.

“I like you, Meridia.” I whispered gentle.

“I like you too, Wilhelm.” She replied.


“I see Lady Meridia has finally departed.” The Archamage popped in only moments after Meridia had left.

“Sorry?” I said sheepishly. No doubt she pretty much took over the area while she was here.

He pursed his lips. “Well, I can’t quite fault her, you gave several of us quite the scare.” His lips curled upwards. “I dare say even Lady Meridia did not leave your side for the entire two days you were unconscious.”


We both looked over at the origin of the noise. My Dawnbreaker was sitting on a shelf, now cleared of any other items, that had just so happened to fall onto the floor.

I couldn’t help but smile, knowing she probably got all flustered at his comment. She really was cute when that side of her came out.

The Archmage wisely chose to ignore it. “The phenomenon that occurred, I think all of Skyrim saw it.”

“Yeah….I wouldn’t be surprised.” I rubbed the back of my head. “What happened to the…..orb?”

“You mean the Eye of Magnus? I was going to ask you that question.” He looked at my with a thoughtful expression. “All we had to go on were some very ancient tomes that described the artifact in question and they called it ‘The Eye of Magnus’.”

“Sorry, I don’t have a clue.” I shrugged. “I think I passed out trying to stop it from either exploding or sucking up all the Magicka in the world.”

“Well, the world is still spinning and no one died. It seems you were successful in your endeavors. Well done, Wilhelm.”

I just snorted. “Well, there was another party there, they called themselves the –”

“Psijic Order.” The Archmage finished for me. “I had one of them visit me and try to request my aid in apprehending you.”


“I don’t suppose you know who the Psijic Order are?”

“I don’t.”

“Hmm, I guess you could call them an ancient order of Mystics, they generally don’t interfere in the world’s affairs, only keeping dangerous things away from those who would misuse them.” He rubbed his beard. “I was excited when one popped into the College for the first time in a hundred years, they actually would give counsel to previous Archmages before they went into hiding.”

“He’s here right now?” I scowled. Well if he wants a round two…

“No, I kicked him out when he didn’t seem to have a problem with attacking one of my students without proper justification other than ‘Ruining everything’.” He sneered, but quickly recovered. “Remember this, Wilhelm, you are a part of this College, and you will have my support.” He pat my shoulder. “Unless you try to destroy the world, then we may have a problem.”

I let out a small laugh. “Thank you, for helping me with everything.” It was genuine thanks as well, he had been constantly giving me support since I arrived.

He nodded. “With that being said, you should know that you have drawn quite a bit of attention. I have no doubt that Ancano has already sent word to the Thalmor and while I can deny them at the College, they will most likely try something when you are out and about.”

“Him again.” I frowned. “Well, if they wish to start a conflict with me, they best be prepared.”

“Quite.” He smirked. “But don’t be arrogant.” He lightly flicked my forehead. “For all their hot air, the Thalmor are very accomplished in magic. Don’t give them a chance to overwhelm you.” He waved his hand, fixing everything that had fallen to the floor earlier. “Well then, I have satiated my curiosity. And it is a shame you don’t possess the Eye of Magnus, because I just so happened to know where another Artifact bearing the name of Magus dwells.” He nodded to himself. “Indeed it is a shame, for I believe they would compliment each other wonderfully. Too bad, for I guess the Staff of Magnus will forever dwell within the ruins of Labyrinthian, guarded by very power entites that one should not venture into with proper concern and preparations.”

He gave me one last wink before teleporting away.

There was very little subtly in his word butI don’t actually have this ‘Eye of Magnus’…….

[About that….]

Hey Ddraig.

[So, I guess it’s my turn now?]

Something you want to tell me?

[I may have grabbed the Eye and took it inside the Boosted Gear.]

I just blinked, letting the words process for a moment. “Oh.”

[Yeah, so it’s here if you want to do something with it?]

Huh….well, since I have it then, I do have an idea of what to do with it. So….did Meridia really watch over me for two days?

[Oh yes, she was fussing all over you, it was amusing to see this ‘goddess’ act like a blushing schoolgirl.]


[It’s impressive how quickly you managed to steal her heart.]

I told you before, I got game.

[Hmm, I think it had more to do with her being lonely and you giving the first genuine confession she’s ever received.]

….That's fair.


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